Chapter 85 Yanbei Dongchen
Outside the North Gate Barracks in Biancheng County, Zhang Tie and others looked at Guo Mingjian in astonishment, and then looked at Yan Beichen who was leading the soldiers in drills in amazement.

Zhang Tie observed Yan Beichen carefully, especially his wrists and steps, and found that when he swung the silver spear, Yan Beichen's arms didn't shake at all, and his feet seemed to be stuck on the ground, and he didn't move at all when he stepped on a certain place. .

The soldiers who were following the drill behind them were also uniform, and a slight aura of a lion spread over them.

"Is that the hero Yan? Sure enough, he is a hero. He is not only good at kung fu, but also good at training soldiers."

Then he used a preliminary evaluation on Yan Beichen, and soon, Yan Beichen's attribute evaluation appeared on Zhang Tie's retina.

【Name: Yan Beichen】

[Preliminary score: 45]


Zhang Tie was very surprised by the attributes that appeared on the retina. He did not expect that Yan Beichen's physical strength and agility attributes were only 45 points.

Glancing at Yan Beichen again, Zhang Tie nodded secretly, "It seems that the martial arts and experience should be high, and the physical attributes may not have reached the level of second-rate warriors."

Everyone entered the barracks, and some soldiers who were practicing in the camp saw Zhang Tie and others, and they naturally knew Bo Guo Mingjian, the boss of Biancheng County.

However, the soldiers who discovered Zhang Tie and others only glanced at them and did not stop their movements. They continued to practice with Yan Beichen in front.

Zhang Shun and the others found that the soldiers did not stop, and they were not angry. Instead, they nodded appreciatively. Such soldiers are good soldiers, they are the soldiers in their hearts, and they are the soldiers they need now.

The so-called soldiers should obey orders, obey commands, be brave and tenacious, resolutely complete tasks, strictly observe discipline, obey management, train hard, and be united and friendly.

Zhang Tie and others had been standing behind the soldiers and found that the soldiers' movements were very simple, that is, stabbing flat, withdrawing, stabbing diagonally, withdrawing, over and over again.

In fact, this is the real training of soldiers. On the battlefield, the role of personal force will be compressed to a very small level.

But it doesn't mean that personal force is completely useless. Sometimes personal force is strong, and it can even affect the overall trend of a war, and it can also achieve the effect of improving morale.

On the battlefield, ordinary soldiers don't need too many expensive actions. They only need to follow orders, stab and collect.

Don't underestimate this simple movement, if it's just one or two or three people performing it together, it might be fine, but if it's hundreds or thousands of people doing it together.If more than a thousand troops can be commanded and prohibited, both offense and defense will have the embryonic form of a battle formation.

Of course, it is not difficult to get people within 50 people to do the same movement together, as long as you keep practicing, you can succeed.

But getting hundreds or thousands of them together is a very difficult thing.Especially on the battlefield, the difficulty level is even more difficult.

After waiting for a while, Yan Beichen's drill finally came to an end. Yan Beichen had actually spotted Zhang Tie and the others when they entered the barracks, but he didn't stop training the soldiers just because the boss arrived.

After putting the bright silver gun in his hand on the weapon rack, Yan Beichen came to Guo Mingjian and performed a military salute, that is, a hand-over salute.

"Your Majesty, Yan Beichen, has met you."

"Hey, why should Hero Yan be so polite? Come, come, let me introduce you to each other."

Guo Mingjian first pointed to Yan Beichen and said, "Master Zhang, Master Liu, this is the centurion Yan Beichen from Beiying in Biancheng County."

He arched his hands to Zhang Shun again, and said, "This is the current magistrate of Biancheng County, Mr. Zhang."

Finally, he cupped his hands to Liu Yi and said, "This will be your immediate boss from now on, County Captain Liu."

The ranks of soldiers in the State of Yan, there is a corps commander among five people, a ten commander among ten people, a centurion commander among 100 soldiers, a village commander among 500 soldiers, and a thousand commander among thousands of soldiers. The military marquis, the county lieutenant is equivalent to a military marquis.

