Chapter 233
Yu Dachong walked out of the room alone, feeling complicated. He was very worried about his father's safety. The only thing to be thankful for was that his father hadn't been arrested yet, but he couldn't say no to the future. Accurate.

Now there is no clue about his father, Yu Dachong just wants to find something now, so he can't help but wander around the street, wanting to find out something, and of course he found General Qiu's mansion, and then see what happens Revenge the General.

Yu Dachong first went to his father's house to see if there were any clues.

Walking in the crowded streets with anxiety and uneasiness, the feeling in my heart is even more desolate.

When they arrived at the house where Yu Zhengtian was, there was a brand new seal on the door, which looked particularly dazzling. Yu Dachong wanted to dig in and see if there were any clues, but he still held back.There is a large population in this capital city, so if you go in, you will definitely be arrested, and you can't make trouble now.

Yu Dachong walked around his father's house three or four times, but he didn't find any clues, and the seal was not damaged at all, so no one dared to approach it.

Naturally, he didn't dare to stay too long for fear of attracting other people's attention. The best way to get information was to go to a teahouse to drink tea. People there liked to chat about various things.

Yu Dachong still walked into the teahouse, and sat in the middle of it, so that he could hear the wind around him.Yu Dachong had just sat down when he heard someone talking about his father's arrest warrant.

"I heard that Mr. Lu was unlucky. He was almost killed by his old friend. It is said that he was sent by someone to assassinate Mr. Lu. Fortunately, Mr. Lu was extra careful and didn't let that person succeed."

"Yeah, how can Master Lu have such a friend? I heard that he is very kind to him. I bought him a house in the capital, which is amazing."

"Have you heard about it? It is said that this person was not a clean person before. Thanks to Mr. Lu, he had to change his ways. I didn't expect that a dog can't change his mind by eating shit. He still had a wrong idea."

"Let's be careful and stop talking about these things. This thing is telling us to be careful of our friends. Maybe you invite me to drink tea and poison the tea."

"Hahaha, I don't have the heart and courage of a leopard. Don't slander me. I'm afraid you'll swallow the poison yourself. In that case, I can't explain why. Besides, there are so many people watching here, and I'm scared. You can't."

Yu Dachong was also angry in his heart. These people regarded his father's affairs as a joke, and his father turned into a heinous bad guy.But Yu Dachong knew that it was impossible. With his understanding of his father, he had been a chivalrous man for many years, and he would never have the intention to harm others for no reason. Those who were harmed were all heinous bad guys, including bandits. He But you can win them over if you can.

If he was in a small place at this time, Yu Dachong might rush to teach them a lesson, but he must hold back now and control his mentality, otherwise it may cause even greater disasters.Now for him, every step he takes must be extremely cautious.

Yu Dachong tried his best to control his emotions, and tried not to think about his father anymore, but what those people said just now seemed to inspire him, and he suddenly had a flash of inspiration.

If Mr. Lu committed suicide and his father went to stop him, then the two of them would fight again and attract other people's attention, and the crime scene would be created in one fell swoop. This situation is not impossible.

Master Lu, who had been eavesdropping on chatting with Mu Qingfeng before, felt that Yu Zhengtian knew too many of his secrets, and his father was also aware of his own situation, so it was not impossible for Master Lu to kill him.It is entirely possible that this is an event deliberately planned by Mr. Lu, who wants to get rid of his father.

Although General Qiu will definitely attack the Rakshamen, if General Qiu fights Yu Zhengtian directly, Yu Zhengtian will definitely avoid his edge, not to mention that Yu Zhengtian is still a commoner, how can it be so easy for General Qiu to find him? The handle.

I could only hear the tea drinker whisper: "Master Lu is an important minister of the imperial court and the commander of the Imperial Guard. Sometimes it is inevitable that he will offend some colleagues. However, Master Lu does have a good way of dealing with colleagues. Basically, important ministers of the imperial court It has nothing to do with him, except those who were demoted and exiled."

"They must be some villains that Mr. Lu offended before. Now they are here. Who in the capital dares to antagonize him, unless it is the two or three people who are on an equal footing with him. But it is impossible. Who dares to be so blatant? My old friend who hired Mr. Lu, if Mr. Lu finds out, who can bear it?"

Although the voice of this speech was subtle, Yu Dachong could still hear it clearly. He was also sitting in the center, but he could see all directions and hear all directions.

Yu Dagong muttered: "Qiu Tian is the illegitimate child of General Qiu. Master Lu could not run, and now General Qiu's status is not lower than Master Lu. If the two are really fighting, it is estimated that no one is It's so uncomfortable. But if Master Lu can push the responsibility to do it, and conflict with his father, then this matter can also be said to be able to leave the relationship with Lord Lu, and General Qiu may also hold back the relief of Master Lu. "

Yu Dachong tried his best to reason about the relationship at this level, the more he thought about it, the more frightened he became, and the more angry he felt.But these are all hypotheses, far from the truth.

My father has worked so hard for Mr. Lu for more than [-] years, but he didn't expect it to end up like this. He became an enemy after failing a mission, which shows the ruthlessness between people.

And even if the mission does not fail, he feels that his father will not end well, after all, he did not see Mr. Lu clearly early.But now, although he could see clearly, it was already too late, and he had really been driven into exile. It was unclear whether there would be a reunion of father and son in the future.

Yu Dachong drank the tea in his cup in one gulp, walked onto the street angrily, and continued to wander around in the huge capital city.

In a blink of an eye, he came to the gate of the Lu residence, and saw four guards with knives guarding them, staring fiercely at the surroundings. The guards had sharp eyes, and Yu Dachong didn't dare to look twice.Apparently, Master Lu has sold himself miserably in front of the emperor again, and he can win a little bit of sympathy again.

It is said that Mr. Lu rarely shows up at ordinary times, and even if he shows up, he is surrounded by a group of Jinyi guards, so it is really impossible to do anything to him.Although Yu Dachong was angry, there was nothing he could do about Mr. Lu.

The purpose of Yu Dachong's trip was General Qiu, not Lord Lu. These two were important ministers in the court, so he definitely couldn't do anything to them, he could only create trouble for them as much as possible.

Although Yu Dachong is a person who knows how to be chivalrous, but now that the Five Poison Sect and his family have been forced to this point, he basically can't care about chivalry, and naturally he has started to have various thoughts in his mind.After all, no one is a saint, and no one can make mistakes. Everyone has seven emotions and six desires, and he also has a desire for revenge.

(End of this chapter)

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