Chapter 317 Untitled
At this moment, Qiu Fukun respectfully said to Ye Xingchen: "My lord, do you think Tianzong will continue to send experts over in this situation?"

Ye Xingchen smiled slightly and said, "I'm not too sure about this at the moment, if Tianzong is confident enough, maybe he will invade and come out to deal with us.

If the other party is not confident enough, maybe the other party will not come out to deal with me, but according to my guess, the other party should not be confident enough.

After all, so many people have died on the other side, if they are trying their best, maybe their entire Tianzong will be destroyed soon.

According to my guess, Tianzong should ask for reinforcements, and Tianzong's reinforcements are naturally from the line of the eldest prince. "

The former suzerain of Qingyun Sword Sect also said with a slight smile: "I also think that the other party should not come to deal with us for the time being, and the other party will definitely not come here without any certainty.

I don't know if the eldest prince of the Yue Dynasty is willing to help Tianzong, if the other party is willing to help Tianzong.

Then we are afraid that we will have one more big enemy. If there is one more big enemy, it will be really difficult for us to do it. "

Ye Xingchen said with a slight smile: "Even if the first prince of the Yue country is willing to help them, if the first prince of the Yue country knows our strength, the first prince of the Yue country will definitely stand by and watch.

Even if the other party refuses to stand by and watch, they will never put in much effort to help Tianzong.

They may even dissuade Tianzong from continuing to attack us, and then come to make peace with us. "

The former suzerain of Qingyun Sword Sect also said lightly: "This is indeed a very possible thing."

Ye Xingchen and the others were discussing this matter in this place, and there was already a storm in the Tianzong.

The person in charge of guarding the side by side of Tianzong was kneeling in the hall of Tianzong at this time, and then looked at the many elders of Tianzong tremblingly, discussing something with each other there.

At this time, the Sect Master of Tianzong sat on his seat with a cold face, and looked at the many elders below without saying a word.

The discussion among the elders below became more and more intense, and now there were not many Zhenwu realm elders left in the entire Tianzong.

The head of Tianzong said lightly: "Everyone is quiet, although our Tianzong is in trouble now, but we are not without any strength to deal with these troubles.

Don't be noisy in this place, I need more quiet now, more I need you to have some countermeasures to deal with this group of enemies we don't know.

It's not that you are discussing these things alarmistly here. Usually, one or two of them feel that they are very capable, and that the entire Yue Dynasty is the most capable of you.

But when the critical moment comes, both of you will turn into soft-legged shrimps, soft-legged shrimps without any function at all.

Second Elder, tell me what we should do next. "

The second elder of Tianzong can now be said to be the third strongest in the true martial arts realm of Tianzong V2. In fact, he has always wanted to surpass the first elder of Tianzong.No matter in terms of status or in any aspect, he surpassed the great elder of Tianzong.

He even had a thought in his mind that the Great Elder of Tianzong would die outside, so that he could continue to take over and control more power.

But when the real elder Tianzong died, he was afraid, and the second elder Tianzong was a little at a loss at this moment.

The suzerain of Tianzong asked him a question at this time, and he really couldn't think of any way to answer it.

The second elder of Tianzong said: "Sovereign Lord, at this moment, our sect has encountered the biggest threat to our sect in a century.

And we still don't know who our enemy is, that is to say, now the enemy is in the dark and we are in the light, we can be said to be restricted everywhere.

Under such circumstances, we naturally think of another way to solve the other party. Only after we have completely solved the other party can we have a chance to deal with the other party. "

The head of Tianzong said lightly: "Of course I know the current situation better than you, but what I want to say is.

Do you have any way to solve this matter, after telling the way to solve this matter.

Then we can solve this matter slowly. If you can't think of any way to solve this matter, you can just say it directly.

Don't continue to waste time here, we must know that every second of your time, our Tianzong will face more difficult dangers. "

The second elder of Tianzong said: "Sir, the only way I can think of now is to ask for help.

The strength of our Tianzong is no match for this secret force, but this does not mean that our Tianzong is not strong enough.

It's because the opponent is really too rogue, and they don't give us a chance to fight head-on.

We have been cooperating with the First Prince for many years. In the territory of the Yue Kingdom, the intelligence network of the Yue Kingdom can be said to be the largest.

If the First Prince is asked to investigate the origin of the other party for us, the First Prince should be able to find out.

Once the real identity of the other party is found out at that time, we will join hands with the First Prince to solve the other party thoroughly.

In this way, we can completely alleviate our crisis in Tianzhong. "

The Sect Master of Tianzong said lightly: "If you ask the First Prince at this time, do you think the First Prince will take such a big risk to help us.

Unless we all submit to the First Prince, and then become the First Prince's subordinates without reservation, then the other party may help us.

Otherwise, under such circumstances, the other party will definitely not help us, and it may even be impossible to investigate some things with us. "

In fact, the head of Tianzong has always wanted to maintain the independence of his sect, so even though he has already taken refuge in the eldest prince of the Yue Kingdom.

But there are many times when he listens to the eldest prince of the Yue country and does not listen to the announcement. It is precisely because of this situation that the relationship between the two parties can be said to have always been tepid.

The two parties can only be regarded as a normal cooperative relationship and not a subordinate-subordinate relationship.

The second elder of Tianzhong continued at this time: "Sir, what time has this reached? It may be a time when the life and death of our Tianzong is related.

If we are still thinking about these things at this time, won't we be finished when the other party becomes stronger.

