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Chapter 51 "Brother Lin, Come and Knock"

Chapter 51 "Brother Lin, Come and Knock"

Lin Muyu opened a jar of new wine, and a mellow scent came out again, Li Min couldn't help admiring loudly: "It's so fragrant, so fragrant, the name of this wine can't be better than Qianlixiang."

Lin Muyu smiled again. He was quite confident in these wines. The wines produced by the system are not only fragrant, but also have the effect of gathering true energy, but this effect is only for him alone.

If others don't have a systematic transformation, it's just a jar of good wine, which won't increase true energy, but even if it can't increase true energy, it has one more important function than other wines, that is, it has a certain medicinal effect.

These wines are not only very delicious, but also can treat rheumatism, arthritis and so on.Lin Muyu learned about these functions from the system.

When Lin Muyu said these functions, Li Min was surprised again, but he didn't think much about it. He thought that the wine brewed by Lin Muyu must have a unique and extraordinary formula.

Li Min personally tasted another bowl of wine, and then a mellow aroma lingered between his mouth and mouth, which made people linger on the aftertaste. Not only that, but also a strong breath came down his throat, and he felt warm all over his body. Could it be that Is it the medicinal effect that Lin Muyu just mentioned?
Li Min was even more amazed, and also very excited. He and Lin Muyu set up this winery together. It was originally an unintentional move. They just set up such a winery for fun.

With Li Min's status, there is no shortage of money at all, and there is never a shortage of money to spend. However, no one in this world would think that there is too much money. Even the emperor would think that money is not enough. War needs money, and here is money. There is also money there, and there are many places where a country needs to spend money.

Now that the wine in the distillery is so good, it must be selling well, and there must be a lot of money.Therefore, Li Min is really excited now, it was an unintentional act, but he did not expect that Lin Muyu really brewed good wine, and he made it so fast, he made a hundred jars of wine in one night.

However, what Li Min didn't know was that it didn't take Lin Muyu a whole night to make the wine, but only an hour. If he really wanted to make wine at full capacity, he would be able to make at least a thousand jars of wine in one night. That’s not all.

Lin Muyu looked at the wine, and suddenly said: "Brother Li, now that the wine has been brewed and the name has been chosen, shouldn't it be time to set the price?"

"Yes, Brother Lin, how much should such a good wine cost?" Li Min also said.

"A jar of ten-year-old Zhuyeqing wine is one tael of silver. Our wine is much stronger than Zhuyeqing. It is fragrant and mellow, and it can also cure diseases. No matter what, it can be sold for three taels of silver." Lin Muyu said.

"Okay, brother Lin, I'll sell it for three taels of silver per jar." Li Min waved his hand suddenly and said imposingly.

Seeing Li Min's hand gestures, Lin Muyu couldn't help being stunned for a moment. Seeing that this was his usual hand gestures, it seemed that this person had a very unusual background.

Lin Muyu looked at Li Min again, and felt that he looked like a little boy, but he didn't. She always felt that Li Min was very mysterious.

However, Lin Muyu didn't think too much about it, who wouldn't have a little secret?Even there is a system in him, that is a big secret, all these wines are also made by the system.

Lin Muyu also waved his hand and said, "Okay, Brother Li, I will sell it for three liang of silver per jar."

Seeing Lin Muyu gesticulating like him, Li Min suddenly covered his mouth and smiled, this action was a bit like a beautiful woman.

Lin Muyu didn't pay attention to Li Min's movements, but said: "Let's go sell the bar now."

"Okay, it's a good idea to sell wine." Li Min became excited again, obviously it was the first time he did such a thing, and he felt very excited.

So, Li Min and Lin Muyu each carried a jar of wine and walked out of the courtyard, then put it in the carriage, carrying a total of twenty jars of wine. After all, it was their first time to sell wine, and they didn't know how much they could sell.

The carriage carried twenty altars of Qianlixiang wine out of the alley and onto another street.

Li Min directly let the carriage pull the wine to a square.This square is a bit unusual. There are several palaces around it, as well as the residences of some court officials.

Ordinary vehicles are not allowed to enter such a place.But Li Min had a special status, and his carriage was pulled here directly without anyone questioning or stopping him.

The carriage stopped in the middle of the square. It was very empty, and there was no one in the cold weather.

Li Min saw the car stopped, and immediately said: "Brother Lin, this is the place, we are selling wine here."

Lin Muyu also agreed, anyway, he is not familiar with the capital at all, so Li Min can sell it wherever he wants.

Lin Muyu and Li Min brought out twenty altars of Qianlixiang wine and placed them side by side in the square. They looked at each other, but neither of them opened their mouths to sell it. After all, it was their first time doing such a thing.

Lin Muyu and Li Min looked at each other for a while, then suddenly smiled.Lin Muyu said again: "Brother Li, there is no one here, so why sell it?"

"It's too cold, no one comes out." Li Min said looking at the empty square.

