Chapter 88
In the center of the martial arts field, Qiao Shan once again announced the result of a match, "The match is over, and the winner is No. 11 Fan Wei. Please No. [-] Liu Haoran and No. [-] Hong Junming take their weapons and go on the field."

"Please NO.12 Yan Beichen and NO.13 Liu Ming get ready."

As soon as they heard that Yan Beichen was about to enter the arena, everyone looked around, wanting to see which unlucky guy was going to compete with Hero Yan, and not many people paid attention to the match that was going on in the martial arts arena.

Soon, everyone found the target, and a frustrated face appeared in everyone's field of vision. Obviously, No. 13 Liu Ming was him.

And in the martial field, the result of the competition also came out, and the winner was No. 12 Liu Haoran.After Qiao Shan finished announcing the winners, NO.13 Yan Beichen and NO.[-] Liu Ming were called again.

"The two of you will go to the arena to compete after you get your weapons. Please NO.14 Mao Tianyou and NO.15 Guan Pengpeng get ready."

NO.13 Liu Ming was standing in front of the weapon rack, and it took a long time to see him take up the weapon. Instead, he was about to raise his hand, as if he was going to surrender before the fight started.

"If you don't work hard, how do you know your weight? If you encounter difficulties and don't try hard, how can you succeed? Such a life, huh!"

Yan Beichen, who was also standing in front of the weapon rack, fiddled with the wooden stick in his hand, said something casually, and walked slowly towards the martial field with the wooden stick.

No. 13 Liu Ming, who was about to raise his hand, stared blankly at the weapon rack in front of him, gritted his teeth, grabbed a wooden broadsword, and walked towards the martial field with big strides, the frustration on his face disappeared, only The spirit of fighting.

Just like what Yan Beichen said, if you don't work hard or fight hard, how will you know the result.

Although the reality is often that if you don't work hard, how can you know the cruelty of reality? A street kid is still a street kid.

NO.13 Liu Ming’s performance has always been in Zhang Tie’s eyes. Although Yan Beichen’s words were soft, he did not deliberately lower his voice. Zhang Tie could still hear it clearly, but it was only a little encouragement from others that could break his heart. Obstacles, the xinxing itself is not bad.

He glanced at Liu Ming in the audience appreciatively, and secretly said: "This person has a good heart, you can try to cultivate it."

As the judge, Qiao Shan also looked at Liu Mingyuan happily, and came between the two of them. After Qiao Shan said the rules again, he yelled to start, and backed away again, giving the martial arts field to the two on the field.

Liu Ming knew the gap between himself and Yan Beichen, so he didn't approach Yan Beichen cautiously, but rushed towards Yan Beichen quickly, holding the wooden knife tightly in his hands and placing it on his chest.

Yan Beichen stood on the spot, steadied his horse, and my wooden stick was waiting for Liu Ming's attack.

Soon Liu Ming arrived in front of Yan Beichen, holding the wooden knife in both hands, and swung it towards Yan Beichen. It stands to reason that the wooden stick is much longer than the wooden knife. Before Liu Ming came, Yan Beichen actually It was about to attack.

However, it was obvious that Yan Beichen was thinking about the school examination, and Liu Ming himself was also a member of the North Gate Barracks, so he didn't attack the opponent first, but faced Liu Ming's attack with a defensive posture.

'pon! The two weapons interlaced in the air, Yan Beichen caught Liu Ming's attack steadily, still squatting on horseback, motionless.

On the other hand, Liu Mingyuan staggered, and almost dropped the wooden knife in his hand.

"For the first confrontation, you shouldn't try your best at the beginning. You should test it first. If I took a step to the right and avoided your attack, then your back will be completely facing me, which is very easy. Danger."

Yan Beichen, who was standing in place, guided Liu Ming's mistake just now when Liu Ming was taking a breather. Liu Ming, who was being guided, was also taken aback for a moment, and then suddenly realized that he had gained a lot.

"I will attack next, be careful."

As soon as the words fell, Yan Beichen raised the wooden stick in his hand and swept towards Liu Ming's face, but the speed was obviously not fast, and it was still within Liu Ming's acceptance range.

Liu Ming hurriedly handed over the wooden knife in his hand, wanting to attack with an attack, but unexpectedly, Yan Beichen's whole body suddenly moved a small step to the left, and the wooden stick also changed direction suddenly in mid-air, sweeping towards Liu Ming's chest.

'Boom! ' With a soft sound, Liu Ming was directly swept to the ground by a stick, followed by the end of the stick falling on his neck.

"Martial arts is not just straight forward, but also flexible, and the use of footwork will also improve a person's martial arts level."

With a sound of swiping, Yan Beichen took back the wooden stick and stood quietly on the spot, waiting for Liu Ming who was lying on the ground to admit defeat.

"Thank you, Captain Yan, for your teaching. I admit defeat."

Liu Ming first thanked Yan Beichen, then raised his right hand to admit his failure.

On the high platform not far away, Zhang Tie, who had watched everything in the game, nodded secretly and said to Zhang Shun in a low voice: "Yan Beichen is a good person, neither arrogant nor impetuous, and he explains to his subordinates seriously. A good teacher."

Zhang Shun also nodded in agreement, looked at Liu Yi who was at the side, and cast envious eyes on him, Yan Beichen was his subordinate, and Liu Yi also had a smiling face at this time, his face was almost deformed from laughing.

Although Liu Yi may not be able to control Yan Beichen, and Liu Yi never thought of being able to control Yan Beichen, but judging from his performance today, Yan Beichen should be easy to get along with, and Liu Yi is naturally very happy.

Soon it was around [-]:[-] noon, the game had been going on for more than two hours, and more than half of the first round of the game had been completed.

Seeing that Qiao Shan was standing in the middle of the martial field, and was about to call for the next team to compete, Zhang Shun waved to Zhao Wei, the groom below, and Zhao Wei, who was below the high platform, immediately rang the gong in his hand, attracting Qiao Shan gaze.

Standing up, Zhang Shun looked around at the people below, took a breath, and said loudly: "This morning's competition will end here first. Everyone will go to eat first. After three quarters (around two o'clock in the afternoon), we will arrive again. Come here and finish the unfinished game."

"Everyone leave the venue slowly, don't be crowded, and then, taking advantage of today's opportunity, I'm here to release a message after this competition is over."

"At that time, a recruitment order will be issued to recruit twenty government servants. Their duty is to clean up the garbage in the city. They will be paid one or two silver per month."

After speaking, Zhang Shun, escorted by Zhang Tie, came down from the high platform, and walked towards the Yamen together with Liu Yi and others.

The civilians who were still in shock were left behind.

Seeing the new county magistrate going away, the people were talking a lot.

"Clean up the garbage in the city? One tael of silver per month!"

"Did I hear you right? One tael of silver, 1000 copper coins!"

"It seems that the new county magistrate is a good magistrate. He actually recruited cleaners to clean up the garbage in the city."

"Yes, every time I see melon and fruit peels on the street, the smell is really bad."


ps: I'm finally going home, and I'm in the car now, waiting to go home.

(End of this chapter)

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