Chapter 108 Future Planning
In the backyard of the Biancheng County Yamen, Zhang Tie continued to explain the additional effects of various buildings to Zhang Shun and others, which were not available to Zhang Shun and other deputy generals.

Moreover, the special buildings can only be built by Zhang Tie himself. After Zhang Shun is stationed, he only has the right to use them. As for other people who do not get them, they are just ordinary buildings.

After Zhang Tie finished explaining, everyone seemed to have realized something. Yan Beichen clapped his hands on the side, and after attracting everyone's attention, he said calmly.

"The function of this sentry tower is very good, that is, it can increase the number of people stationed, and it can also play an early warning effect. The price and time can be said to be very small. In the future, it is completely possible to build a sentry tower in every village. It can bless the villagers and let them have a certain ability to protect themselves."

"There are also prisons and manors that are good buildings to increase the garrison limit, but the manor is too expensive and not suitable, but this prison is a good thing. Not only can you exchange captives for the garrison limit, but the extra can also It is a sharp weapon to produce materials every day.”

Yan Beichen also looked excited when he said this. No matter it is windy or rainy, he can produce 2000 jin of materials every day. Whether it is for his own use or for sale, it is feasible.

Then Yan Beichen asked the key to the whole truth.

"But how did you get this prisoner?"

Seeing this, Zhang Tie explained in detail how the captives were obtained.

As soon as Zhang Tie was talking about playing, Yan Beichen next to him looked at Zhang Tie with a heartbroken expression, and Zhang Shun next to him looked at Zhang Tie like a fool. The eyes of the two made Zhang Tie and Zhang Sanfeng look foggy. Water, overwhelmed.

"Since it's so easy to produce captives, why didn't you say it earlier? When attacking bandits today, you can knock them out first. It's not too late to kill the captives after you get them."

Yan Beichen was speechless with a distressed expression, while Zhang Shun on the side was covering his forehead, as if he had nothing to say to Zhang Tie.

The more he listened, the more he understood the situation. Zhang Tie also looked bewildered, as if he couldn't believe that it was him who was so stupid.

"What the hell am I doing? My God, more than 20 prisoners just disappeared."

Yan Beichen brought a cup of tea, handed it to Zhang Tie, and said with a happy face: "Fortunately, I discovered it early, just pay more attention to it in the future. Also, if there is anything we can discuss together, otherwise this time"

Yan Beichen didn't say what happened next, but Zhang Tie and others could imagine that they would waste a lot of time and lose a lot of money.

After taking the tea and saying thank you to Yan Beichen, Zhang Tie nodded in agreement.

"Yes, sometimes there are too many things, and I can't think of so many things alone. I really have three cobblers, which is better than Zhuge Liang!"

Yan Beichen and the others understood what Zhang Tie said, but they were confused about who Zhuge Liang was. They had never heard of him before.

Yan Beichen, who traveled all over the world, asked suspiciously: "Zhuge Liang? Who is this?"

Seeing that he missed the point, Zhang Tie quickly said, "The old god told me about a very smart person."


As soon as they heard that it was said by the gods, everyone didn't ask too much. Anyway, the person who can make the gods feel smart must be a very smart person.

"Shh, next time you speak, you must think carefully. It is impossible to use immortals to solve it every time."

Secretly relieved, Zhang Tie and others continued to discuss the issue of construction.

"The first priority now is to build the prison, then the barracks, then the school, and then the patrol camp."

Yan Beichen opened the map of Biancheng County, and only one place said: "The patrol camp can be established here. It is close to Mongolia and South Korea, and it happens to be within a radius of 60 miles (30 kilometers). This is also the best support position.”

"After all these are built, what do you think of building a sentry tower for each village?"

Zhang Tie and the others all nodded, as they agreed with Yan Beichen's approach.

In fact, as long as the two brothers Zhang Tie calm down and talk about these methods, they can also come up with these methods. It's just that Yan Beichen has more experience. Plan to come.

The general plan is solved, and the solution is naturally the details, how to bless the soldiers, and the problem of the source of soldiers.

