Chapter 64 Homecoming
The violent storm lasted for two days and two nights, until the early morning of June 6, when the rain gradually stopped. At dawn, Zhang Tie and others finally stepped on the muddy official road and set foot on the way home.

After being washed by the rain, the official road is full of stagnant water, and the soil is soft. Every few steps, the feet will be covered with mud, and it feels like wearing a pair of heavy shoes on the feet, which is very strenuous.

After walking a certain distance, you have to stop, kick your feet twice, and kick off the dirt on your shoes, and the road after rain is always slippery. People with poor body balance will fall if they are not careful. He fell, which greatly increased the difficulty of traveling.

The sky was still gloomy, and birds flew over the heads of Zhang Tie and the others from time to time, appearing in a hurry, as if they hadn't eaten for many days and were already starving.

Shaking the dirt on the bottom of the shoe, Liu Yi moaned with despair on his face, "Ah! I can't take it anymore, this damn gate, the damn rainstorm, and the damn mud."

Liu Yi's guard, Zhang Long, was standing not far in front of Liu Yi at this time, and there was also a thick layer of soil beside him. It seemed that he had just kicked off the soil from his shoes. He looked at the high mountains in the distance, and turned to face Liu Yi. Yi said.

"Master, hold on for a while, you can already see Xiaogui Mountain here, and Xinjian County is not far away, and you will be home soon."

As Zhang Long said, this place is not far from Xinjian County. If calculated according to the usual footsteps, it can be reached within an hour. With the current situation, it should be almost an hour later.

Liu Yi stopped complaining and hurried on his way with his head buried. As a child of a rich family, he was always taken care of by someone. Although he practiced martial arts since childhood, he rarely suffered.

Zhang Tie shrugged his shoulders and walked up the steps. There was also a thick layer of mud on his shoes, but Zhang Tie didn't care about it at all. I can no longer carry much soil.

Zhang Shun also buried his head on the road, kicking his legs from time to time, falling a piece of dirt.

Sure enough, everyone arrived at the post station in Xinjian County in about an hour. The two brothers Zhang Tie and Liu Yi and Zhang Long formally bid farewell. It was also agreed that after meeting in Beicheng, the two brothers Zhang Tie embarked on the journey home again. , the extra iron knife on his body was naturally sold to the postman at a low price.

Not long after parting Liu Yi and Zhang Long, Zhang Tie summoned a horse in a corner of an official road, and the heavy gray prairie horse appeared in front of Zhang Tie again.

Touching the expressionless system horse, Zhang Tie almost shed tears. Although the dirt was not heavy, it was not comfortable, and the walking was too slow, and it was too difficult.

Leading the horse to the official road, Zhang Tie got on the horse and said to Zhang Shun, who was also sitting on the horse beside him, "Okay, I can finally have a horse to ride, let's get on the road."

Zhang Shun also let out a long sigh of relief, it seems that he doesn't like to roam in the ocean of mud again, "Well, let's go."


Zhang Tie subconsciously let out a cry, and the horse began to trot along the official road.

There seemed to be no pedestrians on the official road after the heavy rain, and the road was smooth.

Finally, around noon two days later, the two brothers Zhang Tie returned to the city gate of Liexue Town. For Zhang Tie, he was used to traveling far away, but for Zhang Shun, it was the first time that the flower girl had been arrogant. Woolen cloth.

Eyes full of nostalgia, Zhang Shun seemed to want to go back home immediately to see his relatives whom he had not seen for more than a month.

When the two brothers reached the gate, the horses had already been taken back on the way they had come. The soldiers guarding the city seemed to know Zhang Tie, and greeted Zhang Tie, who also nodded his head.

Now Zhang Tie is already a celebrity to Liexue Town. Everyone knows that there is such a number one person, and Pony Mountain became famous in the first battle.

