Wulin Tyrant

Chapter 320 Xuan Ming Tougu Pill

Chapter 320 Xuan Ming Tougu Pill

After leaving the main hall of the Feiyun Temple, Li Bin found that all the Taoist priests still stayed in the square and did not go down the mountain. More than a thousand Taoist priests of Feiyun Temple seemed to have no intention of leaving Feiyun Temple to go down the mountain.

Seeing Li Bin's appearance, all the Taoist priests took the initiative to come forward to say hello to Li Bin, all kinds of tricks were used to make friends, and the methods of making friends were excellent.It seems that Li Bin really subdued this group of Taoist priests from Feiyun Temple. The awe and respect that all Taoist priests have for Li Bin can be clearly seen from their words, deeds and eyes.

Li Bin walked all the way, surrounded by Taoist priests and stars.

Li Bin walked up to the Chi and Qing hall masters, and asked, "The two priests, do you know why everyone has been reluctant to leave Feiyun Temple and go down the mountain?"

"Headmaster Li may not know that many of us Taoist priests in the temple have been living in this Taoist temple since childhood and are very dependent on the life in the Taoist temple. Besides, everyone in the Taoist temple every day not only practices martial arts and Taoism, but also makes elixirs. Apart from physical training, most people have no other life skills that can make a living independently, so everyone is worried that they will not be able to adapt to the new environment and survive after going down the mountain."

After listening to the words of the two hall masters, Chi and Qing, Li Bin suddenly realized, and finally understood the reason why all the Taoists were willing to risk being harassed by the Xuanwu sacred beasts in the back mountain, and they were unwilling to leave Feiyun Temple and go down the mountain to find their own way out.

Think about it, this group of Taoist priests have been living in the deep mountains, and they don't know anything except practicing martial arts and alchemy every day. It is indeed difficult for them to leave the Taoist temple where they have lived for many years and enter social life. and adapt to real problems.

However, Li Bin has no good way to arrange how to make a living for more than a thousand Taoist priests in Feiyun Temple.But if the Taoist priests of Feiyun Temple are not dismissed, all the Taoist priests will always face the threat of the ferocious Xuanwu holy beast in the back mountain, and there is no guarantee that they will not do the evil thing of arresting people again for their own safety. It is selfish, and when one's own safety is precarious, it is difficult to guarantee that someone will not do bad things that harm others and benefit oneself again.

If the problem of the way out for the Taoist priests of the Feiyun audience is not resolved, it will be impossible for Li Bin to completely solve the original intention of the Taoist priests of the Feiyun temple to disturb the people and hurt the people.If the practical problem of how to make a living for the Taoist priests of Feiyun Temple is not solved and implemented, even if Li Bin wants to think about it, the idea of ​​saving people with kindness and benevolence will be a little weak and illusory.After all, all wishes and assumptions, no matter how beautiful they are, if they cannot be well integrated with the real world, then many unexpected troubles will arise, which will run counter to the original intention.

Just as Li Bin was thinking hard about the solution, there was an inexplicable commotion and exclamation among the group of Taoist priests in the square.

"Master Lao of Chitang is poisoned!" Someone in the group of Taoist priests exclaimed loudly.

Hearing the sound, Li Bin rushed over to take a look, and saw that the hall master of Chitang was curled up into a ball at this time, trembling all over his body, his face was frighteningly pale, just like the expression of a dead person who has been dead for a long time, without a trace of blood and normality on his face skin glow.His eyes were also a little dull.

Li Bin asked the Hall Master of Qingtang beside him, "What's wrong with Hall Master Lao? Didn't you be fine just now?"

Hall Master Qingtang sighed for a long time, and then replied in a sad and indignant tone thoughtfully: "It's not thanks to the Lord! It's time for the Xuanming Tougu Pill that Hall Master Lao took before to go into effect."

"Xuanming Tougu Wan?" Li Bin blurted out in surprise when he heard the words. He really didn't expect that the master of Feiyun Temple was really vicious enough, even his subordinates in the Taoist temple were not spared from taking poison.

