Chapter 146 He is a Devil
Outside the north gate of Yan'an County, many torches gradually appeared from the west and east, and they were bandits from the other two gates who heard the sound.

Holding torches, the bandits circled the city wall from a distance and walked towards the cottage camp outside the north gate. The bandits on both sides were a stone's throw away from the city wall of Yan'an County, and it seemed that they didn't want to be shot for no reason.

Zhang Tie and the others went up to the city wall, which is good to see this scene. Although the bandits in the distance are within Zhang Tie's shooting range, he is not going to take out the [balanced black lacquer bow] and shoot the bandits in the distance. .

One is that the distance is too far, and Zhang Tie cannot be said to be able to hit every shot, and the other is that even if he hits the bandit, with Zhang Tie's current strength and physical strength, it is impossible to draw the bow continuously. ran away.

The casualties of one or two people will not have much effect on this war, but will expose Zhang Tie's trump card.

Seeing the bandits walking towards the bandit camp outside the north gate, even though they all knew that these bandits would not come to attack the city tonight.

But just in case, Li Chengye still invited soldiers from Biancheng County under the city to go up to the city wall.

In the bandit camp outside Beimen City in Yan'an County, two groups of bandits arrived outside the camp almost at the same time.

A leader of the bandits who came from the west was shocked to see that the camp had been surrounded by fire, and asked the bandits who came from the northeast suspiciously, "What's going on?!"

"How would I know, I just arrived too."

A bandit leader who came from the east also looked in shock at the camp that had turned into a sea of ​​flames.

At this time, the camp was burning blazingly. At this moment, a cool wind blew from the north, and the fire was intensified by the wind. At the same time, a smell of meat wafted out and spread outside the camp.


I don't know which bandit started it. Outside the entire sea of ​​fire, more than 500 bandits began to bow their heads and vomit one by one.

Originally, the bandit with a heart could withstand the disgusting smell of meat, but unfortunately, once someone started to vomit, it directly affected the others, and one after another, they all started to vomit.

Among the 500 people, a small half were vomiting outside the sea of ​​fire, and some bandits even vomited out the acid water in their stomachs.

After a while, the bandits stopped vomiting, probably because they were used to it, and the fire at this time had gradually become smaller.Only sporadic fires are still burning.

Enduring the churning in their stomachs, a dozen bandits stepped into the ruins of the camp.

The bandit camp after being burned by the fire looked desolate. Headless dead bodies scorched by the fire were everywhere on the ground, exuding a strong smell of meat, which made the dozen or so bandits who had just entered almost vomit out again.

Broken weapons were abandoned next to the corpses, and the blood on the ground was burned into black blood clots. Looking at the headless corpses everywhere, the dozen or so bandits who entered the camp all had serious expressions.

After walking around the camp all the way, the dozen or so bandits finally came to the very center of the camp.

A bandit once again glanced at the headless corpses all over the ground, and said to the other bandits with a serious face: "I have recorded the corpses along the way, there are more than [-] people, I think Hongyang and the others may be They're all lying here."

Another bandit said, "Who the hell? Since we heard the call to kill, our west camp started to come here. The time during this period should be less than half an hour, right?"

"So are we. Isn't this too fast? Didn't Hongyang and the others resist?"

All the thieves looked at each other in dismay, and they couldn't believe it. In less than half an hour, more than 400 of their colleagues were killed, and it can be seen from the scene that there is no good weapon, and all the abandoned is broken. .

In other words, the intact weapons and equipment have been searched by the enemy, which further shows that these dead bandits were killed in a very short period of time. After all, it takes time to search.

"Could it be that the soldiers stationed on the frontier are calling?"

A bandit said with a terrified expression while looking around.

The bandit's words also made the other bandits panic, they kept looking around, and moved towards the outside of the camp.

The smoke after the fire was extinguished obscured the moonlight, and the headless corpses everywhere looked even more eerie and terrifying. Just as a cool breeze hit, the bandits who were worried trembled, and their faces turned pale.

For the soldiers stationed at the border, the bandits are very afraid of them from the bottom of their hearts.

The soldiers who can be stationed on the frontier are all elites. Apart from the Guards and Flying Tiger Battalion in Yan State, these are the strongest soldiers stationed on the frontier.

Moreover, they often guard the frontier and often fight with foreigners, so that these soldiers are full of blood, and their tempers are also very violent. Many bandits are planted in their hands, and life is worse than death.

A bandit squatted on the ground, rummaging through the corpse, and said to the panicked bandits, "No, they couldn't have come so fast, and besides, this style is completely different from theirs."

Soldiers stationed on the frontier usually do not kill all the enemies, but instead capture some people for labor and construction of military construction sites.

The prospect of the eyes is obviously different from the behavior of the soldiers stationed on the frontier. No one is alive, and it is obvious that there is no need for prisoners.

"Who would that be?"

All the bandits came to their senses. Indeed, it was almost a day's journey from the nearest garrison area. If counting from the morning, it hadn't been a day, let alone the garrison soldiers came to support.

For a while, more than a dozen bandits were lost in thought, guessing that the Fang soldiers might have come to attack Hongyang and the others.

A bandit seemed to remember something, his face suddenly changed, paler than when he heard the frontier soldiers came here, "I know who killed Hongyang and the others."

The bandit's voice attracted the attention of other bandits, and they all looked at him, waiting for his next words.

"I've heard of Hongyang's situation before."

"He's coming! Absolutely! He's coming, the devil! The devil! He's coming, we have to run quickly, we can't continue to attack Yan'an County."

The bandit looked at the corpse on the ground in horror, his voice trembling.

"Who the hell is it?"

A bandit got goosebumps from what the bandit squatting on the ground said. He shivered and said impatiently. The other bandits also asked, "That's right, tell me quickly, don't be fooled."

The bandit squatting on the ground shivered, his eyes showed deep fear, "It should be the devil from Biancheng County, the devil who slaughtered more than 1000 bandits, he brought his minions to Yan'an County."

"Biancheng County? When you say that, I suddenly remembered that this morning, I killed a messenger, and the letter said to ask the magistrate of Biancheng County to send troops to support him. Could it be him?"

"Hearing what you said, I remembered it too. I also intercepted the letter. However, Zhang Tie in Biancheng County is so terrifying. You see, the soldiers at Yan'an Station were not as good as spanking our ass at the beginning. Urine flow, hasn’t been opened up by our partner yet, and he’s in a mess.”

The bandit didn't feel ashamed of being beaten to the point of piss by the soldiers of Yan'an County, but said it openly.

And agree with what he said.

"That's right, I see, you just didn't work together to resist, so the soldiers in Biancheng County took care of you one by one."


The soldier squatting on the ground wanted to say something, but was interrupted by other bandits.

"Brothers, several siege tools have been built. We will attack the city tomorrow morning and take Yan'an County!"

"Oh, take Yan'an County!"

ps: The second update is out, I will do what I say.Feeling very sleepy,,, good night everyone (?`?ω?)?
(End of this chapter)

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