Five Poison Hunter

Chapter 234 The Assassination Process

Chapter 234 The Assassination Process
Yu Dachong continued to walk along the way, and he didn't know how long he had been walking. He saw a group of people unloading goods, which also reminded him of when he first entered the rivers and lakes and took jobs everywhere, and he couldn't help feeling sad. heart.

No, those people look familiar, aren't they my father's subordinates?That's right, they usually take jobs and hide their identities.

Do those people know the whereabouts of his father? Yu Dachong thought to himself, but he didn't dare to go forward to ask, so he had to hide far away.

But his father had fled and had no time to explain to them, so they probably didn't know his father's whereabouts, but maybe he had secret contact with them.

Moreover, Yu Dachong is not sure whether those people are still his father's people, so he can only observe the situation from the sidelines, thinking about his father, whether he will go to them, or secretly confess to them.

But this stay lasted for an afternoon, it was already sunset, everyone had dispersed, and he never saw his father, at least he could confirm that his father was no longer in this group of people, maybe he was out of the city.

Yu Dachong still didn't give up a glimmer of hope, he followed the group of people to a group of dilapidated houses, this is where those people lived.Fortunately, Yu Da Chong recognized that Wang Laowu and patted Wang Laowu on the shoulder.

When Wang Laowu saw that it was Yu Dachong, he was a little surprised.But after seeing Yu Dachong clearly, his expression softened a little, and he took Yu Dachong aside.

"Why did you come here? Now the whole city is looking for the leader, and there is a lot of rumors about this place. It's better for you to leave this place as soon as possible."

Wang Laowu didn't say anything superfluous, but directly persuaded Yu Dachong to leave here.

Yu Dachong asked: "Do you know where my father is now? Is it safe?"

"My little ancestor, you are really not afraid of death. Now General Qiu knows the last mission clearly. I admire you for daring to come to such a dangerous place."

Yu Dachong still asked persistently: "Is there any whereabouts of my father?"

Wang Laowu paused, and said: "I really don't have your father's whereabouts. Your father must have fled the capital. After assassinating Mr. Lu, he came to me and asked us to stay in the capital and wait for the opportunity. He ran away, and then he said that he planned to wander around the world, and would no longer manage any Rakshamen affairs, and the Rakshamen no longer existed."

When Wang Laowu said this, Yu Dachong was very happy. After all, it was enough to know that his father's life was not in danger.According to his father's strength, it shouldn't be a problem to deal with General Qiu's killer.

Yu Dachong continued to ask Wang Laowu: "Then why did my father assassinate Mr. Lu? I'm telling the truth."

That Wang Laowu sighed: "Hey, in fact, we are really to blame for this matter. It is all our fault that we exposed our whereabouts and let General Qiu know about our destruction of Tongtian Temple. That Qiutian is not a slave with a real surname, but General Qiu. Your illegitimate son, General Qiu is very angry about this matter. After you left the capital, you even went directly to Master Lu's residence."

However, Yu Dachong and the others already knew Qiu Tian's identity from the mouth of Qidao of Guimen. "Then what is Master Lu's reaction to this matter?"

Wang Laowu said: "Of course I was not at the scene of this kind of thing, and I don't know what happened at the time. I vaguely heard that Mr. Lu refused to admit it, saying that there was absolutely no such thing. Then Qiu Tian planned to He secretly attacked us and the head of the sect, and even hinted in words that he would retaliate against Mr. Lu."

According to this point in time, Tang Qingqiu snatched away Xiao Ling'er after that, and then came to threaten his father, so that he could catch Mr. Lu's handle and fight back against Mr. Lu.

"But it's been a month since this happened, haven't you guys had nothing to do yet?" Yu Dachong asked.

That Wang Laowu said in a low voice: "There will be nothing wrong with us. We are pretending to be laborers. There are more than a dozen of us here, all of whom are very skilled and take care of each other. They dare not do anything to us, and at that time we The soldiers are divided into two groups, and there are still many people who are hiding. They don't know. But we must be under surveillance all the time, and you have undoubtedly exposed your whereabouts when you came to find us this time."

The matter of revealing his whereabouts was obviously already expected by Da Chong. Since he dared to look for Wang Laowu, he was not afraid of revealing his whereabouts.

Yu Dachong went on to say: "That's very good, you just need to pay more attention to safety. There is one more thing, when and why my father assassinated Mr. Lu, you must tell me in detail."

Compared with their safety, Yu Dachong was naturally more worried about his father. If his father was fine, Yu Dachong would not talk to them at all.

"It's a long story, but it won't be explained clearly in a short while. Your father told me at that time, but it took a long time."

Although Wang Laowu said so, what Yu Dachong thought in his heart was that Wang Laowu was too stupid to understand what he said was too complicated, so it was very normal for him to say a few more words to him. matter.

"Since this matter is a long story, let's talk about it quickly and stop talking here." Yu Dachong was also a little angry when he saw this Wang Laowu.

"This incident happened one night four days ago. Master Lu summoned the leader to his residence, saying that General Qiu was about to start attacking him, and then blamed the leader for his ineffectiveness. And Master Lu also blamed himself, If General Qiu really made a big fuss about this matter and spread it to the emperor's ears, he would definitely be ruined. After speaking, he drew out his sword and handed it to your father, intending to assassinate Master Lu, and then break with the head completely. So I have a good explanation for General Qiu."

Yu Dachong lowered his head and said softly: "It seems that my guess is really good. This Master Lu really wanted to frame my father, and he framed him so confidently."

Yu Dachong was naturally angry because his father fell into his master's trap.

Wang Laowu went on to say: "At that time when your father was still in deep thought, Master Lu yelled 'there is an assassin', and all of a sudden the room was full of people inside and outside the room, and they all saw the sword in the master's hand, and Master Lu was lying on the ground by himself, as if panicked."

Yu Dachong's face was a little angry, he was already frowning, and said with wide eyes: "Master Lu is really heartless. His subordinates will kill them after they have used them up. I am so cruel and violent, I really feel sorry for my father." Feel worthless. What happened next, tell me quickly."

Wang Laowu cleared his throat, and continued: "As a result, your father didn't know what to do for a while, seeing so many people rushing towards him. He had no choice but to go forward and resist with the sword in his hand. .”

(End of this chapter)

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