Riding a chopping horse and stepping into the world

Chapter 65 Heavy Chapter Escort Bureau

Chapter 65 Return to the escort agency
At Dengjia Mafang, Zhang Sanfeng nodded in agreement with Zhang Tie's words, took the money bag, which was bulging, and didn't pay much attention to it, held it in his hand, looked at Zhang Shun lovingly,

"Yes! Shunzi is still too young. He is still less than 17 years old. Although there are people younger than him who have served as county magistrates, I still feel uneasy!"

Turning around to look at Zhang Tie's mother, he said in a discussing tone: "Mother, what do you think? The place Shunzi is going to this time is a border land, a place where there is chaos and chaos. Let's go together."

Zhang Tie's mother looked at Zhang Shun worriedly, then glanced at Zhang Tie, and said awkwardly: "But we are all going, what will happen to Tiedan'er? We can't let him stay here alone, why don't we let Tiedan go together?" ?”

"No x2"

Zhang Tie and his son objected in unison.

Zhang Sanfeng took the lead and said: "How is this possible, a man, you can't play tricks after signing a contract, you have to be brave, how can you break your promise, and now who doesn't know how powerful Tie Daner is, he is now the bodyguard of the Deng Family Escort Bureau Head, he has grown up, you don't need to worry about him anymore, the most important thing now is Shunzi's affairs."

Zhang Tie also nodded quickly, with a look of approval on his face, "Mom, I am not the same person now. Now I am the head of the Deng Family Escort Agency. Don't worry, just go with Shunzi. And Father is also right, a man is a true man, how can he break the contract he signed."

In fact, this is just one point. The most important thing is Zhang Tie's main mission. Zhang Tie is really unwilling to accept the consequences of mission failure. All attributes will be reduced by 5. It is difficult to accept just thinking about it, not to mention the rich mission rewards.

During the month when Zhang Tie asked for leave, the status of the main task has been suspended. It seems that he must be in a state of not asking for leave to complete the main task.

[Main task: Freedom! 】

[Task content: Work for the Deng Family Escort Bureau for three years. 】

[Task reward: experience 1000000, system currency 100000. 】

[Penalty for failure: All attributes are reduced by 5. 】

[Task Status: Suspended (Maximum Suspension Period 60/25). 】

Zhang Tie's mother gave Zhang Tie a complicated look, turned around and punched Zhang Sanfeng several times, making a thumping sound on Zhang Sanfeng's arm. Zhang Sanfeng did not run away, secretly gritting his teeth. Let Zhang Tie's mother hammer him.

"You kill a thousand swords, if you didn't insist on the contract back then, you said you were a man. Tie Dan'er would not still be a child of the family, and the current situation would not happen. Tie Dan'er can be with us now gone."

Zhang Tie on the side opened his mouth in astonishment. He had doubts at first. How could his father, who was also a bodyguard, let his son become a homemaker and have children? It turned out that everything was caused by Cheng Yue.

After hammering for a while, Zhang Tie's mother finally stopped, still cursing in a low voice "Sha Qian Dao".

Zhang Sanfeng's arm was obviously swollen from the beating. One must know that Zhang Tie's mother was also recruited as a lieutenant general, and her strength was more than twice that of ordinary people, so it still hurt a lot.

Zhang Sankuang rubbed his swollen and painful arm, looked at his wife silently, and then looked at Zhang Tie with apologetic eyes. It seems that Zhang Sankuang has always been guilty of this matter.

Speechlessly, he glanced at Zhang Sankuang, but Zhang Tie didn't blame him. Without such deeds, there would be no Zhang Tie now. Keeping his word is indeed worthy of admiration.

"Mom, it's all right. Besides, I think my gift may be because the gods were moved by what Dad did, so they gave me such a powerful gift. Otherwise, Shunzi's illness would not be cured."

Zhang Tie's words convinced the whole family. Zhang Tie's mother stopped nagging, and Zhang Shun and Zhang Xiaohua looked at Zhang Sankuang in admiration. As for Zhang Sankuang, he puffed up his chest and looked up at the sky.

But Zhang Tie's heart was full of crows, and the corner of his mouth twitched, "Can the speed of change be any faster?"

The farce was finally over, and only then did Zhang Sanfeng feel that the money bag in his hand was bulging, and it didn't look like it was empty. He opened it suspiciously, and showed a surprised look on his face.

"Tie Dan, where did you get so much money!"

