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Chapter 220 Peach Blossom Array

Chapter 220 Peach Blossom Array

Tuo Lei wiped his sweat and jumped out of the window wearing a pair of big pants, and then ran into the street, many people saw it.

Seeing Tuo Lei wiping his sweat, many older girls were blindfolded and did not dare to look.

Also, the image of Tuo Lei wiping his sweat is really scary. He is naked and only wears a pair of big underpants. His upper body has black and long black hair, and a swath of black hair is all there.

Tuo Lei's body hair is very black and long, and when running on the road, the black hair all over his body flickers.

Tuo Leicahan ran very fast. At first he was jumping up and down on the roof, and then he entered other people's yards.

Tuo Lei Sanhan originally wanted to go into someone else's house to get some clothes to wear, but as soon as he entered someone's yard, Lin Muyu chased after him.

Lin Muyu also ran very fast. He jumped out of the window and saw Tuolei sweating and naked from a long distance.

Lin Muyu saw that Tuo Lei wiped his sweat and entered other people's yard, so he also flew into the yard.

Tuo Lei wiped his sweat and just grabbed a pair of trousers that someone else was hanging outside, and just put them on, before he had time to tie his trousers, Lin Muyu came.

Lin Muyu yelled first, and Tuo Lei wiped his sweat and was frightened immediately. He didn't even have time to fasten his trouser belt, so he ran towards the gate with his trousers in both hands, and then ran up the street with his trousers in his hands.

Lin Muyu also chased after him, Tuo Lei wiped his sweat and ran wildly on the street with his pants up, running very fast, many people came out to watch, many people ran out to watch.

Lin Muyu followed closely behind, and Tuo Lei didn't even have time to tie his trousers to wipe off his sweat, and these trousers didn't have any belts either.

As a result, Tuo Lei wiped his sweat and could only run with his pants in his hands, looking very embarrassed.

Lin Muyu has been chasing behind, and the five beauties followed closely behind, and they also caught up, not only them, but also those low-level warriors, and those Mongolian warriors.

Tuo Lei Wihan still ran so fast, although he was lifting his pants, but it didn't affect his speed, Tuo Lei Wihan was anxious and angry now, originally he caught a beauty, ate a bull's head, and ate a pig Feet, after eating a leg of lamb, it's time to do something.

However, what I didn't expect was that Lin Muyu broke in at the most critical time, so that he just took off his clothes and pants, and before the beauty's clothes had time to tear off, Lin Muyu broke in without even seeing her. came in.

Tuo Lei wiped his sweat and became more and more angry, but there was no way, now he didn't even wear pants, and he couldn't fight Lin Muyu, so he could only run away.

Tuo Lei wiped his sweat and ran extremely fast, and it didn't take long for him to run out of the small town, and then ran to the wilderness ahead.

This wilderness is not very wide, and Tuo Lei ran across the wilderness in the time it took to wipe off his sweat for a stick of incense, and then waded across a big river.

Now Tuo Lei wiped his sweat and was no longer afraid of water. When he saw the big river, he immediately jumped into it, and then swam to the other bank. Lin Muyu also chased him, and he also jumped into the big river, and then chased to the other bank.

The five beauties also caught up, and they also jumped into the river, and they also caught up with them on the shore.

Those low-level warriors also caught up. They also jumped into the big river and chased to the other side. Those Mongolian warriors also caught up. They came to the side of the big river, but they didn't dare to dive. Reluctantly jumped into the water, after all, the little prince had already reached the other side, so they had no choice but to bite the bullet and dive into the water.

Fortunately, the water in this big river is not very deep. These Mongolian warriors crossed the big river tremblingly and chased to the other side.

After Tuo Lei wiped his sweat and crossed the big river, he lifted his trousers and ran forward. The speed was still very fast. Lin Muyu also followed closely behind, and the five beauties also caught up.

Tuo Lei wiped his sweat and ran faster and faster. Suddenly he saw a forest of trees in front of him with peach blossoms in bloom, and then he got into the peach forest.

Lin Muyu also chased to the peach grove, and then got into the peach grove, and the five beauties also chased to the peach grove, and they also entered the peach grove.

This peach forest is full of peach blossoms, the red and white ones are very lovely.

Those low-level warriors also chased into the peach forest, and the Mongolian warriors who came after them also chased into the peach forest.

With so many people chasing him into the peach forest, Tuo Lei wiped his sweat and ran around in the peach forest with his pants up.

However, he ran inside for a long time without getting out of the peach grove. This peach grove is like an enchanted circle, and it is very difficult to get out after entering.

Not only was Tuo Lei Kahan unable to get out of the peach grove, but after Lin Muyu came in, he also walked around among the flowers. After walking for a long time, he could not get out of the peach grove. Moreover, Tuo Lei Kahan was not seen, and he couldn't help but feel confused. , and then realized that he had fallen into a peach blossom formation.

After the five beauties came in, they couldn't see each other, they could only hear their own voices, and all they could see was a large peach blossom.

After those low-level warriors entered the peach forest, they were also fascinated. They could not get out of the peach forest, and they could not see anyone. They could only see peach trees, only peach blossoms, endless peach trees, and countless peach trees. Unclear peach blossoms.

After those Mongolian warriors came in, they also fell into the enchantment formation. No matter how they tried to break in, they could only see peach blossoms but no one.

The Mongolian warriors were anxious, and let go of their throats to shout again. They first called Tuolei to wipe sweat, and Tuolei wiped sweat also heard him, but those Mongolian warriors did not hear what he said.

The situation inside is very complicated. Some people can hear some people speak, and some people can't hear them at all.

The five beauties talk to each other, and they can hear each other's voices, but they just can't see them.

However, they could hear each other's words, and they felt relieved. Lin Muyu also heard the voices of the five beauties, and he also called the names of several beauties, but the five beauties did not hear his voice. .

Only Lin Muyu can hear the voices of the five beauties, and the five beauties can also hear each other's voices.

As for those low-level warriors who can't hear a sound at all, they are like a deaf person. They can't see others, they can only see peach trees and peach blossoms.

Tuo Lei Shahan ran around in the peach forest for a while, and gradually realized that he had fallen into a formation. Regarding the formation, Tuo Lei Sanhan hadn't seen it with his own eyes, but only heard the legends of the world.

As for formations, only strangers in the world can set up formations, and most people have never seen them before.

And this peach forest is indeed a formation, and it is also an ancient peach blossom formation, which has existed for many years.

The local people know the magic of this peach grove. During the flowering season, the array will be activated to form a huge peach blossom array. When the fruits are ripe, the peach blossom array will disappear by itself.

The local people all know how powerful this peach blossom formation is, and they would never break into it when it is in bloom. Breaking into the peach blossom formation will undoubtedly mean death.

 Good night friends!

(End of this chapter)

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