Chapter 318 Change of Power
If it was in the past, the Sect Master of Tianzong would definitely not say such a thing, because he knew that after saying such a thing like this, many elders in the real martial arts realm would definitely have some opinions on him.

Although he didn't care at all about these opinions, it was still better not to have these opinions.

The second is that the great elder of Tianzong has sacrificed outside at this time, and there are only two strong men in the third level of true martial arts left in Tianzong.

The second elder of Tianzong continued to be loyal to their Tianzong, and Tianzong was still the most powerful sect in Yue Kingdom. .

If the second elder of Tianzong had any other thoughts, the power of Tianzong might really plummet.

This decline is nothing, the most important thing is that now Tianzong can be said to be facing a very big enemy, if this enemy is allowed to do whatever it takes, Tianzong may be completely wiped out.

So at this time, no matter what the lord of Tianzong said, he must actively safeguard the dignity and status of the second elder of Tianzong.

Moreover, they will work hard to promote the identity and status of the second elder of Tianzong so that the second elder of Tianzong has no opinions at all. Only in this way can the current situation of Tianzong be stabilized.

Since the head of Tianzong has said such words, the other powerful people in the realm of true enlightenment in Tianzong naturally dare not continue to speak at this time.

The reason why they dared to talk about the second elder of Tianzong before was because the second elder of Tianzong was not a simple person.

It's because even though they said so, they have always been supported by the Sect Master of Tianzong.

The second elder of Tianzong didn't dare to embarrass them, but the current situation is already obvious. The suzerain of Tianzong obviously wants to improve the status of the second elder of Tianzong.

Even in the future, even if it is comparable to the status of the Great Elder of Tianzong, there will be no problem, once.The second elder of Tianzong hit the words of the status of the great elder of Tianzong.

At that time, the group of them will have a good time.

Therefore, all the real martial arts powerhouses present quietly closed their mouths, and did not continue to say anything.

At this time, the head of Tianzong continued to say indifferently: "From now on, the second elder of Tianzong is officially appointed as the first elder of Tianzong, and all the rights are exactly the same as the previous first elders of Tianzong.

All the rights previously held by the Great Elder Tianzong have been transferred to the current Great Elder Tianzong, and I do not allow anyone to have an opinion on this matter. "

After Tianzong suzerain said these words, the audience exploded in an instant. The power that Tianzong's great elder had previously controlled was almost only a little behind the suzerain.

The power controlled by the second elder of Tianzong is not too much, and it can even be said to be very little.

Although the Great Elder in Tianzhong died at this time, the relatives of the Great Elder Tianzong and the Great Elder were still there.

Elder Tianzong and his family still have two strong men in the real martial arts realm. They originally thought that these rights should be handed over to them.

But now the lord of Tianzong has handed over all these rights to the second elder of Tianzong, Qingzhu of the first elder of Tianzong, and the two elders of the real martial arts realm naturally disagree.

At this time, the tenth elder of Tianzong said lightly: "Sovereign Lord, although our father has left us now.

He also left the entire Tianzong, but he dedicated himself to the death of the entire Tianzong. It is a bit unfair for you to do this.

The power of our fathers should naturally pass to us when they die. "

The tenth elder of Tianzong is a strong man at the first level of the true martial arts realm. He is also one of the sons of the great elder of Tianzong.

The head of Tianzong can be said to be one of the first two elders at this time. The first elder of Tianzong has just died at this time. If he directly handed over all the rights of the first elder of Tianzong to the second elder of Tianzong, then he will naturally end up in a ruthless manner. A reputation for ignorance.

And he not only has a bad reputation, but also has big problems. The last thing Tianzong can't do at this time is to make trouble.

If trouble occurs at this time, it will only cause pain to relatives and anger to enemies. The leader of Tianzong can neither offend the relatives of the great elder of Tianzong too miserably at this time, nor can he take away all the rights of the great elder of Tianzong. All were handed over to the relatives of the great elders of Tianzong.

If this is the case, the second elder of Tianzong will naturally get less. At that time, if the second elder of Tianzong separates from himself, it will really be a huge disaster.

The other strong men in the Zhenwu Realm of Tianzong did not say anything because he knew that they were not qualified to say anything at this time.

And there is no need for them to talk, because the interests they have won have nothing to do with them.

Why should they help the two sons of the Great Elder of Tianzong to fight for power and gain? If the Great Elder of Tianzong is still here at this time, Tianzong has strong men in the Zhenwu realm, and they may naturally try to please him. Two sons.

But now that the Great Elder Tianzong is dead, as the saying goes, if the Great Elder Tianzong is dead, there is no need for them to please her two sons.

Tianzong will definitely have a power change at this time, and this power change is still a very big move.

The thing they think most about now is how to keep more of their own interests, or get more benefits from these interests, in the midst of full-scale changes.

As the saying goes, there is a saying that is very good, that is, if people do not do it for themselves, heaven and earth will destroy it.

All people are only for themselves and not for others.

Sect Master Tianzong's headache at this time is naturally Sect Master Tianzong's own business, and has nothing to do with them who are strong in the realm of true martial arts.

Although they have strong enemies outside, they don't really have much to worry about, because as long as they stay in the Tianzong sect, the other party will definitely have nothing to do with them.

Even if the powerful masters of the Tianzong sect come, they may not be able to defeat them, so they don't have any need to worry.

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