Infinite skill system

Chapter 80 Harvest... gone

Chapter 80 Harvest... gone

Lin Yu will upgrade every time he travels through, and before entering the world of Avatar, Lin Yu was level 21, so he is already level 22 now.

Of course, because of the skill library obtained from the last time traveling, Lin Yu can now be more powerful.

When the system calculates Lin Yu's level, it starts from level sixteen, so he has just been promoted to level six now.

This time, the big turntable for big moves appeared. Under Lin Yu's command, the big turntable started to rotate.

The big turntable is getting faster and faster, but Lin Yu did not pay attention to the big turntable, but began to study Shield Mountain.

After all, this kind of thing has happened too much. Lin Yu has experienced it more than 20 times, so it's hard to feel any excitement.

Finally, the big turntable stopped.

"Indestructible Demon Body: You summon the magic armor in your body, and the magic armor will come after a certain period of time, causing damage to nearby and strengthening your own attack power, speed and defense; at the same time, it will cause damage to nearby enemies, which can be passed Consume mana to prolong the existence of Mokai. (The specific effect depends on the actual situation)”

Then Lin Yu felt that there was something more in his body, and if he wanted to, he could summon it out.

Because Lin Yu's strength is constantly strengthening, he doesn't want to be like that at the beginning, unable to use his ultimate move after he gets it.

Back in the main world, Lin Yu immediately looked up and found that Dunshan hadn't followed, he was relieved.

Fortunately, Dunshan can stay at the transfer station, and can also be on standby, otherwise he would not be able to explain why there is such an extra thing in his home.

Lin Yuxian looked at the skill bar and found that the fusion degree of the virus dragon skill had reached 40.00%, so he was ready to face the ancient dragon again not long after he came back.

"You're here again..."

Gu Long's voice was still so oppressive. Lin Yu had only felt such pressure from the Virgin on Pandora.

Lin Yu's expression is a little relaxed. After all, he is no longer like the self who came here for the first time. Simply put, he is swollen: "ah, so this time, what is your test?"

"It's very simple. Hold on for 10 minutes in my hand in the form of a red dragon. Is this very simple for you now?"

Gu Long squinted his eyes, his body changed and turned red.

"Ha, just wait for me!"

Lin Yu opened the Eight Door Dunjia, and then opened the blood hero, charging towards the ancient dragon.

Because the ancient dragon was too big, Lin Yu could only attack the weak points on the ancient dragon's body, the most obvious ones being the head and neck.

"It seems that your strength is growing very fast. You dare to attack me, but... it's still not enough!"


Gu Long roared and blew Lin Yu away.

Lin Yu rolled in the air and landed safely.

"It seems that you stopped it the first time."

"The strength I can use is determined by your strength. If your strength is strong, I will naturally be strong. If you are weak, then I will naturally be weak."

"Really? Then let me see how strong you are!"

In the end, Lin Yu still hadn't beaten Gu Long. Although Lin Yu was no longer as weak as when he first met Gu Long, he still couldn't fight against Gu Long.

Of course, he didn't use his full strength, so he also had some dissatisfaction in his heart.

"Next time, just try your best. It won't affect reality here."

Then, Lin Yu appeared in the main world.

Lin Yu touched the sweat on his head and felt lingering fear. The last touch by Gu Long was so painful that he still hasn't come back to his senses yet.

"Won't fighting the ancient dragon affect reality? That is to say..."

Lin Yu has enough confidence in his next challenge to Gu Long, but if he wants to challenge Gu Long next time, it will be a month later.

Now Lin Yu still has a skill point that he hasn't used. He opens the mall skillfully, doesn't look at all kinds of things that he can't afford at all, buys the skill column directly, and closes the mall.

The familiar skill icon changed, and Lin Yu gained another skill, but this time it was a little strange.

"Taotie Bloodline: You can consume magic power to enchant your weapon. The enchanted weapon will cause real damage and restore your own injuries; you can continuously consume magic power to increase the duration of the enchantment. (The specific effect needs to be determined according to the actual situation)"

Lin Yu looked at this skill and thought it was pretty good, but then the system started warning.

System: "Warning, there is a conflict between the gluttonous bloodline and the virus dragon family. The host can choose the following two options to eliminate the conflict:"

"1. Consume a few skill points to eliminate conflicts;"

There is no need to look at this. Lin Yu currently has no skill points at all, so he cannot choose this option at all. Then Lin Yu can only look at the next option.

"2. Spend two thousand gold coins to eliminate the conflict."

This is okay, two thousand gold coins, Lin Yu thinks it's not too expensive, but it's acceptable.

"Note: If the conflict cannot be eliminated, it will have a huge impact on the actual effects of the two skills."

Well, Lin Yu has no choice now but to spend two thousand gold coins to eliminate the skill conflict.

It's just that in this way, his gains in Avatar this time are completely lost, and he even posted some of them backwards.

Lin Yu separated into two clones to practice, and he entered the dungeon to refresh the dungeon.

The next day, Lin Yu still slept until the afternoon, and his cell phone, which he had spent ten contribution points to redeem, rang.


"Hey, Lin Yu." There was a girl's voice on the other side. Lin Yu pointed out that it was the voice of Xinyun, the director of the research institute. "Hurry up and come to the research institute. The new secret book has been completed."

"Oh? Already done?"

Lin Yu suddenly became interested, because about half a month ago in the main world, Xinyun no longer asked Lin Yu to go to the research institute. The reason was that the data they needed was enough, and now they needed research.

And half a month later, Lin Yu didn't expect that it would be completed like this.

"It feels... time is a bit fast."

When Lin Yu thought about it, he felt that the people at the institute should not be underestimated. It took only half a month to complete a secret book.

"This, probably because there are more people?"

"There are more people?"

"Yeah, okay, come here quickly. You'll know when you get here. I'm a little busy here, so I'll hang up first."

"Beep beep..."

Just as Lin Yu put down the phone, Xiao An called again.

"Lin Yu, come here quickly, I have something to tell you."

After Xiao An said this, he hung up the phone. It sounded like there were many people on the other side, so he was probably quite busy.

(End of this chapter)

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