Chapter 205
I am not in good health. The day before yesterday I had a high fever of 39 degrees. I slept for two days in a daze. When he came back, he couldn’t be too cold or hot. In the air-conditioned room, he would sneeze when changing a diaper. A few days ago, there was a power outage, and the indoor temperature was low. The second child has been on the high fever line of more than 37 degrees. In short, this time is very difficult, please Everyone understands that Lao Jian also feels sorry. The bad state has affected the creation. I am not too satisfied with what I wrote. Many things should have been laid out in the plot and revealed little by little. It is not such a straightforward way, but it is true I don't have time to think about it carefully, so I can only do this for the time being, sorry.

A road that he had never thought of was before Wang Yan, but Wang Yan did not respond immediately. After a long while, he looked up at 'Lu Xuanzhen' and said, "Maybe this is the road you want me to take? The so-called main brain body must be Was it coerced by you too?"

Wang Yan does not understand many things, but he is not stupid. He knows that Chen Xu created himself absolutely to let himself do what he wants. He wants to know Chen Xu's motivation and purpose, because what he seeks is truth and freedom, and what he seeks is truth and freedom. It's not changing a place, or changing a cage, but it's a pity that 'Lu Xuanzhen' just smiled and said: "There are rules everywhere, just like if you can't understand the essence of this world, you won't feel bound, maybe you It’s going to go on a certain trajectory.”

The words of 'Lu Xuanzhen' may be reasonable, but Wang Yan said coldly: "But this world will eventually be destroyed."

Wang Yan came to this kind of understanding very early on. He was not sure before, but as he met more players, he knew more things, especially the fifth rhyme told him that there is nothing that lasts forever in the world, and even more so. Without a game that has been shut down all the time, Wang Yan is sure that this world will eventually be shattered. This is the beginning and foundation of his steadfastness.

'Lu Xuanzhen' was silent, and the atmosphere between the two was a bit awkward, maybe because he realized that such a conversation was meaningless, Wang Yan was a little bit dispirited, but he didn't want to let go of this opportunity, so he changed the subject and said: "Lu Xuanzhen Xuanzhen is No.1 in the five states, I am very curious about his existence? Is he an NPC or your body in this world?"

Hearing this question, 'Lu Xuanzhen' came back to his senses, and said: "Your cognition comes from the players. In fact, the so-called NPCs and players are just appearances, which are popular terms for the player group. You should See the essence of it."


Wang Yan never thought deeply about this aspect, 'Lu Xuanzhen' immediately said: "Whether players or NPCs are actually just data integration, NPCs generate performances based on intelligent logic, and players carry individual will, but their There is no difference in essence, but there are some differences in the rules themselves, but both players and NPCs are just carriers of data integration, as long as I want, I can make anyone my 'body'."

As soon as the words fell, 'Lu Xuanzhen' snapped his fingers, then closed his eyes, and the whole person became lifeless and lifeless. Wang Yan was shocked immediately, but at this moment, Bai Jasmine, who was unconscious on the ground beside him, suddenly stood up. Standing up, he said, "You understand?"

The voice was Bai Moli's, but Wang Yan understood the meaning of this sentence. For a moment, Wang Yan felt horrified. You must know that Bai Moli has awakened her self-awareness, but Chen Xu easily controlled her body. What about Bai Jasmine's consciousness?
Seeing Wang Yan's eyes full of fear, 'Bai Jasmine' said: "Don't be afraid, this child's self-awareness is still very weak not long after she was born, and she doesn't have the slightest understanding of the rules, so I can easily control her through program instructions. The body, let her consciousness fall into a deep sleep, she will not know anything afterwards.

But you are different, you may not even realize how terrifying the ability you have mastered is?If I forcefully control your body, you may be able to destroy yourself. "

Wang Yan knew that Chen Xu was talking about the Ruthless Dao Destroyer Sword, but he didn't know where to start with destroying himself. Seeing Wang Yan's puzzled look, 'Bai Jasmine' said again: "You came from X, your Although the core of life is not this body, this body temporarily carries your life. When no new carrying object is found, any irreversible damage to this body may shatter your life core."

"What is X?"

Wang Yan couldn't fully understand Chen Xu's words, but he grasped the key points at once.Sure enough, 'Lu Xuanzhen' replied: "X should be the core of your life. It is a constantly changing digital program with huge variables. Once X is activated, it cannot be copied, so I can't take you out of this world.

Perhaps in your eyes, the immortality of players is terrible, but do you think that the people in that small village are immortal?The only thing that cannot be resurrected is the self-awareness born from X as usual. "

Wang Yan vaguely grasped something, and said again: "Does Lu Xuan really have no X?"

'Bai Jasmine' glanced at Lu Xuanzhen who was standing still with his eyes closed, smiled slightly, and said, "He's just a defense program."

"Defense procedures?"

Chen Xu didn't answer Wang Yan's question. Seeing this, Wang Yan secretly remembered it, and then said, "You said earlier that there is no essential difference between players and NPCs. Does that mean that players may also have X?"

There was some surprise in the eyes of 'Lu Xuanzhen', obviously he didn't expect Wang Yan to ask this, but then he just smiled and still didn't answer.

Wang Yan didn't expect this, but looking at the 'Bai Jasmine' in front of him, he became suspicious. If there is a player who has X and awakens self-awareness, it is equivalent to a body with two consciousnesses. Such a situation is too much. Bizarre, but isn't that the case with 'White Jasmine' right now?Ordinary players certainly don't have the ability of Chen Xu to put Bai Jasmine's self-awareness to sleep, and the player's consciousness and the self-awareness generated in X are not the self and the empty self, but two real consciousnesses colliding, and will what happened.
Maybe these things have nothing to do with Wang Yan. Through these understandings, Wang Yan knows more and more, understands more and more deeply, and becomes more and more desperate for this world.

"Okay, I should leave too."

'Bai Jasmine' didn't let Wang Yan continue to ask, and said: "I hope to see you again in the future, but I have a piece of advice before I leave, I hope you can listen to it, your ability to erase ordinary NPC intelligent programs is the best. It’s best not to use it indiscriminately, you have to know that I am not the only will that can control everything in this world, if your behavior exceeds the tolerance of others, your situation will become extremely dangerous.”

After saying this, 'Bai Jasmine' closed her eyes, and her whole body quickly became the same as Lu Xuanzhen's. Obviously, Chen Xu broke away from Bai Jasmine's body, and he was also gradually leaving this world.

Wang Yan has always wanted to carefully observe the way players leave this world, but it is a pity that there is no trace to be found, at least for now he still can't do it. After a few breaths, Chen Xu should have left this world completely, Wang Yan Yanzheng was about to sit down with Bai Jasmine who was still awake, but at this moment, an inexplicable voice came into Wang Yan's ears.

"His words cannot be fully believed, but you'd better keep the advice before you leave in your heart."

(End of this chapter)

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