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Chapter 50 Produced by the system, it must be a high-quality product

Chapter 50 Produced by the system, it must be a high-quality product

"What's the matter? Brother Lin, is there a problem?" Seeing Lin Muyu's surprised expression, Li Min immediately asked.

"No problem, no problem, I'm afraid brother Li will not like it." Lin Muyu said immediately.

Indeed, Lin Muyu wants to open a winery in Dadu, and it would be great to have Li Min join him. He can also give up a lot of energy. Besides, he only has 3000 taels of silver now, so it would be very difficult to open a winery. Not enough to work.

"Okay, brother Lin, don't worry, let's open a wine shop together." Li Min also smiled, and his smile was very beautiful.

Lin Muyu couldn't help being stunned for a moment, and felt that Li Min looked like a little boy.

"Brother Li, I'm not familiar with the capital, and I'm not sure where the wine shop will open." Lin Muyu said again.

"Brother Lin, I'll take care of everything. Don't worry, I'll take care of all the preliminary operations. In addition, I'll provide the capital of 1 taels of silver." Li Min added.

"Brother Li, okay, it's settled. You will be responsible for the early stage operations, and I will be responsible for the brewing." Lin Muyu said immediately.

He was not surprised that Li Min paid [-] silver, he was also a rich master by his attire, and Lin Muyu was full of confidence in the fine wine produced by the system.

As long as there is good wine, money is certain.

"Brother Lin, it's settled. We'll meet here at noon tomorrow, and then we'll go to Xinjiufang." Li Min said again.

"Brother Li, are you saying that the wine shop can be run by tomorrow?" Lin Muyu asked in surprise.

Indeed, to open a winery requires site selection and materials. Anyway, it takes ten or eight days to get this and that.

"That's right, when all this happens at noon tomorrow, Brother Lin will just prepare to make wine." Li Min said again, with a very relaxed tone.

Lin Muyu couldn't help but look at Li Min again, feeling a bit mysterious, but he didn't say anything else, and if he came back at noon tomorrow, he would know if he was bragging.

After Li Min finished speaking, he hugged Lin Muyu again, and then left the restaurant. It seemed that he was going to Zhang Luo Winery.

Lin Muyu smiled again, feeling that the person he just met was a bit interesting, he looked like a rich man, but he asked him to buy a drink, and he wanted to open a wine shop with him, so I don't know who this person is Come with confidence.

But it doesn't matter, since this Li Min believes in him so much, he just brews the wine from the winery.

However, Lin Muyu was still confident in the wine produced by the system. He drank two more glasses by himself, and felt that the true energy in his dantian was stirred up again, and he felt quite good.

So, Lin Muyu drank several big bowls in a row, and now he can't get drunk no matter how much he drinks, all the wine and alcohol have been absorbed by the system, and turned into good wine again.

After Lin Muyu drank, he also walked out of the restaurant. The whole meal cost 80 taels of silver, and he drank more than ten jars of wine alone.

After Lin Muyu walked out of the restaurant, it was getting late, so he didn't go anywhere else and found an inn to stay.

Lin Muyu stayed in the inn for one night, and didn't come out the next day. She stayed in the inn, studied the lottery system, and practiced her internal skills for more than an hour. It was almost noon when she came to the restaurant again .

When Lin Muyu arrived, he went straight up to the second floor. The waiter was also very enthusiastic towards him. The customer who ate more than 80 taels of silver in one meal like this is the god of the restaurant, and the owner of the restaurant is very flattering.

After Lin Muyu went up to the second floor, she found that Li Min had arrived first.Seeing Lin Muyu coming up, Li Min immediately said, "Brother Lin, let's go to the wine shop."

"Brother Li, is the wine shop really ready?" Lin Muyu couldn't help asking.

"Of course, just go and have a look." Li Min said so easily.

"Let's go, brother Li please."

"Brother Lin, please."

The two left the restaurant together, and there was a carriage parked outside the restaurant.

Li Min got into the car immediately and said, "Brother Lin, come on, let's go to the winery."

Lin Muyu also got into the carriage, and suddenly smelled the scent of some rouge after getting up, and couldn't help but glance at Li Min again, feeling that he looked like a little boy.

Lin Muyu then thought of something again, and couldn't help but feel her heart tighten, and then her anus also tightened.

Lin Muyu shook her head again, feeling that she was thinking too much, so she went to the place first to see if the winery was really finished.

The carriage carried Li Min and Lin Muyu around a few turns, passed through several streets, finally entered an alley, and then stopped at the gate of a large courtyard.

After the carriage stopped, Li Min said again: "Here we are, brother Lin, the wine shop is in the courtyard."

Lin Muyu also nodded, got out of the car with Li Min, walked into the courtyard together, and saw that there were indeed many wine vats, some wine-making equipment, and food, etc.

Lin Muyu took a tour inside, walked around, and felt very satisfied. This courtyard is quite big, and with these facilities, it can't be bought without 1 taels of silver.

Lin Muyu immediately said: "Brother Li, I didn't expect you to do things so quickly, and you can get all these done in one night."

Li Min smiled again, the smile was still so pretty.

Lin Muyu visited the courtyard again. In addition to the brewing workshop, there were also several houses, ranging from big to small. It seemed that he could live here in the future instead of staying in an inn.

Lin Muyu looked at it again, feeling very satisfied, and said: "Brother Li, I can make wine now, and I can make new wine at noon tomorrow."

"Brother Lin, don't be so fast." Li Min also became a little surprised. Generally speaking, it takes three to five days to produce new wine with new equipment.

"Don't worry, brother Li, new wine will be served on time at noon tomorrow." Lin Muyu said, patting her chest.

"Brother Lin, how many workers are needed?" Li Min asked again.

"No need for workers, I've taken care of everything. Just wait until the wine comes out tomorrow." Lin Muyu also said calmly.

"That's all right, Brother Lin, I'll come back at noon tomorrow." Li Min glanced at Lin Muyu again, and he became more and more curious about Lin Muyu.

After Li Min left, Lin Muyu started making wine.His way of making wine is different from others. He just moved his mind and all the work was done by the system.

Lin Muyu put both alcohol and water into the system's treasure chest, and the system went through a burst of energy conversion, and soon a jug of wine came out.

In less than an hour, Lin Muyu made a hundred jars of wine.

These wines are very mellow, and Lin Muyu also drank a few jars, feeling very good, the wines in any restaurant are not as good as these wines, nor do they have the aroma of these wines.

Sure enough, it is produced by the system and must be high-quality.

Lin Muyu looked at these wines with satisfaction, and suddenly thought of giving these wines a name, but after thinking about it, he still felt that he would name them together when Li Min came tomorrow.

Lin Muyu stayed in the courtyard that night. The place here is so big, it is much more comfortable than staying in an inn.

At noon the next day, Li Min arrived as scheduled. He was very excited when he saw a hundred jars of fragrant and mellow wine.

Then the two began to name the wine. After discussing it for a while, they finally decided to call it Qianlixiang wine.

(End of this chapter)

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