Riding a chopping horse and stepping into the world

Chapter 63 System Changes (Character Attributes)

Chapter 63 System Changes (Character Attributes)
The heavy downpour finally fell, and there was a continuous sound of rain, and water started to form on the flat ground on the official road. Fortunately, the people who built the small shed at that time considered such a scenario, and built it with steps, so it was still very high from the ground. Don't be overwhelmed by water.

From time to time, a flash of lightning flashed across the sky, illuminating the whole world, leaving a white trace and rumbling thunder, telling the majesty of nature.

The rainwater fell on the roof of the awning and made a bang bang bang sound, which made the people sitting inside tremble, for fear that the awning would be smashed just like that.

In the small shed, four people including Zhang Tie were sitting on the ground, with raw logs under their buttocks, and a small fire in the middle, from which thick smoke was coming out, and the four of them were frowning and their eyes were red. , Tears flowed down.

At this time, there was no extra space around the four of them. Except for the rest area in the center and the luggage storage area, the rest of the floor was filled with firewood.

Most of the firewood is raw, and only a little is dry firewood. Now all the wood is burned, so the smoke generated is relatively large. Dry firewood Zhang Tie and others are going to use it when they are going to rest, otherwise they will burn raw wood while sleeping. Wood, I can't sleep well.

Zhang Tie took a mouthful of dry food, and then took a mouthful of roasted air-dried meat, the spicy and crispy aroma filled his taste buds.

The depressed heart just now seemed to have slowed down a lot. He frowned, thought for a while, and found that he had no thoughts at all, "Who is it?"

Looking up and seeing the people eating dinner, Zhang Tie swallowed the food in his mouth and said, "Who gave you the mission to let Loumen attack us?"

Zhang Shun just glanced at Zhang Tie, shook his head, lowered his head and continued to eat air-dried meat, as if he would never get tired of eating it.

The other two were also binge eating air-dried meat. Seeing Zhang Tie looking at them, Liu Yi and Zhang Long raised their heads and looked at Zhang Tie suspiciously.

"What did you say?"

Zhang Tie's temples bulged high, seeming to form a cross. He stared at the two of them with his eyes, raised his voice, and said word by word: "I asked, who gave the tower door the task, incoming attack Kill us, do you hear me clearly now?”

The two nodded suddenly, and Liu Yi rolled his eyes, glanced at the air-dried meat in the luggage, and licked his lips. It seems that after this incident, the friendship between the two of them has increased a lot, "My two and You have been together, how can you know who gave the task, "

Zhang Long on the side was still lowering his head, nibbling on the air-dried meat in his hand. Hearing what his young master said, he nodded repeatedly and faltered, "Young master is right, woo! This air-dried meat is really delicious .”

Zhang Tie looked at the two of them speechlessly, then glanced at his younger brother, scratched his head with his hands in annoyance, looked at the air-dried meat in his hand, then bowed his head and joined the ranks of eating air-dried meat.

At this time, Zhang Shun, who was lowering his head, looked up at the crowd, and temporarily put down the air-dried meat in his hand, "We have been safe and sound since we came to Beicheng."

Speaking of this, Zhang Shun paused for a while, glanced at Zhang Tie, saw Zhang Tie shook his head slightly at him, and then continued: "I didn't offend anyone, so there is no clue at all. A prisoner might know something."

For a while, everyone fell into deep thought, but Zhang Tie was a little embarrassed, "Tell me about the captives, really!"

It was night, and streaks of lightning flashed across the sky, and rumbles of thunder spread across the earth. The heavy rain outside continued to fall, and it was still so heavy.

It was already late at night and everyone else was already asleep. It seemed that they were used to the sound of thunder and rain. Zhang Tie sat by the fire to watch the night, poking at the fire, and his mind was always in a state of emptiness.

【Ding!Finished reading]

[Reading rewards: intelligence +3, charisma +1, skill points +2. 】

The reminder on the retina woke Zhang Tie up from his trance, and he stared blankly at the reminder on the retina.

Afterwards, he shuddered, and then he remembered that today's harvest hadn't been cleaned up yet, and he didn't know what happened to the attribute points.

Thinking about today's situation, Zhang Tie made a decision, that is to use up both skill points and weapon proficiency points.

At this time, Zhang Tie added 3 points of intelligence, 3 additional skill points, and 2 points of reading, plus the remaining 5 points, now there are 10 skill points in total.

Using 8 skill points directly, he directly increased the strong bow to 15 in one breath, which is the full level, giving Zhang Tie an additional 210% increase in bow and arrow.

The remaining two points are added to the item management. Now Zhang Tie has felt that the inventory bar is almost not enough, so he added two item management points, that is, there are 12 more item bars.

There are 45 skill points, but Zhang Tie can't use them. Except for long pole weapons, all other weapon proficiency points are already over 160. Zhang Tie, who only has 1 point in weapon mastery, can't add other weapon proficiency points at all.

Of course, there are actually crossbows and throwing that can be added, but crossbows and throwing are not considered by Zhang Tie.

Looking at the equipment again, Zhang Tie was a little taken aback by the effect of the Silver Waist Card. He didn't expect such a thing to exist, and it was similar to the books sold by the system.

However, the effect of the big knife just obtained surprised Zhang Tie.