Further up, there are Army Sima, Duwei, Xiaowei, Zhonglang General, Pi General, Wei General, Chariot General, Hussar General, General, Da Sima and Chief Governor.

Yan Beichen looked at Zhang Shun and Liu Yi in surprise, especially at Zhang Shun, probably because he didn't expect that the king would choose such a young man to be the county magistrate.

He gave a military salute to the two, "I have met the magistrate, I have seen the magistrate."

Looking at Yan Beichen who was standing like a pine in front of him, Zhang Shun smiled, his hands drooping naturally, "It seems that Mrs. Yan is not only strong in martial arts, but also obviously good at training soldiers."

"Your Excellency is absurd. This kind of exercise is known to everyone. There is nothing to praise."

Yan Beichen answered without arrogance or impetuosity, with a calm expression, as if he thought his practice was at the level that ordinary people should have.

It is indeed so simple to say, but it is not as simple as imagined.

Look at the soldiers who are resting not far away, and the recruitable prompts displayed next to the soldiers.

[Name: Wang Erxiao, available for recruitment. 】

[Hint: Due to Zhang Shun's official rank, the recruitment conditions for Biancheng County officials can be reduced to a certain extent. 】

Zhang Tie suddenly had a plan on his mind, moved behind Zhang Shun, and whispered to Zhang Shun.

"Shunzi, please let me know that a martial arts competition will be held tomorrow. It doesn't matter whether it's a soldier or a yamen servant. I will reward the top [-], so that you can gain a foothold in Biancheng County faster."

Zhang Shun was taken aback for a moment, as if thinking of something, he looked at Zhang Tie in surprise, "Brother? Do you want it?"

Although the last two words "blessing" were not spoken, the two brothers knew it well. Zhang Tie nodded solemnly, indicating that just as Zhang Shun thought, he would bless the soldiers.

Zhang Shun is well aware of the benefits and side effects of blessings, after all, he is an example.

Zhang Sanmanang on the side looked at the two brothers who were speaking in a puzzled manner, not knowing what they were talking about.

After nodding, Zhang Tie stepped back to Zhang Sanfeng's side, completely oblivious to Yan Beichen's puzzled look at him.

"This man is so strong! I didn't expect such a young county magistrate to have such a master by his side!"

Looking at Zhang Tie who was backing away, Yan Beichen felt uneasy. Unlike Zhang Tie, a "savage", Yan Beichen, who came from a famous sect, had a set of methods of judging people taught by the sect.

That is to look at the qi of a person, one of the qi is mysterious and mysterious, it is difficult to grasp, even Yan Beichen's sect is only superficial, you can only use the amount of qi, and you can roughly see the level of strength of a person.

In fact, there is another way to distinguish, and that is the evil spirit on the body. Although the difference between evil spirit and qi is only one word, they are very different and have completely different meanings.

A person's evil spirit is related to the number of people he killed. In the past six months, at least 100 people died at the hands of Zhang Tie, which can be regarded as a murderous maniac.Of course, this method is not absolute. According to legend, some executioners who have been executed for many years have such strong evil spirits that they can even stop ghosts and gods.But his martial arts skills are not necessarily strong.

With a light cough, Zhang Shun said to Liu Yi and the others: "Master Liu, Master Guo, Mr. Yan, I intend to increase the enthusiasm of the soldiers."

"Look, how about having all the soldiers and yamen servants here tomorrow morning except the soldiers guarding the city gate to hold a martial arts competition? I have prepared 50 taels of silver to reward the top twenty soldiers."

Zhang Shun's voice was intentionally loud, especially when it was 50 taels of silver, he intentionally emphasized his voice so that all the soldiers in the barracks could hear him clearly.

"Martial arts competition?!"

Liu Yi and others looked at Zhang Shun inexplicably, not knowing what medicine he was selling in his heart.

The soldiers in the barracks looked at Zhang Shun excitedly, feeling that the new magistrate of Biancheng County was getting cuter and cuter.

ps: Kamepai Qigong, aha
 Thank you book friend 20170724101206728, please call me a big boss, Yin Xiaojian for your reward!
(End of this chapter)

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