Riding a chopping horse and stepping into the world

Chapter 147 Preparations before the war

Chapter 147 Preparations before the war
As the bandit retreated, Li Chengye on the tower heaved a sigh of relief, clasped his fists at Zhang Tie and said, "Master Zhang, it seems that the bandit will not attack the city tonight, but if you read correctly, I'm afraid Tomorrow these bandits will set fire to attack the west city gate."

Zhang Tie nodded first, then shook his head, looked at the bandits who disappeared to the west, and said without looking back: "Although the direction is to retreat to the west, but, Mr. Li, everything should not just look at the surface. , until the last moment, no one can tell which city gate they will attack."

Turning around, Zhang Tie narrowed his eyes slightly under his helmet and looked at Li Chengye, "Lord Li, I don't think it's better than this. I will send all my troops to garrison the west gate first, and the garrisons of your other three gates will remain unchanged. Once the bandits It is really attacking the west gate with all your strength, and you are going to support immediately."

When Li Chengye heard this, he was slightly stunned and glanced at the centurion Wei Yixiao who was following him. Wei Yixiao nodded his head inexorably, agreeing with Zhang Tie's statement.

On the military side, Li Chengye, who had suffered a lot, was extra cautious. After getting Wei Yixiao's suggestion, he nodded to Zhang Tie, "If that's the case, then I will follow Master Zhang's wishes. Ximen will have Lao Zhang." .”

While saying this, Li Chengye fisted Zhang Tie again.

"Where is it, Master Li doesn't have to be like this."

Zhang Tie was polite again, then pointed to the sky and said to Li Chengye: "Master Li, look, it's already very late."

Although Zhang Tie didn't say the next words, Li Chengye still understood the meaning. He patted his forehead with a look of confusion on his face, and first turned back to the catcher Lu Mo behind him and said: "Lu Mo, you take Mr. Zhang's The subordinates first go to the west gate to resettle."

Then he turned around again and said to Zhang Tie: "Master Zhang, I haven't entertained you well yet. Otherwise, you can go back to the county office with me and rest."

Zhang Tie waved his hand, "I'm interested, Lord Li, but there's no need to do that, I'd better go to the west gate with the soldiers, in case bandits attack at night."

Seeing Zhang Tie like this, Li Chengye didn't insist anymore, and ordered Lu Mang to lead Zhang Tie and others to the west gate.

In Zhang Tie's request to guard the west gate, he still has a lot of selfishness. In the battle tonight, there are already more than 20 people who can be upgraded.

Judging from tonight's night attack, Zhang Tie knew that only war would make these soldiers upgrade quickly, and only after the soldiers were upgraded could they resist the Mongols more effectively.

As for the casualties, we can only leave it to fate. Since coming to this world, many people have died under Zhang Tie, and there are also many people who have died around him. However, Zhang Tie still hopes that the casualties of those around him will be Can be less on less.

Following the lead of the policeman Lu Mang, Zhang Tie and his party of more than 400 people arrived at the Ximen City Wall in Yan'an County after walking for more than a cup of tea.

After that, it was natural to switch defenses.

Standing on the city wall, Zhang Tie looked at the soldiers of Yan'an County who were gradually going away from the city wall, and turned around to look at the more than 400 soldiers of Biancheng County standing on the city wall, feeling a little proud in his heart.

From the moment the soldiers at Yan'an Station left, the entire west gate was officially guarded by soldiers from Biancheng County.

"Brothers, tomorrow will be a fierce battle. I don't know who will leave forever after tomorrow. Maybe it's me, maybe everyone present, it's possible."

Zhang Tie pointed at himself and then at the soldiers present, with a heavy expression under his helmet.

"What is a soldier? A soldier is a soldier who defends the country. It is a weapon in the hands of the people to protect themselves. It is common to die on the battlefield, but! I don't want anyone to die here tomorrow."

"On tomorrow's battlefield, once someone is seriously injured, immediately retreat and remove the city wall. Your mission has been completed, and the next thing will be left to other people to do."

