Chapter 38 Princess Ping An
After bidding farewell to the two Luo Long brothers, Zhang Tie and the others went straight out of the "High School" inn, ready to check the location and situation of the township examination room.

The status of Beicheng is quite special, it is the capital of Yan State, and the number of people in the township examination is much larger than other places, but because of this, anyone who takes the township examination in Beicheng can be exempted from the examination, and can directly pass the examination. After the township examination, take the following palace examination.

The two of them were not in a hurry, and strolled leisurely all the way, preparing to see how prosperous the capital Beicheng of the Yan Kingdom was.

After leaving the "High School" inn, there was still a sea of ​​people outside the door. The passing crowd always seemed a little hurried, as if they were all in a hurry, and they all went to one place, which made Zhang Tie a little puzzled. It was not like this just now.

"Looks like something happened"

Zhang Tie stopped a pedestrian who was about to hurry on his way, and asked with his hands clasped: "Next up, Zhang Tie, brother, I don't know what happened, how do you think everyone is hurrying to the same direction?"

The blocked person looked up and saw the same Zhang Tie, who was about to get angry when he saw Zhang Shun dressed in a long gown, calmed down, nodded, and pointed to where the sea of ​​people was flowing.

"It turned out that he was a scholar who had just arrived in the city. No wonder he didn't know about it. Today is Princess Yan's wedding day, and everyone went to see her off."

"Princess Yan? Married?" The two brothers Zhang Tie were a little surprised, and they were full of greetings. According to common sense, the marriage of a princess in a country should have been spread throughout the entire country of Yan. Why didn't they hear any news? Said.

The passerby was stunned, thought for a while, patted his forehead, and suddenly realized: "Look at me, I almost forgot to say, this time the princess got married very suddenly, just in the past few days, you haven't heard of it It's normal, but it's a bit long to say."

There was a bit of embarrassment in his tone, as if he didn't want to waste any more time. Of course, the meaning in his tone could not be hidden from the Zhang Tie brothers.

Zhang Tie was also stunned, and thought to himself: "Let me just say, the princess's marriage is such a big deal, how could I, the head of the bodyguard, not know about it, that would be too shameful."

"Brother, don't be in a hurry, we are also going to see off the princess, why don't you take us there, and tell the two of you on the way, how about it."

The passerby hesitated for a moment, nodded, and said, "Okay then, come with me."

The current king of Yan State, Xiang Shaolong, is the founder of the first generation of the country. Originally, he was just the shepherd of Yanzhou, but after a series of struggles, he finally got the co-lord of the four continents of Yanzhou, Qingzhou, Pingzhou, and Guanzhou. A generation of kings.

After all, Xiang Shaolong was just a state shepherd before, without the current harem beauties, only one wife who shared hardships and two ordinary wives, and naturally had few children, only two princes and two princesses.

Later, when he became the king, the officials advised the king to recruit more beauties in the harem. Xiang Shaolong had no choice but to agree with the officials, but he only added a dozen concubines in a symbolic way, and then gave birth to a prince and a prince. Two princesses.

The previous princes and princesses have all grown up, have wives of their own, and have established families. Only the latter three have not yet married, and the princess who is going to marry today is one of the last two princesses born, safe and sound Princess Xiang Xiujing.

Princess Ping'an, Xiang Xiujing, is 16 years old this year, and it is the season when a girl is about to be released. As one of the two daughters who are kept close in the palace, Princess Ping'an, Xiang Xiujing, is naturally very much loved by Xiang Shaolong.

This time Princess Ping'an got married because she had no choice but to do so. There are two countries connected to the country of Yan, one is the country of Zhao and the other is the country of Mongolia.

Zhao Guo and Yan Guo were originally the same country, but they were split into two parts, and there were often frictions between them. They used to fight endlessly, and they wanted to eat each other.

Even though the two sides have ceased fighting now, various small actions between the two countries are still going on. The Xiaoma Mountain last time was the case of Zhao Guo's small things.