Therefore, the best way for us at this time is to completely rely on the First Prince, and then use the power of the First Prince to deal with him. "

The second elder of Tianzong had been frustrated in Tianzong before, so under such circumstances, he had already directly turned to the First Prince of Yue Kingdom.

It can be said that he only has the great prince of the Yue Kingdom in his heart, and he does not have the sect of Tianzong at all.

And the eldest prince of the Yue Kingdom also promised the other party that once he ascended to the 95th position, he would directly help the other party become the suzerain of Tianzong.

The two sides had a lot of transactions secretly, and this is the best time to let Tianzong belong to the First Prince.

The second elder of Tianzong naturally did not hesitate at this time, so he directly expressed his thoughts.

After the second elder of Tianzong expressed this idea, he was opposed by many elders of the sect.

If they really took refuge in the eldest prince of the Yue country, then they were really tied to the chariot of the first prince of the Yue country. .

Moreover, after being tied to the chariot of the great prince of the Yue Kingdom, they will lose a lot of things, so they are naturally unwilling.

If the suzerain of Tianzong said such a thing, they would naturally dare not express any objection.

Although the second elder of Tianzong is the third most powerful person in the realm of true martial arts, he does not have much deterrent power.

So under such circumstances, he was directly opposed after expressing his opinion.

At this time, the lord of Tianzong did not directly answer the words of the second elder of Tianzong. , but carefully thinking about the feasibility of what the second elder of Tianzong said.

The head of Tianzong didn't know about the deal between the second elder of Tianzong and the prince of Yue, otherwise he would have already slapped the table by now.

The Sect Master of Tianzong thought for a long time before slowly saying: "Now we have encountered a catastrophe that has not been encountered in a century since the establishment of the sect, and we should unite as one to overcome this catastrophe.

It's just that if we want to get through this catastrophe now, we really need the help of external forces. Of course, the only one who can help us is the First Prince of Yue Kingdom.

So at this time, it is not impossible to bow your head with the eldest prince of Yue country and completely surrender to each other.

Although our five major sects are connected with each other, if we go to seek other middle sects, there is no possibility at all. The other middle sects hope that our middle sect will suffer the greatest damage. "

After Tianzong Sect Master said this, no one dared to object anymore. Tianzong Sect Master can be said to be an indisputable existence in the entire sect.

No one dared to object to his opinion, and the second elder of Tianzong couldn't help but sneer when he saw this situation.

The status of the second elder of Tianzong in Zhongmen can be said to be very low. The reason for this is that the second elder of Tianzong joined Tianzong after he became a strong man in the realm of true martial arts.

Therefore, many people in the sect rejected him, and it was very bad for the second elder of Tianzong to be rejected.

He was rejected, when the eldest prince of the Yue country came to recruit him in person, he completely surrendered to the first prince of the Yue country.

The Sect Master of Tianzong continued to say indifferently: "Now that the method of handling this matter has been decided, let the second elder discuss this matter in detail.

After you have settled this matter thoroughly, we will discuss the next step. During this period, the elders should try not to go out.

Because we have been targeted during this period of time, even a strong man at the third level of true martial arts may not be able to come back if he goes out.

Not to mention you ordinary real martial arts experts. "

The Sect Master of Tianzong can be said to be really the first and the second big. Although he really wants to lead everyone to go shopping with the other party, but he doesn't even know who the other party is, even if he wants to go shopping with the other party. There is no possibility at all.

The only thing the Sect Master of Tianzong knew was that the news sent back by the great elder of Tianzong told him that the other party was an alliance of predator organizations in the mountains of hundreds of thousands of miles away.

Sect Master Tianzong didn't know anything other than this news. In this situation where his eyes were smeared, Sect Master Tianzong could be said to be really tired at this time.

He has been in charge of the entire Tianzong for nearly 50 years and has never encountered such a difficult problem. Now that he has encountered such a difficult problem, it is difficult for her to make a choice. Difficult to make a choice.

After receiving the order, the second elder of Tianzong didn't continue to stay in the sect, but went directly to the capital of Yue State.

The second elder of Tianzong naturally wanted to convey this news to the eldest prince in the capital of Yue Kingdom as soon as possible.

The second elder of Tianzong could not wait to completely rely on the First Prince, and with the big house as his backing, he would definitely have more say in the entire sect.

At that time, it is not impossible to become the suzerain of the Heavenly Sect, but I am afraid that these things still need to be considered in the long run, and it is not something he can do if he wants to.

After the second elder of Tianzong left, many elders directly discussed with the second elder.

At this time, the third elder of Tianzong said to the suzerain of Tianzong calmly: "My lord, the heart of the second elder is actually not in our sect.

Usually, he seems to be a loyal subordinate of the great prince of the Yue Kingdom. If he is to represent this matter again, I'm afraid it will be difficult for us to do so.

At that time, our entire middle gate may be completely attached to the great prince of Yue Kingdom, and we will never be able to get rid of this body. "

The reason why the third elder of Tianzong didn't speak just now is because the second elder of Tianzong is here. If he said anything, he would offend everyone.

Now that the other party left, he naturally dared to speak out, and most of the elders present were actually dissatisfied with the second elder of the sect.

The head of Tianzong said coldly at this time: "In the future, we are not allowed to discuss such things again, the second elder of Tianzong will always be our second elder.

If you continue to discuss such things like this, don't blame me for being ruthless.

Next time there is such a discussion, I will punish you directly. This is not a joke for you at all. "

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