Chapter 86 Competition Regulations
Inside the Beicheng Barracks in Biancheng County, Zhang Shun nodded and said meaningfully: "Yes, the martial arts competition, I want to use this competition to boost the motivation of the soldiers and government servants, and it will be held every two months in the future. "

It's Zhang Shun's own idea to hold it every two months. In his mind, it might only be effective for a while, so it's better to hold it every once in a while.

Doing so can not only continuously improve the motivation of the soldiers and government servants, but also increase the soldiers' recognition of Zhang Shun.

As for money, Zhang Shun doesn't have to worry about it at all now. Although his county magistrate's salary is less than 50 taels of silver per year, the follow-up point he receives every month is very high.

【Name: Zhang Shun】

[Official position: Magistrate of Biancheng County]

【Salary: 2000 (monthly)】

Except for the monthly income of Biancheng County, Zhang Tie's extra salary, that county magistrate's salary was directly transferred to Zhang Shun by the system.

2000 follow-up points per month, 4000 points in two months, is enough to convert a mere 50 taels of silver, and Zhang Tie's father, Zhang Sanfeng, still has a lot of silver taels.

Before departure, Zhang Sanfeng exchanged some banknotes into cash. He was afraid that Biancheng County was too remote and difficult to use. Fortunately, he exchanged some banknotes into cash because there was no bank in Biancheng County.

The food and salary allocated by the State of Yan is simply not enough to support these officials in the border counties. If there is no money to pay the officials by then, it will be a big deal.

What Zhang Shun said made both Liu Yi and Yan Beichen's eyes shine. Liu Yi took a deep look at Zhang Tie standing behind Zhang Shun, and he roughly guessed the source of Zhang Shun's money.


All three of them agreed with Zhang Shun's proposal. For Guo Mingjian, anyway, you are the one who pays, and you are the boss. You can do whatever you want. deal with his business.

Now that they have finished their tour, everyone will naturally disperse. After returning to the Yamen, Guo Mingjian, Liu Yi and others went to do their own things, leaving only one groom.

The groom is in his forties. His name is Zhao Wei. He has a long horse face, a mole on his forehead, and a hunchback. It was for Zhang Shun to drive the carriage.

Several people entered the backyard and once again saw the gorgeously decorated backyard, with its high rockery, bright bricks and smooth marble floor tiles, Zhang Tie and others were filled with emotion.

Zhang Xiaohua bouncing around a rockery, turned to Zhang Sanfeng and said, "Father, will this be our new home from now on?"

"Yes, how do you like it?"

Zhang Sankuang patted Zhang Xiaohua's head with a loving face.

Zhang Xiaohua nodded vigorously, the two braids shook with her head, she was very cute, "I like it."

Several people randomly opened a door, but what they saw was very different from the scene outside. Although the floor was also paved with marble, the furniture was ordinary.

An ordinary bed, an ordinary table, a few chairs, the tea kettle and teacups on the table are just ordinary white porcelain, but everything is very new.

Obviously, they were all just made. As for the previous furniture, they must have been divided by other people in the yamen.

I opened all the rooms and took a look, and found that the situation was similar to that of the first room. Except for the things that could not be moved, everything else was replaced with new ones.

Everyone looked at each other and shook their heads helplessly, having already thought about this situation.

Zhang Sanfeng breathed a sigh of relief, "That's fine, otherwise it's too luxurious, and I'm really not used to it."

Sitting around a table, the groom was naturally outside. Zhang Tie said to Zhang Shun, "Now you are the magistrate of a county, so I won't say too many unnecessary words. Be careful in the future."

"The first thing to do now is to clean up the bandits in the county. We can use tomorrow's martial arts competition to talk about this matter."

After nodding, Zhang Shun hesitated, "Aren't you going to inform Liu Yi? He is now a county lieutenant, and the city defense soldiers are under his control."

Slightly taken aback, Zhang Tie forgot to notify Liu Yi, "Uh, of course we need to notify in advance."

"I should go back after cleaning up all the bandits."

For Zhang Tie's main task, the number of days of leave has passed for more than [-] days. Apart from the time for traveling, he still has more than ten days to deal with the bandits.

Sitting beside him, Zhang Sanfeng nodded quickly, "You really should go back. As soon as the bandits are dealt with, you should hurry back to the Escort Bureau. It's not a problem to ask for leave all the time. At that time..."

Before he could finish speaking, Zhang Tie's mother slapped Zhang Tie's mother again, and said anxiously: "You can! Why don't you let Tie Daner stay for a few more months?"

Zhang Sanfeng, who was beaten, raised his hands with helplessness on his face, "Okay, okay, I won't say, I won't say."

"Mom, calm down first."

Zhang Tie first poured Yuping a cup of tea, and then said: "Mom, actually, I also think it's not good to ask for leave all the time. You see, the head of the Deng family treated me well in the past. My brother can have today, he It helps a lot, too, doesn't it?"

Nodding subconsciously, Zhang Tie's mother thought about it, her family had indeed received a lot of help from the Deng family, otherwise they would not have been able to support Zhang Shun's education with their wages alone.

"I signed the contract at that time, and it will be almost a year after calculation. I will complete the contract in two years, and there will be plenty of time then."

"Besides, right now Zhang Shun is in need of money. Being a bodyguard can make a lot of money. As the eldest brother, he naturally has to help his younger brother."

"Now that my younger brother is the magistrate of Biancheng County, we must manage this place well and make it the base of our Zhang family."

Apart from nodding, Zhang Tie's mother had nothing to say, because what Zhang Tie said was the truth, she said in a low voice, "That's fine."

Seeing his mother agreeing, Zhang Tie also breathed a sigh of relief.

The next day, the entire Biancheng County was full of excitement. The decision made by Zhang Shun yesterday has now spread throughout the Biancheng County.

"I heard that there is a martial arts competition today?"

"Well, yes, and the bonus is not cheap, a total of 50 taels of silver."

"And it's still held every two months."

"Where did you get so much money?"

"Let me tell you, I heard that the county magistrate has an elder brother who is very skilled in martial arts. He has killed many bandits and bandits and has a lot of money."

The people discussed in low voices while walking towards the north gate.

When it came to Chenshi (around 8:[-] a.m.), the barracks outside the North Gate was already full of people.

Some unsharpened horse posts prevented the crowd from moving forward, and there was a soldier guarding them at intervals.

The barracks was also crowded with people, besides the soldiers, there were also yamen servants.

In the center of the barracks, an open space was left, with a wooden box in the open space, and a table next to it, with pens, ink, paper and inkstones on the table, and a man in official clothes standing beside it.

There are several weapon racks next to the martial arts field, which are filled with various wooden weapons, such as wooden knives, wooden guns, wooden swords, and even wooden shields. There are four or five of each.

A high platform was built next to it, more than three feet (one meter) high, and several chairs were placed on it.

The open space is naturally used for martial arts, and the chairs on the high platform can only be the seats of Zhang Shun and others.

Zhang Shun and the others were already sitting on the high platform.

After scanning the crowded barracks below, Zhang Shun announced loudly: "I announce that the first martial arts competition in Biancheng County will begin soon."

ps: I went shopping with my aunts today, so I have a little water, please forgive me. ?(?﹃??)
(End of this chapter)

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