Chapter 39
In the capital of Yanzhou, on Beicheng Avenue, the crowd that was quiet and crowded just now became chaotic in an instant.The soldiers on both sides of the street couldn't stop the panicked civilians at all, and the whole street was in chaos for a while.

A leader who seemed to be the cavalry of Yan State held a long spear in his hand, calmly observed the direction of the iron arrow and the movement of the surrounding people, and ordered: "There are assassins! Protect the princess!"

The accompanying cavalry immediately dismounted and discarded their spears. Long spears are not suitable for use on the ground at all. They are only suitable for cavalry charging, or for masters with spears. Each cavalry draws out the swords in their waists and turns into infantry. Beside Princess Ping's carriage, she nervously scanned everyone.

The Mongolian cavalry in front also took off the bows and arrows on their backs, and they were still riding on horseback, circling around the Yan State cavalry who had become infantry, and the bows and arrows in their hands seemed to be shot at any time.

The crowd on the street gradually lost control, and under the guidance of people with ulterior motives, the crowd gradually rushed towards Princess Ping's carriage.

Following the appearance of an arrow, an urgent task popped up in front of Zhang Tie's eyes.

【Ding!Urgent task! 】

【Save Princess Ping An】

[Mission Content: Save Princess Ping An!Let him escape this assassination. 】

[Task reward: 12000 experience, 3000 system coins, 100 reputation.]

[Whether to accept: 'Yes', 'No']

Zhang Tie subconsciously chose 'yes'. After choosing, he felt a bit tricky. This is to assassinate the princess. Now if he takes out his weapon and goes forward to help protect the princess, he may be shot by a Mongolian bow before reaching the princess' car. The cavalry was shot into a hornet's nest.

No matter who they are, in order to protect their future princess, as long as they step forward, they have to be regarded as assassins, and they have no chance to explain.

Even if you are not shot into a hornet's nest, you may fall into the abyss if you are not careful, and fall into a place of eternal doom.

As a last resort, Zhang Tie threw the 'Pojun' in his hand to Zhang Shun, and said in a low voice: "Brother! I have an urgent task, you go back to the inn first."

Without waiting for Zhang Shun's reaction, he jumped directly to another tall building, took back the 'Eternal Royal' and equipped it with the mask and night clothes in the inventory, took out a bag of arrows and put it on his back, and held the Wearing a short compound bow that has not been used for a long time.

Everything happened within 3 seconds. When Zhang Tie looked down from the tall building again, the people on the street were slowly flocking to Princess Ping An's car.

"Damn it! Who is so cruel to take advantage of innocent people."

Zhang Tie clenched his fists fiercely, and he had scolded those who took advantage of the people hundreds of times in his heart.

At this time, the cavalry accompanying the Yan Kingdom will definitely not kill innocent people indiscriminately, but the Mongolian cavalry is different. Now their only mission is to protect the future prince and concubine. Besides, the people who are about to approach are not Mongolian compatriots, so killing them is killing them .

"The assassin must be found first. In this case, I hope the system will not let me down."

Gritting his teeth secretly, his eyes shifted to the map. As expected of the system, there were many small black dots on the map, more than 20 of them were scattered.

According to the specific direction indicated by the black dots on the map, Zhang Tie carefully observed several relatively concentrated black dots. Since Zhang Tie was standing at a high place, he instantly found the assassin caught in the panicked crowd.

The expressions of the assassins were either very flat, or their acting was too fake. It was obvious at a glance that they were completely different from the frightened crowd, and they would push people in the direction of Princess Ping from time to time.

Time was getting tighter and the crowd was getting closer and closer to Princess Ping An's car. The Mongolian cavalry seemed to be out of control and wanted to shoot and kill the people in front of them.

Zhang Tie quickly took down 4 iron arrows and put them in front of him. He was pinching an iron arrow in his hand. There were 5 arrows in total, corresponding to the [-] assassins he found.

Letting out a little breath, Zhang Tie drew his bow and aimed at the farthest person, let go of the arrow, and the iron arrow instantly hit the head of the assassin in the crowd.

After Zhang Tie shot the first arrow, Zhang Tie immediately picked up the iron arrow from the ground, aimed at the next target, and also shot through the assassin's head, one arrow after another, and Zhang Tie shot at a speed of almost one arrow per second. shot the 5th arrow.

The moment Zhang Tie shot the fifth iron arrow, Zhang Tie jumped up instantly. Using the skill of lightness kung fu, his goal was to jump to the tall building on the opposite side of the street. The distance between the two streets was as much as 5 meters.

Zhang Tieren was still in mid-air when an iron arrow shot out from the crowd in the west. The target was Zhang Tie. The moment the iron arrow shot out, Zhang Tie felt something. Zhang Tie's eyes are very clear, this is the benefit of high agility, and the nerve speed has been improved.

With his right hand, a dagger appeared in Zhang Tie's hand, but in the eyes of others, it seemed that the dagger was taken out of Zhang Tie's sleeve, or it didn't exist, because they couldn't see clearly at all.

Following the trajectory of the arrow, Zhang Tie raised his right hand slightly, and flipped the dagger over. The arrow hit the blade of the dagger, making a crisp sound, and fell straight down. Zhang Tie was also thrown by the force of the arrow. It took a small step to the east, but eventually landed on the tall building across the street.


In just 5 seconds, 5 people died in an instant. Since the first person died, the terrified people suddenly froze, and then screamed and ran into the alley or into the store.

The panicked crowd allowed Zhang Tie to perfectly kill the remaining 4 assassins, leaving the assassins to die in a daze.

What happened not far away was seen clearly by the cavalry leader and the Mongolian cavalry on horseback. When Zhang Tie shot the second arrow, the location had already been exposed to the eyes of all the cavalry.

While Zhang Tie was standing still, the Mongolian cavalry had plenty of time to shoot Zhang Tie, but they didn't do so.

The Mongolian cavalry are not fools. From the people who keep approaching here, let them know that someone is in the crowd to induce them, and the shooter did not target them, but the people in the crowd. It has already shown that the shooter and the assassin are not the same same gang.

At the moment Zhang Tie escaped, an iron arrow was shot from below, and the direction was exactly the direction that the princess's car was shot at at first. ground.

The tall building has 4 floors, and Zhang Tie jumped to the 3rd floor. The tall building seems to be a restaurant, and there are meals on the table. Everyone is on the edge of the window sill, watching the scene below through the window.

At this time, the people on the windowsill were all dumbfounded at Zhang Tie, who was holding a bow in his left hand and a dagger in his right. He was wearing black night clothes and watched him go up to the top of the building.

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(End of this chapter)

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