One Sword to Heaven

Chapter 204 The Road to the Great Road

Chapter 204 The Road to the Great Road
Lu Xuanzhen? 'Half-human, half-immortal', the No. [-] Wu Zun in the fifteen martial arts myths, and Lu Xuanzhen who is recognized as No. [-] in the Five States? !
Wang Yan had imagined many situations in which the will outside the sky would deal with him before, but he never thought that that will would make Lu Xuanzhen come to see him, but the person in front of him was really "Lu Xuanzhen"?Judging from the fact that Wang Yan had no power to fight back when he shot, this person should be Lu Xuanzhen, but what Wang Yan doubted was not his identity, but who actually belonged to the will existing in the body of 'Lu Xuanzhen'.

In an instant, countless thoughts circulated in Wang Yan's mind, and 'Lu Xuanzhen' smiled and said, "I didn't know why you grew up so fast until I saw you now, because you like to explore anything unknown, well, except Lu Xuanzhen Besides this name, you can still call me."

Before 'Lu Xuanzhen' could finish speaking, Wang Yan stepped forward and said, "Is that Chen Xu?"

'Lu Xuanzhen' pupils shrank, his eyes revealed a look of astonishment, and then he said: "You are really smarter than I imagined, yes, I am Chen Xu."

The name Chen Xu was mentioned by Wang Yan from Gu Xiaoyue and Bai Daoxin before and after. Although he didn't hear it many times, he still remembered it firmly. Maybe he didn't understand what a chief engineer was, but there was a wonderful blood connection. The strange feeling made Wang Yan vaguely understand something.

"You created this world? Did you create me too?"

Wang Yan looked at 'Lu Xuanzhen', eager to know the answer, 'Lu Xuanzhen' smiled slightly and said: "Not exactly."

Wang Yan couldn't understand this answer, and couldn't help but said: "I have heard some western myths in your world. In the myths, there is a creator god who created everything and is omnipotent. Is it the same for you in this world? "

"Yes and no."

It was still a specious answer, and then 'Lu Xuanzhen' said again: "This world is indeed from my conception, and the main frame is also made by me, but the other parts rely on many assistants around me. As for the refinement and rules of this world The derivation and so on are also based on the deduction and calculation of the 'Master Brain'.

So to be precise, I gave the idea of ​​creation, and the process of creation is completed by the 'Master Brain', and your body is one of the creations of the 'Master Brain'.Because of this, any ideas I have about this world need to be completed through the master brain, and such a vast world, so many characters, is a very large amount of data, among which NPCs, regardless of their intelligence, have their own logic, in other words , everything in this world operates under the rules, and I must obey these rules to implement my ideas, otherwise it will only cause irreversible damage to the world.

Put it this way, can you understand? "

It was very difficult for Wang Yan to listen. There was too much information in it. Fortunately, Fifth Rhyme had given him some basic knowledge about it, so he barely understood it, and even grasped the key points. He couldn't help but say: "That is to say, the program instructions received by the 'empty self' in my body are given by the master brain, some are instructions under inherent rules, and some are issued by you through the master brain?"

'Lu Xuanzhen' nodded, the surprise in his eyes remained undiminished, and he said curiously: "You understand well, but what is 'empty me'?"

Wang Yan didn't hide anything, and was about to explain his understanding of the 'self' and the 'empty self' one by one. 'Lu Xuanzhen' listened carefully, and when Wang Yan finished speaking, he couldn't help but clenched his fist in excitement, and said: "The decision to meet you this time is really right. Your feelings and self-knowledge perfectly confirm my point of view. The core of your life does not lie in the data that constitutes this body. If you simply derive this body The data you get is just a body, and it cannot take you out of this world."

'Lu Xuanzhen' said excitedly, but Wang Yan couldn't help but his heart sank when he heard it, but then he thought of something again, and said: "Even the mastermind can't take me out of this world?"


'Lu Xuanzhen' shook his head, and said: "The main brain is just a large terminal computer without self-awareness. Its main function is calculation and deduction, and it relies on this ability to regulate the rules of this world and keep it running normally. It carries only the core data of this world, that is, the basic rules, and the other data is carried by the crew."

'Lu Xuanzhen' didn't care whether Wang Yan could understand or not, he just told out his own knowledge one by one like a bean. Wang Yanning brows thought about it, and after a long time he said: "It means that the mastermind controls the way of heaven, and the way of humanity is controlled by a void. The shell is carrying, there are no rules in it, but the interaction between people, everyone's ideas, ambitions, etc., slowly form today's rivers and lakes? And I am immersed in the human way, if I can't awaken myself Consciousness is just a bunch of numbers and symbols, only by awakening self-consciousness and clarifying the essence of this world, can it gradually surface, and then pursue the possibility of detachment?"

Wang Yan also didn't care whether 'Lu Xuanzhen' could understand his own words or not, he only turned the information he got from 'Lu Xuanzhen' into his own cognition bit by bit, 'Lu Xuanzhen' was slightly taken aback, then pondered for a while, before saying: " I don't know much about your 'Tao', but I think your understanding should be good, but I have my own thoughts on the detachment you mentioned."

Wang Yan's eyes lit up when he heard this. In his eyes, Chen Xu was still a creation god. Even though he was not omnipotent, he could at least find a clear way forward if he could get his guidance.

"What you did in that village before proved that you have understood some of the rules of this world and can use them to a certain extent with certain effects. Then I think you should continue to follow this path in your own way. Go on, and I think the end of this road is coming. Maybe in the end you can completely control this world instead of the master brain, which means you can incarnate the "way of heaven" in your mouth, and then you may be able to follow the connection between the master brain and this world. This world finally resides in the master brain, using the master brain as your own body, and controlling the master brain with your own consciousness, thus becoming a true digital intelligent life."

Replace God with yourself!

Wang Yan never thought that the road that'Lu Xuanzhen' said would be such a seemingly impossible road. Such a road has never been thought of by Wang Yan. After all, in my understanding, in this world itself According to legend, no one has ever been able to do this, not even close to it, not even the powerful monks in ancient legends.

But is this the only way for oneself to achieve greatness?
(End of this chapter)

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