Wulin Tyrant

Chapter 318

Chapter 318
Li Bin looked around the audience, Zhai Hufa, the strongest Taoist priest in Feiyun Temple, was still curled up, lying on the floor of the square struggling in pain.It seemed that Zhai Hufa was seriously injured by Li Bin, and he couldn't stand up for a while.

Li Bin cleared his voice, and said in a loud voice: "Feiyun Guan is for his own benefit, and innocent people are affected. Today, the head of the Ben is acting violently for the people! The culprit of Feiyun Temple has been executed, and the crimes committed by the accomplices and others will not be held accountable. From now on If you do evil, you will cause harm to the neighbors. If you commit the crime again, you will be caught by this sect leader, and you will never be forgiven lightly!"

As soon as Li Bin's words fell, bursts of cheers erupted in the square immediately, and the lenient handling won Li Bin more supporters.

Li Bin walked slowly to Protector Zhai who was seriously injured and fell to the ground, took out a bottle of the holy medicine of healing from his bosom, poured out one pill, and handed it to Protector Zhai.Zhai Hufa's complexion suddenly changed, his expression was panicked, and he looked at the Dahuandan pill in Li Bin's palm suspiciously and vigilantly.

Li Bin knew from Zhai Hufa's expression of fear and refusal to reprimand that Zhai Hufa was worried that the pill he gave was poison.

Li Bin immediately turned serious, and said in an irrefutable tone: "Don't worry, I can kill you at any time. There is no need to do anything extra."

After Zhai Hufa heard the words, he stared at Li Bin closely for a while, sighed, then took the Dahuandan pill and swallowed it with his head up.

After a while, Zhai Hufa showed joy on his face, and his constricted breathing returned to normal.

Protector Zhai, who regained some strength, struggled to get up, bowed his head to Li Bin, and said respectfully with a weeping voice: "The sinner Zhai Ling has committed a heinous crime. Fortunately, my benefactor is magnanimous and spared Zhai Ling's death. Zhai Ling is deeply grateful to you for your great kindness."

After Li Bin received Zhai Ling's kneeling, he immediately said: "Guardian Zhai is good at martial arts, if he travels across the rivers and lakes and achieves a heroic career, he will not waste his good martial arts and his hot-blooded body!"

"Your benefactor taught me the lesson. What Zhai Ling did before was really stupid! How dare you ask me your benefactor's name." Zhai Ling knelt down again and asked respectfully.

"Futu Sect Li Bin." Li Bin responded generously.

"In today's battle, Zhai Ling knew that he was a frog at the bottom of a well. At such a young age, Sect Leader Li's martial arts are impressive. Zhai Ling respects Sect Leader Li from the bottom of his heart." Zhai Ling bowed his head and pondered for a while, It seems that there are no such powerful figures as Futumen and Li Bin in Jianghu, but he still said slowly.

Li Bin responded indifferently: "We who learn martial arts must always have kind thoughts in our hearts. Otherwise, the stronger the martial arts, the easier it is to lose ourselves, and it is easier to be eroded and controlled by the remaining demon nature in our hearts. At that time, the more we practice martial arts, the more demon nature will become stronger. You will harm others and yourself!"

After Li Bin took over as the head of the Futu Sect, he has been adhering to the legacy of his predecessors when he established the sect, practicing martial arts with good thoughts, and keeping good causes in actions.

After talking with Zhai Ling, Li Bin said in a loud voice in front of everyone: "With the monster in the back mountain, Feiyun Temple is no longer inhabitable, everyone should go down the mountain to find their own way of life."

As soon as Li Bin finished speaking, all the Taoist priests in the square whispered to each other.

After Li Bin finished speaking loudly, he ignored the group of Taoist priests of Feiyunguan, and entered the main hall of Feiyunguan sect by himself, took out the map of Xuanming Hantan obtained by killing the master of Feiyunguan, and prepared to go to find out.

With every new map, Li Bin knows that there may be some new clues and new information. Seizing and making good use of these new clues and new information may bring benefits to his experience.Naturally, Li Bin would not let it go easily.

The entrance to the Xuanming Hantan map is just under the stone slab of a bed in a wing of the main hall.

Li Bin followed the map and found the ingenuity to open the stone door at the entrance. After pressing it, a stepped tunnel appeared.

Li Bin took out a luminous pearl from the ring, and stepped into the secret underground passage hidden in the main hall of Feiyun Temple.

The underground passage was damp and dark, and Li Bin slowly groped forward with the light of the night pearl in his hand.

This underground passage is narrow, only high enough for Li Bin to walk upright, and only wide enough for two people to walk side by side.And this underground passage is winding and winding, and it seems to be going down slowly all the time.

The only good news is that there are no other forks in this dank and dark tunnel, which saves Li Bin a lot of trouble.

After walking in the tunnel for about a stick of incense, Li Bin came to a relatively spacious stone room. After entering the stone room, Li Bin immediately felt the threatening cold in the stone room. Li Bin is not a threat at all.

With the help of the light from the night pearl, Li Bin explored in this stone room the size of a basketball court.

In a corner of the stone room, there is a stone platform. On the side of the stone platform, there seems to be a pill furnace for refining medicine. Li Bin found a candlestick embedded in the rock wall two meters above the stone platform. There is still half of the candlestick inside. An unburned red candle.

Li Bin took out the flint he carried with him and lit the candle in the candlestick. Suddenly, the entire stone room lit up.

Li Bin also found several small medicine bottles on the stone platform. Li Bin picked up these small medicine bottles one by one, and looked at the names of the medicines on the medicine bottles by candlelight.

"Bite Heart San, Ruanjin Huagu Pill, Xuanming Tougu Pill." After reading the names of these bottles, Li Bin couldn't help but feel a slight chill in his heart. Just looking at the names of the medicines, he knew that these were poisonous poisons, Li Bin thought: "The master of the Feiyun Temple hides in this stone room on weekdays, tinkering with these harmful pills?"

Li Bin continued to grope around the stone platform, and took out a small rectangular wooden box from a slightly recessed rock wall under the stone platform. Li Bin thought: "This wooden box is so well hidden, there must be something hidden in it for nothing. Cheats or something like that?"

Li Bin carefully opened the wooden box. In the interlayer of the inner wall of the wooden box, Li Bin successfully took out several small pieces of slightly yellowed paper. After unfolding them for a closer look, Li Bin was a little disappointed. It turned out that they were all the refining formulas and refining methods of elixirs. .

Xuanming Tougu Wan and Xiaoyao Ruanjin San are the refining formulas and refining methods of the two elixirs and their antidote.

Li Bin saw some useful information from the refining method of Xuanming Tougu Pill, which is what it said in the notes, "The refining of Xuanming Touguwan must use the water from the Xuanming Cold Pool in the stone room here, otherwise There is absolutely no possibility of refining it."

Li Bin also noticed that there was a pool of water in another corner of the stone room. Seeing that the formula described the effect of the water in the Xuanming Cold Pool so miraculously, Li Bin became curious, walked to the side of the Xuanming Cold Pool, bent down and used it Feel the coldness of the pool water with your hands.

By touching it, Li Bin could feel the temperature of the water in the Xuanming Cold Pool is extremely low, which is between the freezing cold water temperature before freezing, and Li Bin could keenly feel the cold air continuously coming up from the bottom of the Xuanming Cold Pool. , just like what Li Bin encountered that day in the cold water lake at the bottom of the Tiandang Peak cliff.

(End of this chapter)

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