[Tempered Refined Broadsword: Sell 1000, Weight 5.5, Speed ​​94, Attack Range 110, Slash 50, Pierce 45. 】

The sharpness of 50 is already the effect of blowing hair and breaking it. The speed of 94% and the attack range of 110 are very impressive attributes.

It was Jiang Hu Ling, but it made Zhang Tie puzzled.

Playing with the so-called Jianghu Ling, Jianghu Ling is about the same size as an identity card. There are only three words on both sides of the card, that is Jianghu Ling.

"After using it, you will get a Jianghu event mission randomly? Could it be related to martial arts cheats? It can be sold for 2000 system coins. It is definitely a good thing. Let's take a look when we get home."

Zhang Tie finally looked at the column of captives, and found that there was an extra number in the column of captives, without any image, and there were two options next to the number, which were to sell and release. Captives seemed to be just a tool to make money.

However, compared with the game, there is still a difference, and it is very big. That is the selling price. Now the captives are selling at a considerable price, a full 500 system coins.

Shaking his head speechlessly, he sold the prisoner directly and got 500 system coins.

The rumbling thunder reminded me from time to time that the rain was still falling, as if it was going to use up all the accumulation it had accumulated for a long time.

It rained until noon the next day, and it was still raining heavily. Zhang Tie and the others sat listlessly on the raw wood, staring blankly at the rainwater falling from the awning.

Just as Zhang Tie was bored watching the ripples formed by the rainwater falling on the ground, a red light suddenly flashed on his retina. (Would it be better to use green light?)
【Ding!System upgrade is complete! 】

[Hint: This system upgrade adds a building system!Force value initial evaluation system!Salary system!Guard the system!Unlock soldier classes! 】

[Building system: Choose a blueprint and build a new building with the help of local people, or choose an existing building, then choose the special effect you want to add, and pay a certain amount of system currency. 】

[Martial force value initial evaluation system: Make a preliminary evaluation of a person's force, strength + agility = preliminary evaluation, and each time you look at others, you will spend one system currency. 】

[Salary system: The weekly salary payment is changed to monthly payment, and the total salary is the sum of the salary of the previous 4 weeks. 】

[Garrison system: Deputy generals can be appointed to be stationed in one place and have the right to manage a place. At the same time, they are eligible to recruit soldiers. The upper limit of soldiers recruited is related to the place where they are stationed and the attributes of the personnel stationed. 】

[Tip: The soldiers recruited can only be the recruitment targets that have been unlocked currently. 】

[Hint: For any soldier recruited, the subconscious mind first obeys the system owner. 】

[Reminder: The recruited soldiers will only have additional attributes, and there will be no incomplete system. All the equipment of the soldiers will appear in the recruiter's inventory. 】

[Unlock soldier types: soldiers, mercenaries. 】

[Reminder: Soldier upgrade order: Garrison soldiers - Garrison regular - Garrison sword players (garrison pikemen) - Garrison heavy infantry soldiers (garrison heavy spear and axe soldiers)]

[Garrison soldiers - Garrison strong archers (Garrison strong crossbowmen) - Garrison heavy-armed archers (Garrison heavy-armed crossbowmen)]

[Hint: The order of mercenaries to upgrade: warriors—infantry (archers)—elite warriors, cavalry (skilled crossbowmen)]

[Hint: Special arms require special buildings,]

Garrison system?Zhang Tie looked forward thoughtfully, "It seems that this system upgrade is indeed related to my brother's becoming an official."

Character: Zhang Tie

Position: Head of the Deng Family Escort (Magistrate of Biancheng County)

Salary: 1200 (4000) system coins per month
Strength: 72
Rating: 11
Life: 101/101
Experience Points: 204800/114100
Stamina: 480/470
Complicated degree: 480/48
Reputation: 175
Strength: 47 (+1)

Agility: 24
Intelligence: 19
Charisma: 14
Iron Bones: 9
Strong hit: 6
Strong Bow: 15
Shield Defense: 2
Weapon Mastery: 1
Running: 4
Riding: 4
Horseback riding: 4
Tracking: 2
Guides: 4
Scouting: 6
Heal: 1
First Aid: 1
Domination: 1
Inventory: 2
Captive Management: 2
Weapon Proficiency:
One-handed weapons: 180
Two Handed Weapons: 160
Polearms: 60
Bow and Arrow: 190
Crossbows: 15
Throw: 42
Available Attribute Points: 1
Available Skill Points: 0
Available Weapon Proficiency Points:: 45
Gold: 22649
Troop Cap: 60/5
ps: As long as the prisoner is knocked unconscious by Zhang Tie and others, a quota of prisoners will appear on the system. Whether the prisoner escapes or not has nothing to do with the system prisoner. Currently, the prisoner can only be sold for money.

As for the position, it belonged to Zhang Shun, but Zhang Shun himself belonged to Zhang Tie's subordinates, so the system judged that Zhang Tie had an official position, and the system salary paid was naturally to Zhang Tie.

 Please collect it!Thanks to Yin Xiaojian, moving forward 3, they call me a generation of heroes, Lin, and a reward from the world of drifters!Then I would like to thank Nanguo Shushu and Yin Xiaojian for establishing the sign-in building!
(End of this chapter)

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