Wulin Tyrant

Chapter 319 The Weird Spirit Vein at the Bottom of the Xuanming Cold Pool

Chapter 319 The Weird Spirit Vein at the Bottom of the Xuanming Cold Pool

In addition to feeling the bone-chilling chill rising from the bottom of the Xuanming Cold Pool, Li Bin seemed to have caught a faint aura of aura in the cold pool.

Li Bin's martial arts cultivation had just reached the level where he could weakly sense the spiritual energy around him. He felt that there seemed to be spiritual energy at the bottom of the cold pool. However, due to the distance and the barrier of the cold pool water, the induction was not very sure.

However, Li Bin was unwilling to let go of any opportunity to discover new spirit stones. Based on the principle that he would rather do it in vain than miss it, he decided to dive into the bottom of the Xuanming Cold Pool to find out and confirm whether his induction was correct or not.

Although the water in the Xuanming Cold Pool is bone-chillingly cold, it is only colder than the water in the cold water lake at the bottom of the Tiandang Peak cliff. Moreover, the icy cold air coming up from the bottom of the Xuanming Cold Pool here is different from the general icy cold air. not exactly.But for Li Bin today, this level of ice-cold intensity is really not enough. The ice-cold intensity of the Xuanming Cold Pool is really far behind that of the twelfth-level Xuanwu Hall. The ice-cold intensity is not the same at all. level.

Li Bin went into the water and plunged into the bottom of the Xuanming Cold Pool.

In order to have light at the bottom of the pool and see things without being blinded, Li Bin specially took a luminous pearl to dive together.

When diving into the depths of the pool, Li Bin once again sensed the aura from the aura at the bottom of the pool, which was more obvious than the intensity he sensed on the surface of the pool.Now, Li Bin was convinced that he had sensed that there was indeed spiritual energy at the bottom of the cold pool.

The aura of aura indicates that there are spirit stones at the bottom of the cold pool. Li Bin was overjoyed, and continued to dive to the end of the treasure hunt.

Under the pressure of the huge pool water, Li Bin desperately dived to the position where the spirit stone has the strongest induction. After a lot of effort, he finally dived to the right place. The stones scattered beside the boulders at the bottom of the pool, Li Bin confirmed through the induction between heaven and man that the aura was emitted from these scattered round cake-shaped stones.

Li Bin swam over and picked up a discus-sized stone at the bottom of the pool. Immediately after he got his hands on the stone, a very powerful icy air penetrated into the meridians of Li Bin's body.

This ice-cold air penetrated by stones through the body was so powerful that it even broke through the protection of Li Bin's Nine Yin Magical Ice and Astral Qi.

Li Bin suddenly felt that something was wrong, these stones were too weird, and just about to throw them away, something even more wonderful happened, the basalt spirit living in the sea of ​​Qi in Li Bin's dantian absorbed all the icy air that invaded Li Bin's meridians Swallowed up.

The excellent performance of the Xuanwu Spirit at the critical moment dispelled all Li Bin's worries. Li Bin did not stop doing anything, picked up the three stones he found, and brought them out of the Xuanming Cold Pool.

After coming out of the water, Li Bin put the three round cake-shaped spiritual stones he had picked up from the bottom of the pool together next to the cold pool, turned over again and dived back into the bottom of the Xuanming Cold Pool. Time is basically unlimited.This time, Li Bin was determined to search the bottom of the Xuanming Cold Pool thoroughly, never letting go of a piece of spiritual stone. The rare cultivation resource of spiritual stone is not something that can be encountered casually. Once encountered, Li Bin does not want to miss it.

Even if I missed it today, I missed it.Li Bin would regret for a long time if he did not salvage even one spiritual stone. In order to prevent himself from regretting it, Li Bin decided to search the bottom of the Xuanming Cold Pond carefully and patiently this time.Turn upside down.

Li Bin swam all the way along the Xuanming Hantan. He didn't know how far he had swam. Suddenly, he found light coming through, and he could vaguely see the surrounding water environment one or two feet away.

After diving all the way, Li Bin didn’t sense any new aura. Li Bin continued to swim towards the brightly lit pool. Suddenly, the familiar sense of aura came again. Li Bin opened his eyes and searched carefully. Finally, the hard work paid off. At the bottom of the cold pool a few meters in front of the cold pool, Li Bin saw a large stone with a height of one person protruding from the bottom of the clear pool with the help of the projected light. The aura of spiritual energy protruded from there It came from the rocks at the bottom of the pool.

Li Bin swam to the side of the protruding rock at the bottom of the pool, touched the huge rock at the bottom of the pool that was raised to a height of one person with his hand, and felt a very strong aura from inside.

Li Bin thought: "This protruding rock must contain abundant spiritual energy resources, but how should we start?" Li Bin kept working hard beside the one-person-high protruding rock at the bottom of the pool. Li Bin tried almost all of the methods, and almost gritted his teeth.

This protruding rock is so hard that Li Bin can't shake it at all. In addition, at the bottom of the pool, there are unfavorable conditions such as water pressure. Li Bin can't use his whole body to smash this protruding rock like he was on land. When the force is exerted at the bottom of the pool, the explosive power and destructive power are greatly weakened.

At this moment, Li Bin suddenly felt that the ground at the bottom of the pool was trembling slightly, and even the water in the pool had a harmonic reaction. Li Bin was surprised: "Could it be an earthquake? It's better to hurry up and dive out of the Xuanming Cold Pool." .”

Li Bin temporarily gave up his efforts to continue to fight against the giant rock, and tried his best to sneak out into the clear place of the pool.

But when Li Bin was about to dive out of the pool, he suddenly saw the huge and ugly snake head of the Xuanwu Holy Beast trying to poke into the pool. At this time, Li Bin was only less than a foot away from the snake head of the Xuanwu Holy Beast!
Shocked, Li Bin immediately returned to the original path and dived back, giving up the plan to get out of the water from the light. Li Bin didn't want to encounter this ferocious Xuanwu holy beast at close range again.

Li Bin pondered while swimming: "It turned out that the illusion of the earthquake just now was caused by the movement of this Xuanwu holy beast. The weight of this Xuanwu holy beast is conservatively estimated to be several tons. It is not only huge in size, but also more powerful." Powerful, walking and moving like a heavy tank advancing, the momentum is extremely shocking.

Li Bin quickly dived several feet away from the place where the Xuanwu holy beast probed into the water. Li Bin stopped, turned around, and carefully watched what the Xuanwu holy beast was doing here.

I saw the Xuanwu sacred beast desperately stretching its several-foot-long snake head to the one-person-high boulder protruding from the bottom of the pool, quietly maintaining close contact with the protruding boulder.The basalt sacred beast seems to be absorbing the aura emanating from the protruding boulder to its heart's content.

Li Bin cursed secretly in his heart: "This evil animal will always take advantage of it. It seems that this Xuanwu holy beast came to the back mountain where Feiyun Temple is located, probably to absorb the rich spiritual energy contained in the bottom of the lake here.

The Lingshi treasure land was seized by the Xuanwu holy beast, Li Bin had no choice but to go back the same way.Swim out of Xuanming Cold Pool, pick up three hard-won spirit stones from the bottom of the pool, and return to the ground from the original path.

(End of this chapter)

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