Lin Muyu was also stunned for a while, and suddenly remembered the scene of seeing the father and daughter performing arts on the street in Zhongzhou City, so he said: "Brother Li, why don't we knock the gong, someone will definitely come when we knock the gong."

"Good idea, Brother Lin, let's do this." Li Min said.

After Li Min finished speaking, he ordered the coachman to get a gong, and the coachman respectfully agreed, and quickly drove the carriage out.

It didn't take much time, just over ten minutes, the coachman brought a gong.

Lin Muyu saw the coachman working so quickly and couldn't help but take another look at him. Suddenly he discovered that the coachman turned out to be a martial arts master, and his internal strength level was at least level three.

When Lin Muyu discovered this situation, she couldn't help being very surprised. She didn't expect Li Min, a coachman, to have such a high level of martial arts, and actually have a third-level internal strength, which is comparable to that of Song Yuanshan, the seventh son of Wudang.

Li Min picked up the gong and said, "Brother Lin, come knock."

Lin Muyu nodded, took the gong, and then hit it hard, only to hear a "boom" that immediately broke the silence of the square.

Lin Muyu knocked three times in a row, and soon someone came out. The first to come out was a group of soldiers, but this group of soldiers only looked at the carriage and the driver, and walked away.

Then some people came out, these people were men and women, all of them were wearing high-end cotton leather clothes, and they were all rich.

Lin Muyu couldn't help but get excited when he saw a lot of people coming. Then he knocked a few more times, and then shouted loudly: "We are selling wine, we are selling wine."

It was the first time for Lin Muyu to hawk in the street, and his voice was very raw, but Lin Muyu was not a thin-skinned person, after he yelled twice, it became louder and louder, and soon attracted many people over.

Although the weather is indeed cold, many people still heard the sound of the gong and heard Lin Muyu's hawking. Anyway, if they are idle at home, they are idle, so it is better to come out to watch the excitement.

These people just came out to watch the excitement, and no one really wanted to buy wine.

Soon, these people gathered around, Lin Muyu also stopped beating the gong, but was still selling.

"Brother, how is your wine? How much is it for a jug?" A man in his forties asked suddenly, he was also a person who likes to drink.

"The wine is good and not expensive, only three taels of silver a jar." Lin Muyu said.

"Three taels of silver, are you joking, brother, the ten-year-old bamboo leaf green wine is only one tael of silver, is this the wine of the gods?" One person immediately raised his neck and said, with an incredible look on his face.

"Although my wine is not a fairy wine, it is a high-quality Qianlixiang wine." Lin Muyu said again.

"Thousands of Miles Fragrant Wine? Just blow it up." The man said again.

"Brother Li, open a jar and let them smell it." Lin Muyu didn't bother to talk to that person, so he asked Li Min to drink.

Li Min opened the mud seal of a wine jar according to his words, and then a fragrant and mellow breath wafted out, making people want to be drunk.

"Good wine, really good wine. The smell alone makes people feel drunk." The man in his 40s said with his eyes closed.

At first glance, this man is a person who knows how to drink, you can tell by his intoxicated appearance.

"Can I have a taste?" The man suddenly opened his eyes and said.

"Of course, you can taste it for free." Lin Muyu said with a smile. He was also very happy to see a person who knows so much about wine.

The man then picked up a wine bowl by himself, poured a bowl of wine, first took a sip, then smacked his lips, then he drank it up with a tilt of his neck, closed his eyes and savored it for a while, and suddenly said: "This How much is a jug of wine?"

"Three taels of silver per pot." Lin Muyu said calmly.

"Okay, three or two, three or two, give me two altars."

"Okay, two jars of Qianlixiang wine, six taels of silver." Lin Muyu took out two jars of Qianlixiang wine and handed it to the man.

The man immediately took out six taels of silver, and Li Min immediately accepted it.

The man left quickly with two jars of wine in his arms. Both Lin Muyu and Li Min smiled at each other. This was their first transaction without counter-offering.

Some people bought it to start with, and then others asked to taste it. Everyone who tasted the wine immediately bought it without hesitation at all.

Those who have drunk the wine will immediately feel the distinctive mellow aroma and refreshing breath once they taste it. This is a feeling that other wines do not have.

Lin Muyu is very confident about these wines, as long as these people buy them for the first time, they will definitely buy them for the second time.

The twenty jugs of wine were sold out quickly, and the people living around this square were all dignitaries, and no one was short of money.

Those who had not bought the wine saw that the wine was sold out, and they all asked if Qian Lixiang still had it.

Lin Muyu and Li Min were very excited, they didn't expect that the wine would sell so well, and the supply was short of demand, so they decided to bring all the [-] jars of wine from the winery.

Immediately, Lin Muyu rang the gong and said loudly, "Only one hundred altars of thousand miles of incense are sold every day, and there are still eighty altars left today. Those who need it are here to wait in line."

(End of this chapter)

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