Chapter 107 Gaining Popular Hearts
The sky is gradually glowing with yellow clouds, which is the prospect of the sun about to set, and the brilliant golden sunlight falls on the land of Biancheng County

The clatter of horseshoes sounded on the official road, and the hoofbeats of nearly thirty horses made the soldiers on the wall of Biancheng County hurriedly look in the direction of the sound.

"Enter the city quickly! Enter the city quickly! There are cavalry! There are cavalry!"

A few soldiers even ran towards the gate of the city, preparing to pull up the drawbridge (the bridge over the moat). While walking towards the direction of controlling the drawbridge, they waved at the civilians below, and at the same time shouted loudly, reminding the people outside the gate The civilians hurried into the city.

The soldiers under the city gate also hurriedly stood behind the city gate, holding the gate with both hands, ready to close the gate once the civilians entered the city.
At this time, a soldier with good eyesight had already recognized the person on horseback, and quickly stopped everyone who was about to pull up the suspension bridge.

"Okay, okay, the guard is lifted, the elder brother of the county magistrate, Mrs. Yan and others are here."

The other soldiers on the city wall breathed a sigh of relief when they heard the words, and shouted to the panicked crowd below: "Everyone, calm down! Everyone, calm down! The cavalry who came here are not Mongols, they are not Mongols, they are heroes Yan Beichen Yan and the others! Everyone, don't panic!"

After shouting many times in a row, the panicked people under the city wall returned to normal. As for why the soldiers called Yan Daxia instead of Yan Fuchang, it was because the civilians were most familiar with this title, and they were more familiar with it. sense of security.

Looking at the people who had calmed down, the soldiers on the city wall also returned to their posts. Several soldiers glanced at each other, and one soldier said: "But having said that, I really haven't seen the Mongols in the past half a month. It's over."

"You said, is it because of the relationship that the Mongols don't come to the grass valley?"


Another soldier pursed his lips in disdain, "It's not because of this that they didn't come. I think it's probably because they want to fatten up for a while, and then come to the grass valley."

All the soldiers sighed helplessly. As for the character of the Mongols, they were naturally very clear about the character of the Mongols. Just as the soldier said, marriage marriage can't stop some Mongols who are used to hunting grass valleys.

Soldiers lowered the drawn bridge again.

And at this moment, Zhang Tie and others in the distance gradually became clear in front of everyone.

"Hiss! Those on horseback are! Human heads?!"

A soldier gasped, pointed at Zhang Tie and the others who were getting closer to the city gate, and exclaimed.

The other soldiers, including the people under the city, also stretched their necks, looking at Zhang Tie and the others, all of them were surprised, but kept silent.

The horses of Zhang Tie and others carried not only weapons and equipment, but also the heads of bandits.

Bandits don’t have human heads on every horse, and the number of heads is also different. This is because the heads are killed by themselves and put on their own horses. There will be more bandits.

Among them, Zhang Tie had the most heads tied to his horse, nearly ten, and Jiang Jianhua had the least, only one, and this one was given by Zhang Tie. After all, Jiang Jianhua didn't kill the bandits because he had to take care of the horses.

The heads of the bandits were cut directly from the bandits without any processing, and their facial expressions were those of panic when they were dead.

There were 21 people when they left, and 28 people when they came back. There were seven more people. The female soldiers were also riding on horses. The horses were naturally saved by Zhang Tie in the system store.

All the way to the north gate of Biancheng County, Zhang Tie untied the rope tied to the bandit's head on the horse, and threw it by the gate, and everyone else did the same.

When the horse came to the gate of the city, Zhang Tie said to the soldiers guarding the gate: "Treat these heads with lime, and then hang them on the city wall."

"Yes Yes!"

The soldiers guarding the city stood up straight and responded loudly, trying to make a good impression on Zhang Tie.

