Chapter 479 Negotiations
Although Ye Xingchen's airs are very large, he has no intention of not continuing to cooperate with the five major families. After all, it is very beneficial to cooperate with the five major families.

It would indeed be a very good thing if we could continue to cooperate with the five major families. Moreover, this very good thing is still a very pleasant thing.

The most important thing is that he can benefit from the leadership of the five major families, and then the people of the five major families look at him with admiration and have no objections to him. This is naturally a very happy thing!

Ye Xingchen said with a slight smile at this time: "Now you can tell me how the forces behind your five major families want to cooperate. If you can convince me, this cooperation can't be continued!

But if you can’t convince me, then don’t blame me for not being humane. In fact, I have never been humane in my words. Today, I can talk about humaneness with your five big families. What you do is indeed beneficial to us, so if it is, we have gained a certain amount of income from the Tang Dynasty, but if it is, this is not the reason why your five big families can be rampant! "

Ye Xingchen puts his attitude and status very high, and indeed he has such confidence and qualifications to put his status and self-confidence very high!

At this time, the emissary of the five major families did not dare to continue to be rampant anymore. He also knew that the main purpose of his visit today was to cooperate with the Tang Dynasty. It really doesn't matter what is said.

However, if he goes back, the unsuccessful cooperation is likely to be dealt with by the top leaders of the five major families. After all, he came to this place this time because he took the initiative to come to this place. He thought that coming to this place was originally related to The one who blackmailed the Tang Dynasty!

But what I didn't expect was that the attitude of the Tang Dynasty was so tough, and they didn't take their five big families seriously at all, and now it is true that their five big families are begging for cooperation, so in words, the mouth The Tang Dynasty was too offended.

At this time, the messenger said lightly: "Actually, what we can do is very simple. The reason is naturally that there is a very peaceful way, that is, our five major families form an alliance with the Tang Dynasty. The Emperor Tang has been attacked, and we both should support each other at all costs, so that we can create an opportunity for mutual assistance, peace and win-win, if you don't know, what do you think!"

Ye Xingchen just laughed a few times at this time, and then spoke slowly? : "Can you make me feel that you are joking when you say this? Or is what you said serious? If what you said, this is serious, there is no need to talk about it. You can leave directly !
Now, how much strength your five major families still have, I am very clear. Your five major families can't even hold their own territory. Under such circumstances, they really want to reach an equal and mutually beneficial treaty with us. Let's see how long it takes for your five big families to be wiped out!
Come back to me when it is completely wiped out. I think this is the happiest thing! "

It is naturally impossible for Ye Xingchen to agree to such a request, so he will naturally deny the other party's request directly, and then it will naturally depend on the other party's attitude next time!

The envoy said lightly at this time: "You just talk about it, what kind of matter, or what attitude you decide to use to cooperate with our five families, since you don't agree with our conditions, then you can say One condition, if we can agree, this cooperation can go on naturally, but if we can't agree, we will naturally have no way to cooperate!"

Ye Xingchen narrowed his eyes slightly at this time, and then said lightly: "Actually, this condition can be said to be very simple. Now, the remaining power of your five major families only occupies a little more than half of the dynasty. Therefore, if our Datang Dynasty occupies more than 5 dynasties, the territory occupied by your five major families is completely a drop in the bucket, so if your five major families want to really follow our Datang Dynasty If you cooperate, then your five big families must bow their heads to our Tang Dynasty?
As long as your five major families bow their heads to our dynasty, we will naturally not have any opinions. Next, we will naturally think of other ways to solve this kind of thing!

Then, if the other two dynasties really take any action against the territory of your five major families, we, the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty, will definitely provide support in the shortest possible time and will never let the other two dynasties attack the territory of your five major families. Constitute any threat, this is what I can guarantee for you, and if our Datang Dynasty does have this ability and power, it will pose an absolute threat to the other two dynasties. Even if the other two dynasties jointly pose a threat to us, If the Tang Dynasty and the Three Dynasties make a move, our Great Tang Dynasty will definitely be able to withstand the attacks of these two great dynasties?

I believe that if you cooperate with me, you will naturally see this. Even if the two major real estates jointly attack our Great Tang Dynasty, our Great Tang Dynasty will definitely have the strength to resist the attack of these two great dynasties. Outside the country! "

The envoy said very angrily at this time: "Your Majesty the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty, if you say this, you will not have the slightest sincerity, then there is no need for us to continue talking!
Although our five major families don't have much territory now, there are indeed many strong men in our five major families. If the strong men in the five major families unite, they will definitely be more powerful than you in the Tang Dynasty! "

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