Chapter 575 Rumors
Since Ye Xingchen is ready to pass on the throne, he will naturally not continue what he said at this time, and there is nothing to avoid. Recently, the throne will definitely be passed on, so when it is time to pass on the throne, he will naturally It is enough to pass on the throne directly, and there is no need to pay too much attention to other things.

Because it is useless to pay attention to these things. If you can really achieve a certain level, that is naturally the best, but if you can’t do the corresponding things, there is no need to do some things at all. When it is really time for him to do it, he will naturally do it, but if he is not supposed to do it, he will naturally not do it.

And His Majesty the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty is going to pass on his throne to the First Prince. This incident can be said to have caused a shock in the whole world. You must know that His Majesty the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty is still in the heyday of the Spring and Autumn Period. Completely conquered the whole world, why did he call for abdication, and then passed the throne to his crown prince? There are many rumors among the people. The first rumor is naturally because the crown prince of the current dynasty was directly emptied The Supreme Emperor, then the words, so the words let the Supreme Emperor pass on the throne to him.

Of course, this rumor is just a folk rumor. After all, such problems have also occurred in previous dynasties, so they will think of such things. They have no evidence at all, just It was just a random guess in my heart, and the Tang Dynasty did not have any countermeasures against their guesses. After all, it is very normal for people like them to guess, and the words of His Majesty the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty, There is simply no time to bother with these.

The second guess is that the Supreme Emperor of the Tang Dynasty has suffered very serious injuries during his military campaigns in the past few years. Therefore, if he wants to continue to control the entire world, this level of difficulty can be achieved. It is said to be very huge, so he naturally has to find a way to solve these problems. Only after solving these problems can he continue to control the entire world.

Therefore, if these things should be solved, they should be solved. If they can be solved, then it is naturally the best. If they can’t be solved, then the relative people’s affairs must be dealt with. Otherwise, it will be a problem for the whole world. Very uncomfortable thing!

His Majesty the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty ignored these rumors at all, but summoned all civil and military officials.

Now that we want to discuss the matter of the bed, it is natural to let all civil and military officials know that he is naturally willing to pass the throne to his son, and these people must not be allowed to have any other ideas. Only in this way can the words of the country of the Great Tang Imperial City be further consolidated.

So at this time, it is natural to stand up and clarify, and these ministers must not be allowed to make random guesses. If even the ministers in this court start to make random guesses, then for the entire Tang Dynasty, Naturally, it is a very unfortunate thing. The words of His Majesty the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty absolutely forbid these people to make random guesses. Since these people are not allowed to make random guesses, then the decisions that should be made must be made naturally. Come out, and if there are some problems, if it can be solved naturally, then solve it, if it can't be solved, then what happens to him next.

This is also a very uncomfortable thing, so after His Majesty the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty held a meeting, all the civil and military officials knew that His Majesty the Emperor in this hall needed to break through to a higher realm, so he would choose this sudden place. Pass the throne to the crown prince.

At this time, all the civil and military officials knew that His Majesty the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty had a further opportunity, so they naturally obeyed the orders of His Majesty the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty even more. Under such circumstances, everyone understands the meaning of His Majesty the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty, and then they all express that they will support the crown prince unconditionally, and then they will inherit the throne, and the words will definitely not cause any damage to the crown prince. At this time, if His Majesty the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty saw the appearance of these civil and military officials, he would naturally be very happy. After all, the words he has mastered are only those generals.

As for the words of the ministers in the court, although his prestige is very high, but the ministers in the court, many people, don't actually know what he said, after all, he has said it for so many years.

His Majesty the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty has been fighting in various places. If the person who really stays with them the most is naturally the Crown Prince, His Majesty the Emperor. If the time spent with them is not as high as the Crown Prince. They spend a lot of time together.

So they have already understood the character of the crown prince. It would be better if they were officials under the crown prince. If they were officials under the emperor, they might not be able to do it well. , so under such circumstances, they naturally obeyed His Majesty's will absolutely.

The words of His Majesty the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty, no matter what kind of thoughts these people have, as long as the words of these people are aimed at the center of the Tang Dynasty and do not cause any harm to the Tang Dynasty, then the next words will naturally allow these people Continue to watch, and then add more solid foundation stones to the Tang Dynasty.

So at this time, His Majesty the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty has officially announced that after a certain period of time, he will directly step down from his throne, and then after the ceremony of offering sacrifices to the heavens, he will be completely removed. Take the throne of emperor.

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