In terms of blessing soldiers, with the existence of Yan Beichen and Wei Yan, it is not difficult to solve. Now the main problem is the source of soldiers. It is impossible to say that all your soldiers are blessing soldiers. Without ordinary soldiers, it is obviously not possible. .

You must have both soldiers. Blessed soldiers are like elite soldiers. Soldiers without quotas and blessings can only be ordinary soldiers for the time being. When they have quotas, they can directly bless them.

Biancheng County now has a population of nearly [-]. According to the maximum capacity, that is, five people can support one soldier. Then, Biancheng County can have a maximum of [-] soldiers, which also needs to include auxiliary soldiers, that is, logistics soldiers.

According to the fact that one auxiliary soldier can support six soldiers, that is to say, there are only [-] soldiers who can actually fight on the battlefield, and this is only when five people support one soldier.

Under normal circumstances, there are 20 people supporting one person, that is, [-] soldiers, [-] fighters.

Fortunately, Biancheng County is quite special. It has been in a plundered area for many years, which makes the people in Biancheng County tough and sturdy, and it is completely acceptable for five people to support one soldier.

And in fact, why it can only support five people and one person at most, it is because of the lack of food and grass, but this is not a problem at all for Zhang Tie who has the system.

Now every week, Zhang Tie's personal system store can produce almost 280 servings of food, that is, it can support [-] five people every week, and all of them can be eaten by strong men. In normal times, one serving can be regarded as two servings use.

When the grocery store is opened, the warehouse is built, and a wheat factory is opened, the grain output will definitely be much higher than that of Zhang Tie's personal store, otherwise how can it be sold to make money.

"After we have cleared all the bandits in Biancheng County, Shunzi will release another recruitment message. I think there will be more civilians who will be recruited as soldiers. Don't worry about food and grass. As for soldiers' wages, you can get them from the grocery store." They are resold in Shanghe stores, especially wine and fruits, which Mongolians and Koreans should like very much and can be traded with them.”

After Zhang Tie thought for a while, he came to this conclusion. Yan Beichen and the others fully agreed with Zhang Tie's words. After cleaning up the bandits, Zhang Tie and Zhang Shun's reputation will definitely be greatly improved, and soldiers will be recruited at that time It's a good time.

As for why you dare to do business with the Mongols and Koreans, it depends on your strength. At that time, forty or fifty second-rate warriors will run a business, and they are afraid that they will not be able to be hacked, and business contacts will only benefit the other party. no harm.

"However, it is still necessary to deal with the refugee problem in the county, and then attract the refugees from the neighboring county. Their life is not easy. If our side becomes rich and releases some good policies, it will definitely attract a large number of refugees. Or if the common people come to join us, then the population problem will be solved.”

Zhang Shun on the side also expressed his opinion. Seeing this, an idea flashed in Zhang Tie's mind, but unfortunately he couldn't grasp it no matter what, and couldn't think of a clue.

At this moment, Zhang Tie's mother shouted from the kitchen.

"It's dinner, it's dinner, what's the matter, we'll talk later."

Hearing this, Zhang Tie and the others had no choice but to put away the map and prepare to start eating. Jiang Bilan and the others also hurried into the kitchen to help take out the dishes and food.

In fact, I have been cooking for most of the day, and I am actually cooking, and the food and wine are almost ready-made. What kind of air-dried meat, chicken, and beef can be stewed for a while, and it will be fine.

As for wine, of course it is still wine, and fruit and cream are also good.

A group of people were holding bowls and eating, Zhang Tie and other men sat at the same table, and Jiang Bilan and other women sat at the same table.

Zhang Sanfeng and Zhang Shun exchanged seats, and whispered next to Zhang Tie's ear: "You brought so many girls back, how are you going to arrange them? You don't want to accept them all, do you?"

Zhang Tie, who was eating, never expected that his father, who is usually honest and responsible, would have such a face, almost spit out the food in his mouth.


Zhang Tie looked at his father dissatisfied, his eyes full of helplessness.

 Thanks to Hanyou Qiaomu for the 500 reward!Don't do it!

(End of this chapter)

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