Chapter 480
The envoys of the five major families continued to say at this time: "I know that when your Great Tang Dynasty developed, it only relied on the absolute strong to develop!

If it weren't for you, because there are so many powerful people, you would not be able to annex the five great dynasties quickly, and then annex two-thirds of the territory proved by the Daqi Dynasty, so in this situation, you The reason why you can become stronger is because you have so many strong people!
Now our five major families also have so many strong people, so our five major families will naturally enjoy such treatment and rights. If you are not willing to cooperate, our five major families will not be too afraid, after all, the relationship between our five major families There are so many strong ones! "

Ye Xingchen said with a smile on his face at this time: "If you don't want to continue the conversation, then you can just leave. I see that if the other two dynasties continue to attack, the other two dynasties will choose What kind of place is attacking you!
My guess is that the other two dynasties will never dare to launch any attack on our Tang Dynasty in the short term. If these two dynasties want to expand their territory, they will either target another dynasty next. , or completely wipe out your five major families, and then your five major families will never pose any kind of threat.

You must know that although another dynasty is strong, this dynasty is limited after all. If this dynasty really continues to grow stronger, they are fully capable of suppressing each other!

Moreover, this dynasty is located in a very remote area. If they want to completely capture this dynasty, it will be more laborious than capturing the five major families. Therefore, they will naturally not capture this remote area, even if they want to capture it. In this remote area, they will also consolidate all the places here, and then go to win the dynasty in this remote area!
Another thing I want to tell you is that a dynasty can be said to have certain strong people who can change the pattern of the dynasty. However, if a dynasty wants to have some strong people, it can only be said to have some strong people who can change the dynasty. As for the pattern, there is almost no possibility!

This is why your five families have so many strong men, but after so many years, without our resistance, your five families would not dare to have any opinions on the Three Dao Dynasty.

What's more, I don't dare to have any resistance to the three major dynasties, and I don't even dare to control the two dynasties. Under such circumstances, it will expose your timidity and cowardice. Now I can give you such a If you have a chance to cooperate, it is already a very good thing. If you are not willing, then I have nothing to do!
And there is another very important thing, that is, your five major families are not so united. If your five major families can cooperate sincerely this time, it is not necessarily impossible to rise. After all, if the strong men of your five major families add up, , indeed more powerful than the other two dynasties combined.

But if you acted this time, you did not reach the point of sincere cooperation, but shirked responsibility from each other, and then exposed each other's strength to the enemy's eyes, which is why your five major families will lose again and again.

If you don't even find such a reason, then even if you all rely on our Tang Dynasty, it won't be of much use. Although our Tang Dynasty can help you once, it can help you twice , but our Majesty the Lobby will not be able to help you for the rest of your life. "

If it was in the past, Ye Xingchen would naturally not tell these things to the envoys of the five major families, let alone mention anything to the controllers of the five major families, because his parents are in control and know these things, but if They still can't be sincere and united, the main reason is that there is no external stimulus, and then he and external factors interfere with them, so they can't be sincere and united.

If it was only because of Ye Xingchen's words that the five major families suddenly cooperated spiritually and faced him with a very big enemy, he would naturally not want to see it.

But now there is no such worry. After all, the five major families are completely finished now. The time for them to really want to develop has passed. Now there is no dynasty that gives them a common problem, so if they want to develop If you get up, you can only attack the dynasty!

No matter which dynasty their five major families are attacking, their strength will be insufficient, and it is indeed possible for them to sow dissension, but it will take a long time to sow dissension !
It is naturally very good if my five major families can provoke the other two dynasties. If he is not willing to provoke the other two dynasties, he will not have any objections. The words of the Tang Dynasty.

Ye Xingchen is naturally absolutely sure that he can make the other party come and go. This is also his determination all along. Moreover, it is because most of his subordinates are absolutely loyal to him. Therefore, for the generals at the border If it is said, he is still very relieved, so under such circumstances, even if the other party provokes, he can control such news in the first time, so the words will not give the other party any advantage at all. opportunity!

It is precisely because of these reasons that he has never been afraid of these things, let alone take these things to heart. If the other party really let him take them to heart, it is naturally because the other party suddenly He would really be worried about the five major families, but if the five major families were reduced to such a point, he would have nothing to worry about.

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(End of this chapter)

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