At this time, the money bag had been fully opened. Zhang Sanfeng took out the 10 money tickets inside, and looked at Zhang Tie in a daze. Zhang Tie's mother also had a shocked expression on her face. There are 11, and Zhang Tie kept one for himself as a spare.

Zhang Tie glanced at the small map and once again confirmed that there was no one else, he whispered: "Do you remember the salt in the grocery store? I found a Zhao Guo salt merchant in Beicheng and sold him 8000 kilograms of salt. Each kilogram 1 denarius."

As for the things in the store, Zhang Sanfeng and others naturally knew that most of the food they eat now, except rice, was bought in the grocery store.

As for the sale and purchase of private salt, I didn't take it seriously. Why not make money for something that can make money? This is not against my conscience. The only thing I worry about is whether it will be exposed.

Nodding in understanding, Zhang Sanfeng asked softly: "No one discovered it, right?"

Zhang Tie shook his head, "No, I was wearing night clothes and a mask at the time, and the sky was dark, so there was absolutely no problem."

Heaved a sigh of relief, Zhang Sanfeng didn't ask any more questions, and counted the money tickets, but the result was 10, which was wrong with the 8000 catties of salt sold. He looked up at Zhang Tie in doubt, "Why are there so many?" two?"

Zhang Tie briefly described what happened on the road, only saying that he met robbers on the road, and they killed them back, and got two money tickets. Zhang Sanfeng and others didn't take it seriously, thinking it was really an ordinary robbery incident.

Naturally, the family stopped tidying up the furniture. Now that they have so much money, there is no need to use those worn-out furniture to save money, and they can't move so much to Biancheng County.

The family happily ate a big meal, and then Zhang Tie stayed at home all afternoon, saying goodbye to his family before dark.

After asking for leave for so long, it's time to go to the Escort Bureau to clear the leave, so that the main task can continue.

Escort account room.Zhang Tie knocked on the door and entered the room after the people inside responded.

At this time, there were three people in the accounting room, each of them was sitting on their chairs and checking the bills for more than half a month. In addition to Wang Cheng, the deputy chief escort, and Deng Wei, the head of the Deng family's bodyguard and the chief escort of the Deng family's bodyguard bureau, Deng Wei happened to be present.

Seeing that the person who came was Zhang Tie, Deng Wei raised his hands to Zhang Tie with a smile on his face and said: "It turns out to be Captain Zhang. Sit down as you like. Congratulations to Captain Zhang. This time, my brother has won the top prize in high school. It's really gratifying and congratulatory." , bringing glory to our Liexue Town."

Zhang Tie was not polite, he found a stool at random, and sat down, "Patriarch Deng joked, who doesn't know that this month's palace examination is just a temporary need, and my brother just happened to catch up with a good time, so it's not a good time What."

Having said that, Zhang Tie's face is still full of pride. "I came here this time to clear my vacation. Now that my brother has come back, it's time for me to come back and work."

At this time, Coach Deng, who was looking through the accounts, looked up at Zhang Tie, and said, "Don't mention it, you came back just in time, and there will be a dart leaving in the morning after tomorrow, and you are worried that there will be no one else, so you can go back and leave." came back."

Wang Cheng, the deputy chief bodyguard, also said: "Since you asked for leave, the subordinates you lead have been looking forward to your early return all day long."

Several people chatted for a while, and then Zhang Tie asked: "By the way, whose dart will I bet the day after tomorrow, and where will I go?"

At this time, Deng Wei said: "This time is a little different from the others. The goods for the escort are in Pingzhou. This time you have to go to Pingzhou to pick up the goods first, and then send them to Suzhou in Zhao State."

"So troublesome?"

When I heard that they were picking up the goods in other places, this kind of thing happened to the bodyguard bureaus before. It was the owner of the bodyguards who came to Blood City to find the bodyguard bureau and asked them to pick up the goods at a certain place before depositing the bodyguards. After all, it is not every time It's just local people who come to bet on the darts.This shows the great reputation of the Deng Family Escort Bureau.

【Ding!Task reminder! 】

【Mission: Pingsu Escort! 】

[Task content: Go to Qitan Town, Pingzhou to pick up the goods, and escort them to Taicang County, Suzhou. 】

[Task reward: experience 10000, system currency 5000. 】

[Whether to accept: 'Yes', 'No']


 Naked this week, please collect it!Thanks to Nan Guo Shushu for the reward! ∠(?」∠)_

(End of this chapter)

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