After entering the small town, Zhang Tie and Zhang Tie first went to the street, planning to make a big purchase. As the so-called returning home, Zhang Shun is now the county magistrate of a place, and he is not short of money. Naturally, he should celebrate after returning home. It takes a while.

At the same time, Deng's Mafang and Zhang Sanfeng's family were packing up their salutes and furniture at home, preparing to move.

Before Zhang Tie and the others came back, an informer hastened to inform Zhang Sanfeng and his wife about Zhang Shun's palace examination results and his appointment as the county magistrate of Biancheng County.

Zhang Sanfeng and his wife, who learned about this, were naturally overjoyed, and rewarded the informant with some money, and the two couples began to think about Zhang Shun's future.

The next day, the two couples went to the Deng family compound together, and resigned with the head of the house, Deng Wei. Deng Wei was also a well-informed person. When the informer went to Mafang, he knew that the son of the two was probably in high school.

After inquiring, it was not difficult to find out that Zhang Shun became the county magistrate. Knowing that the two sons in front of him are now county magistrates, naturally they cannot work in Zai's house, so Deng Wei approved their resignation. salary.

As the parents of a county magistrate, if it was known that he was still working as a groom for others, he would probably be laughed at by others and be humiliated at his grandma's house.

When the two brothers came back, they happened to see three people who were still tidying up the house. All three were gray and had many spider webs on their heads.

"Father, mother, little sister, what are you doing?" Zhang Tie looked at the empty yard, and all the things that were considered useful were cleared to a corner of the yard. The so-called usefulness was naturally for Zhang Tie's mother. Said.

People who are used to suffering are reluctant to discard even the smallest things. They bought them with their flesh and blood, and there is already a huge pile in the corner.

Carefully lifting the washstand and placing it on the ground, Zhang Tie's mother Yuping looked at Zhang Shun with a joyful expression, "My dear son, I knew you could do it. Oops, aren't you already the county magistrate? Your father and I have already resigned from our posts in the Deng family and are ready to move out."

"Mom, I didn't expect to be hit the first time."

While talking, Zhang Shun nodded. He really thought that his parents no longer needed to work. He was the county magistrate who governed a place, and he knew that his brother Zhang Tie had a lot of money. Woolen cloth.

Zhang Shun was not surprised why his mother would know the news in advance. Usually, as soon as the results of the palace examination came out, there would be a full-time staff to send the news.

Zhang Tie and the others were first attacked by Loumen men on the road, and the poor horse died, and then encountered heavy rain, which delayed a lot of time. The person who wanted to deliver the news should have already arrived.

Looking at the sundries piled on the ground, Zhang Tie frowned, and his eyelids twitched wildly. What he feared most was packing up things. In his previous life, he was often punished by his family for this.

"Mother, it's not like you don't know Shunzi's abilities, you should be the number one in the exam."

"But you don't need these things, they are already worn out, and they are very troublesome. Now our family has enough money."

Without waiting for his mother to refute, he called to Zhang Sanfeng and the two who were still moving furniture, "Father, little sister, come here."

The two, who had long wanted to move things, immediately put down the objects in their hands, and trotted over, "Tie Daner, what do you want me to do?"

And Zhang Xiaohua looked at the two brothers Zhang Tie with hope. Facing Zhang Xiaohua's gaze, Zhang Shun quickly took out the rattle from his bag and handed it to her.

Zhang Xiaohua took the rattle with a happy face, shook it, and made a thumping sound, and happily said thank you to Zhang Shun.

Zhang Tie also took out several money bags from his luggage, and handed them to Zhang Sanfeng and the others one by one. The money bags handed to Zhang Sanfeng contained the money that Zhang Tie had obtained during his travels.

"Father, my brother is still young now. I think it's better for you all to go to the border county where my brother is appointed. You can help a group of brothers. After all, my brother is young, not experienced enough, and unfamiliar with the place. I'm afraid it's easy to be fooled. You need someone like your father to help."

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ps: Thank you for your support all the time, thank you for your votes!

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(End of this chapter)

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