The other country is Mongolia. Mongolia is vast and sparsely populated. Most of the land is boundless grassland. Although Mongolia has a small population, everyone is a strong horseman. They have practiced bows and arrows since childhood. They are like the wind in battle and are extremely fierce.

Fortunately, due to the influence of population and geographical environment, Mongolia stopped the grasslands and made it difficult to invade other countries, but it also often robbed the food and population of connected countries.

And this time Princess Ping'an married the little prince Aoli of Mongolia.

The border of Yan State was often plundered by Mongolian tribes. It was already a land that had just been devastated by war and could no longer withstand a little trouble.

And now, not long after the beginning of summer, all the tribes on the grassland have begun to migrate. It is estimated that people from Mongolian tribes will come to the border of Yan State to plunder food, grass and population in a short time. For the stability of the people, Xiang Shaolong, who is already getting old, has to Marry your sons and daughters to other countries to achieve peace.

Long before the summer, Xiang Shaolong had sent officials to Mongolia to make a marriage proposal. Not long ago, the Mongolian officials led the Mongolian envoys to Beicheng. The marriage was successful, and they specially came to welcome Princess Pingan.

Mongolia also agrees with this kind of initiative and marriage, and agrees that the youngest son will marry Princess Ping'an of Yan State.

For the stability of the border, Princess Ping'an and the little Mongolian prince must get married as soon as possible. Naturally, the sooner the better, today is the day when Princess Ping'an gets married.

The spacious street was pushed out by a group of soldiers, and everyone jumped outside the street line, just to see Princess Ping An's goodbye.

Zhang Tie and Zhang Tie jumped onto a high ground with their good jumping ability, and they were also watching the grand scene in front of them from a distance.

The inner city slowly opened, and a team of more than 20 cavalrymen came out first. The cavalrymen were all wearing nomadic robes, carrying bows and arrows on their backs, and a machete hanging from their waists. They were Mongolian cavalrymen.

The No.1 of the cavalry is the Mongolian special envoy who accompanied the envoy of the Yan Kingdom to return, and this bit brought the cavalry to pick up Princess Pingan.

At the back is a carriage, which is pulled by two horses, and its appearance is also very gorgeous. There are more than a dozen Yan Kingdom cavalry riding horses, wearing armor, holding iron guns and long swords on their waists.

Sitting in the gorgeous carriage was Princess Ping An, followed by more than a dozen carriages carrying goods. The carriages were full of the dowry for Princess Ping An's wedding.

Zhang Tie and Zhang Tie glanced at the Mongolian cavalry and compared them secretly, "I don't know how my cavalry and shooting compare with them, but with the existence of the scope, it should be better than them. This scope is really a cheating tool! "

The motorcade went out to the inner city, getting closer and closer to the crowd on the street. On the wall of the inner city in the distance, figures shook, and pairs of eyes were reluctant to look at the motorcade going away.

Princess Ping'an Xiang Xiujing held back the tears in her eyes, opened the curtains on the carriage, and prepared to take a last look at her home.

A beautiful face appeared in the eyes of the world, and all beautiful words seemed to be applicable to her, and the crowd lost their voice in an instant, only the sound of Dada's hooves and the rolling of wheels.

Zhang Tie, who was standing at a high place, lost consciousness for a moment. His eyes with magnification effect completely saw the face behind the curtain, and he murmured to himself,

"What a nice view!"

"What a nice view!"

Zhang Shun, who also had a magnifying effect, also froze for a moment, with an indescribable feeling emerging in his heart.

With a soft sound, an arrow with a pinning arrow shot at the curtain, passed through the curtain and was nailed to the other side of the curtain. Princess Ping, who lowered her head and wiped her tears inwardly, escaped by luck.

Princess Ping stared blankly at the iron arrow in front of her, and instantly collapsed on the ground, covering her mouth tightly, looking at the arrow in horror.

With this arrow, the whole street instantly became chaotic.

ps: I don’t know how many people have watched it. I guess it’s on the street _(:з」∠)_, please bookmark (?_?)
 Ask for collection, ask for recommendation, why do some people say that I am a eunuch, I don’t know how serious it is!

(End of this chapter)

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