"Headmaster Li doesn't know anything. In order to achieve the personal goal of long-term control of us and work for him, the master of the temple forced us to take Xuanming Tougu Pills and other chronic poisons." The master of Qingtang sighed, looking very depressed. Very soon, he seemed to see from Hall Master Lao his tragic situation when he was poisoned in the future, and he felt sad.

Li Bin asked: "Are you saying that the master of Feiyun Temple forced all of you to take Xuanming Tougu Wan?"

"No, he just let Taoist priests with high martial arts skills and some status in Guanli take Xuanming Tougu Pills. He also told us face to face that high-end medicinal pills like Xuanming Tougu Pills are not what ordinary people want to take. You can eat it if you can, and this is what the master of the temple rewards to those who are capable and can do things." The master of the Qingtang looked disdainfully, pretending to be the master of the Feiyun Temple and said, and after speaking, he did not forget to pay homage. Spit a mouthful of thick phlegm on the ground.

"According to what you said, the group of Taoist priests who take Xuanming Tougu Pills are the Taoist priests in red robes and the Taoist priests in ordinary Xuanyi robes like you?"

"It's like this. In Feiyun Temple, when the school's martial arts is tested every year, if there are Taoist priests in each hall who can catch more than [-] moves from the head of their respective branch halls, and pass the final examination of the school by the temple master, the Taoist priests will be able to fight. You can be promoted to become a Taoist priest of Feiyun Guanwu, and you can wear a red Taoist robe."

"Martial cultivator?" Li Bin asked puzzled.

"In Feiyun Temple, only Taoist priests who have obtained the qualifications of martial arts priests can enjoy free supplies of food, clothing, and supplies. Usually, martial arts practitioners only need to practice martial arts and alchemy. The heavy and laborious chores are done by other Taoist priests."

"It's the Lord's offering." Li Bin said with a smile.

"Master Li was joking." Hearing this, the Hall Master of Qingtang blushed, and replied in embarrassment and embarrassment.

"If people who take Xuanming Tougu Pill don't get the antidote, how long will it take for the poison to develop?" Li Bin knew that the medicine was very overbearing, but the specific situation was not very clear.

"People who take Xuanming Tougu Pill, if they don't get the antidote within a month, they will be poisoned. When the poison occurs, their whole body will be extremely cold from the inside to the outside. If they don't get the antidote, they will die. The poisoned person will endure endless pain for three days and three nights, the bones of the body will dissolve, the blood in the internal organs and the body will gradually freeze, and finally die in pain." When the master Qingtang spoke, his eyes were full of fear and panic. He looked at the leader of the Chitang Laotang who was trembling on the ground and struggling in pain.

When Li Bin was talking with the master of Qingtang, someone in the group of Taoist priests once again shouted in horror: "Someone is poisoned again!"

Li Bin followed the sound and saw two martial artists in red Taoist robes shivering on the ground, writhing in pain, their appearance was very miserable.

Seeing this tragic scene, Li Bin couldn't bear to look directly at it, and he couldn't help but greet the dead Master Feiyun Temple in his heart. Li Bin thought it was too light a punishment for him to slap him to death with three palms for causing such evil.If I had known this before, I should have left Guanzhu Feiyun to die, and let the evil Guanzhu Feiyun experience his evil deeds first-hand, so as to relieve my anger and feel sorry for the people who were harmed by him.

Li Bin only found the refining formula and refining method of the antidote of Xuanming Tougu Wan during his intensive tunnel trip, but did not find the antidote. It is not on the master of Feiyun temple, I don't know where the antidote is hidden by the culprit of Feiyun temple.

"Master Lao is dying!" Someone exclaimed.

Li Bin hurried over and saw that Hall Master Lao was already weeping, his limbs were shaking and convulsing violently.It looked very miserable.

Li Bin sat cross-legged behind Hallmaster Lao, put his palm against the big acupoint on Master Lao's back, and began to use his kung fu to help Hallmaster Lao, trying to see if he could reduce the pain he suffered.

"It's useless, there is no antidote, no matter how much you use your energy to resist it, it's useless." Seeing Li Bin's forceful exercise to drive away the poison, the master of Qingtang shook his head sadly and said, he was very pessimistic about the effect of Li Bin's doing so.

(End of this chapter)

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