For Zhang Tie, these soldiers certainly knew each other. This is the elder brother of the county magistrate and the head of the only sect in Biancheng County. Although this sect has some pitfalls and has just been established, this does not prevent them from currying favor with Zhang Tie. .

Zhang Tie and the others rode their horses into the city, and the civilians in the aisle gave way one after another. After thanking the civilians who gave way, they drove away and rushed to the north gate barracks nearby.

Many trophies on horseback had to be placed in the barracks first, and then distributed to the soldiers below. As for the money, it had already been distributed on the road.

And after Zhang Tie and others left, civilians, whether outside the city or inside the city, came to the gate of the city one after another, pointing at the head with great interest, and did not feel that the head was scary at all.

"Isn't this the rinderpest in Heihu Village? I didn't expect him to have today."

"Isn't that Huo Rong from Wukui Valley? I didn't expect his head to be here too?"

"Looking at so many people, I guess, Wukui Valley and Heihu Village should all be destroyed, right?"

"This new county magistrate is different. Just a few days after taking office, he sent troops to eliminate two dens of thieves, Master Qingtian!"

"Yes! Yes!"

Zhang Tie, who was unloading goods at the North Gate Barracks, also had a flickering retina in front of his eyes.

【Ding!Gain 200 reputation and +20 people's popularity in Biancheng County. 】

Looking at the prompt that suddenly appeared, Zhang Tie thought deeply, "It seems that the reputation and popular support are related to reality, but I don't know if it is the first time to add so much, or it has been added many times."

After putting away the equipment and handing over the horses to Haosheng, a soldier in the barracks, Zhang Tie dismissed the others, leaving only Yan Beichen and seven female soldiers, and walked towards the Yamen.

After Zhang Tie's horse left him, it would develop a certain IQ. Of course, it was far less than other horses.

When Zhang Tie returned to the Yamen, he happened to meet Zhang Shun and others who had just returned from the ruins, and they went back to the backyard of the Yamen together.

At this time, the sun was just setting. Zhang Tie introduced Yan Beichen and Jiang Bilan to Zhang Shun, and at the same time described what he saw and heard today. At this time, because they were all his own people, the groom Zhao Wei had already gone home to rest. So Zhang Tie can be said to speak freely, expressing all his deepest thoughts.

"Shunzi, I think that since you are the county magistrate of this place, you should take good care of the people in this place, so that the people in this place can eat and drink well, and you won't be attacked by bandits, Mongols, The plunder and robbery of the Koreans will allow them to settle down and build a pure land!"

The father and son Zhang Shun and Zhang Sanfeng on the side also nodded their heads in agreement, not to mention the seven female soldiers, who all looked at Zhang Tie with admiration and gratitude. As for Zhang Xiaohua and Zhang Tie's mother, , Naturally, I went to cook, and the meals for more than ten people are still choking.

"Shunzi, it seems we have to speed up, let me give you something special first."

While talking, Zhang Tie stationed Zhang Shun in Biancheng County.

【Ding!Lieutenant General Zhang Shun was stationed in Biancheng County. 】

[Hint: Lieutenant General Zhang Shun will have his own subordinates and can exercise the right to recruit ordinary soldiers. 】

[Reminder: The soldiers recruited by Lieutenant General Zhang Shun subconsciously still take the lead in taking orders from the system owner, and all wages are borne by the system owner. 】

Some reminders suddenly appeared in his mind, which surprised Zhang Shun, "Brother! Can I give blessings now? What about you?"

"Of course I can still bless others. Now I give you this thing so that you can bless all the soldiers in Biancheng County, including the government officials."

Zhang Tie raised his voice and reminded with a serious face: "However, Biancheng County can only accommodate up to 1000 blessings now, and this amount will only be increased when other buildings are built. All of them have to be selected. Just don’t want melon cracked jujube, and don’t want anyone with a bad style.”

 Thanks Ziyue Canglang for the reward! , Nan Guo Shushu's tip!Hanyou Qiaomu's tip!
(End of this chapter)

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