Looking at the soldiers in front, Zhang Tie reminded loudly again: "You must learn to save your life, and retreat if you are seriously injured. Do you hear me clearly?"


The deafening sound was extraordinarily loud in the night sky.

"Bi Yongchun."

Bi Yongchun who was called stepped forward, gave a military salute to Zhang Tie, and replied loudly: "The last general is here."

"Tonight's guarding task is called to you. Be sure to pay attention to the movements of the bandits outside the city."

"The last general takes orders."

After Bi Yongchun took the order, he withdrew to the camp.

"Wei Yan, Jiang Jianhua, Li Jianghua, these people come with me, others should rest and recharge their spirits."

Zhang Tie called out the names of more than 20 people in a row. These people were all soldiers who could be upgraded after the raid on the bandit camp tonight.

Except for Wei Yan and Jiang Jianhua, who are Jianghu soldiers, the others are regular soldiers who will be upgraded to sword and shield soldiers.

After distributing the upgraded weapons and equipment to Wei Yan and others, Zhang Tie leaned against the city wall and began to take a nap.

[Warblade: 500 for sale, 1.6 weight, 38 slash, 97% speed, 98 attack range. 】

[Painted Hand (150/150): Sell 200, Weight 3.5, Resistance 54, Size 90, Speed ​​90%. 】

[Infantry Iron Helmet: 1000 for sale, weight 2.8, head defense +45. 】

[Infantry light armor: 4000 for sale, weight 25.0, body defense +45, leg defense +20. 】

[Steel sword: 3000 for sale, 1.6 weight, 35 slashing, 41 piercing, 97% speed, 98 attack range. 】

【Soft armor: 5000 for sale, weight 18.0, body defense +55, leg defense +25. 】

[Bamboo hat: sell for 3000, weight 1.2, head defense +50. 】

[Cloud treading shoes: sell for 2000, weight 0.8, leg defense +30. 】

The first four kinds of equipment are all equipment for sword and shield soldiers, while the last four are equipment for true disciples.

The sword and shield soldiers have mainly received qualitative improvements in their shields and armors, and their weapons have also become war blades, with their sharpness and hardness improved a lot.

As for the true disciples, not only the defensive equipment has been improved a lot, but the weapons have also improved from iron weapons to steel swords. The effect is self-evident.

Regarding the sudden appearance of the equipment, except for Wei Yan and Jiang Jianhua, who were already known, the other soldiers who were called down only showed a little surprise, and then they showed such expressions on their faces.

Obviously, the changes in their bodies just now, coupled with the changes in their bodies all the time, and the sudden addition of weapons and equipment in Biancheng County, made them all have some guesses, but they didn't expect that Zhang Tie directly 'changed' them.

After issuing weapons and equipment and leaving Wei Yan and Jiang Jianhua behind, Zhang Tie waved his hand to let the others go first.

After the soldiers had all climbed the city wall, Zhang Tie pointed to the city gate and said to Wei Yan, "Wei Yan, you will be in charge of guarding the city gate tomorrow. Don't let bandits break through the city gate."

Wei Yan clasped his fists solemnly and said, "I obey."

After instructing Wei Yan, Zhang Tie said to Jiang Jianhua again: "Jianhua, you are the fastest here. If the bandits really attack our west gate with all their strength tomorrow, you should immediately take the two of them to the other gates and request support."

"The disciple takes orders."

After giving instructions to the two of them one by one, Zhang Tie returned to the city wall, and then leaned against the city wall, and began to take a nap. Tomorrow, it will be a tough battle.

PS: Each stage of a soldier's arms is upgraded, strength and agility are +2, intelligence and charm are +1, except for bows and arrows, all other weapons are proficiency +40, iron bone, strong attack, shield defense, throwing, Weapon mastery, running, etc. are all improved by arithmetic progression.

For example, if a pawn is promoted to a regular army, it will increase its iron bone by 1 point, and then the regular army's promotion to a sword and shield soldier will increase its iron bone by 2 points again, and so on.

(End of this chapter)

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