Infinite skill system

Chapter 81 Spirit Net Instrument and Spirit Art

Chapter 81 Spirit Net Instrument and Spirit Art

When Lin Yu came to the research institute after about a year, he felt a little different.

The jungle here is much more lush than the last time he came here. Lin Yu was a little surprised when he thought that it had only been a month here.

Walking into the research institute, Lin Yu also found that there were many more people here than last time, unlike the last time Lin Yu came here, it was a lot more lively here.

In the office of the director of the research institute, Lin Yu and Xinyun sat facing each other.

"Why, does it feel like it's changed a lot?"

Lin Yu took a sip of tea and said, "Yes, I feel that it has changed a lot from the last time I came here."

Lin Yu's tone was a little sighing, Xinyun smiled, and then took out a cheat book.

"This is the new cheat you said?"

"Yeah, thanks to your help, we finally figured it out. It's a pity that this cheat book has relatively high requirements and cannot be extended to a large area."

As Xinyun said, he handed over the cheats in his hand to Lin Yu, who was a little puzzled.

"What are you doing for me?"

"After all, you are also one of the participants, so there is nothing wrong with giving you a copy, right? Besides, in our Countermeasures Association, you are currently the most likely person to practice this cheat book. Who will you not give it to? "

Unexpectedly, Xinyun just said that, so he just accepted it if he took himself.

But it's not over yet.

"Also, give me your pass card and mobile phone."

With some doubts, Lin Yu handed over his pass card and mobile phone with global calling to Xinyun. Xinyun took them and left, and came back after a while.


As a result, Lin Yu's mobile phone has not changed, but his access card has changed a lot.

The wording on the access card has changed, and it has become a work card, but other changes are not big.

"Are you changing it for me?"

"No, no."

"Then this is..."

Xinyun sat back in his seat, and continued: "There are so many abilities now, so these things are also possible."

Lin Yu only accepted this statement, and then Xinyun explained the function of this work permit to Lin Yu.

"This work permit is equivalent to your work license..."

"Didn't you already send it before?"

Xinyun nodded and said, "You can continue to use the previous one, but you can't use the one from the public security agency."

"Has the system been established?"

"Well, although there are some twists and turns, the establishment is complete. You can ask your ministers any more questions."

"Then let me continue, this work card is for you fighters, and it contains your contribution points. Just scan it with your modified mobile phone to know how much you have, and whether you buy equipment This work card is required for all missions.”

Lin Yu turned on his phone and found that there was an extra APP on his phone called Bounty Hunter.

"This app..."

"I installed it for you. This is an internal app. If you can see and use it because you have your work card, otherwise you can't use it."

"Is this also someone's ability?"

Xinyun nodded.

"You can click to see your contribution points. I remember that you thought you participated in the research of this cheat book, so you have [-] contribution points. Check to see if it has been credited."

Lin Yu clicked on the APP and found that he entered directly without entering a password, and his information appeared as soon as it came out.

The avatar is also his own. It is a photo of himself when he killed Worf. It looks quite handsome.

"You already have an account and everything. It has basic information such as your mission history, combat power level evaluation, etc., and there is no other information. Moreover, only when you hold your work card, will you Log in to your account, otherwise you have to log in to your account through other troublesome methods."

"Don't worry, your information is kept private by default, that is to say, no one will know if you accept missions or buy equipment. Of course, you can also choose to make it public, but I don't really recommend it."

Lin Yu flipped through it and felt the breath of a third-rate online game coming to his face. He didn't know if he thought he was playing some third-rate online game.

He clicked on the mission history, and there were only two missions in it, one was "poacher mission" and the other was "new cheat book research mission".

There are also teammates' evaluations, etc. below, and his evaluations are all good.

Later, Lin Yu checked his merit points.

"Your Excellency, you have obtained a total of 70 merit points and consumed 10 points in total. Now there are 60 points left."

The ten merit points of the cheat book are not counted, so Lin Yu's merit points are just like this.

The exchange list has a lot of things, some of which are not real objects.

"According to your evaluation level and authority level, you get the corresponding exchange authority." Then a row of material exchange lists were displayed.

"Using time of the practice site, 5 merit points per hour." "Watch-type energy shield, 10 merit points each." "D-level shop assistant training essence, 3 merit points each."

However, the above items have a lot of income, but there is nothing Lin Yu wants, so after a few glances, he plans to close it, but a special exchange makes Lin Yu stop.

"Spiritual Art Scissors, 30 points of merit can be exchanged."

Spirituality?What's this?Could it be a spell?

Lin Yu asked Xinyun immediately, and Xinyun slapped his head at this moment, and said: "I almost forgot, you still have two spiritual skills to learn. But you can also exchange for that cut, but there Before, you had to learn stone and cloth."

So soon, there is magic in the country?
Lin Yu was a little curious, so he simply exchanged this "spiritual art · scissors".

"You've redeemed it, right?" Seeing Lin Yu nodded, Xinyun led Lin Yu to a closed space. Inside, there were three rows of long tables. On the long table was a hexagonal plate with a floating plate floating on it. A nearly transparent square crystal.

There are thirty crystals in total. Xinyun asked Lin Yu to come to a crystal and pour his aura into it.

The aura in the mouth of the main world is magic to Lin Yu.

Lin Yu did so, and then Lin Yu entered a black space, and in front of him was a black seed.

"Crystal crystals are called 'spiritual net instrument', and your mobile phone is your 'spiritual net instrument', but the two spiritual arts you want to learn now are quite special, and you need to learn them here, and you don't need the others."

"Okay, let's start now."

When Xinyun finished speaking, Lin Yu saw a fire in the dark space.

"Welcome practitioners to log in to the French Open." A line of Song fonts appeared in front of Lin Yu in the form of flames: "Now is the time to teach "stone" and "cloth". "

"Now, the person in charge, please start to identify..."

"Identification completed, all responsible persons please download "Stone" and "Cloth". "

(End of this chapter)

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