Chapter 576
Since His Majesty the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty decided to pass on the throne, he would naturally not do anything dishonest. He summoned all the ministers to witness this incident. After that, he will Naturally, he must summon all his sons. First of all, he must let his sons know his thoughts.

Moreover, I would also advise them not to compete for the throne. After all, if he wants to pass on the matter of sanitation, he must inherit the throne. If he doesn't want to pass it on, no one can grab it. If you try to seize this throne, it will be an absolute disrespect for yourself.

Over the years, His Majesty Huangdi's own words can be said to be quite powerful, and it can be said that his words of instruction to these people have not weakened much. He is very patient with what these people say, and then the words Tell them what to do, after all, his sons are all educated by him.

Therefore, it will be more handy for him to educate him. For this kind of education, he will naturally have to make corresponding choices. If he doesn't even educate his son, how can he let his son really know? What should I do?

Ye Xingchen's words this time can be said to have summoned all his sons, and then he gave some advice and persuasion to all his sons. After all, the position of sanitation is naturally very attractive. For a person like His Majesty the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty, the throne would naturally not attract him, but for other people, the attraction of the throne could be said to have reached its limit.

Therefore, when you are really attracted, it is naturally something that other people cannot accept. It is precisely because under such circumstances that if the other party should accept it, you still have to let the other party accept it. Therefore, at this time, all these houses It is very necessary to persuade them after gathering together. Therefore, since His Majesty the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty has made this choice, he will naturally not do anything else easily. !
Of course, he gathered all these sons together, and if he persuaded them, it could only be his own persuasion. He didn't know whether these sons were obedient or not. After all, some children have some rebellious words It is also very normal. When facing such rebellious children, it is natural for these children to really understand things. That is naturally the best. If they do not understand things, it is very normal to encounter some conflicts and bumps of.

When he fully understands it, His Majesty the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty will naturally be very happy. If he really cannot understand it, His Majesty the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty will still have to make a corresponding decision. After all, If you have to do some things that you should do, or if you have to do some things that you shouldn't do, then naturally you don't have to do them.

When he summoned these princes this time, he wanted to sound a wake-up call for these princes, letting them know that there are some things they can do, but there are some things that they absolutely cannot do. Paying a corresponding price, this time can be regarded as his last reprimand to his sons before his retreat. You must know that among his sons, there are indeed a few very arrogant people.

However, if these concubines are in the family of ordinary families, they will naturally be prosperous, but if they are born in the royal family, their success will naturally be against the emperor's throne. There is a certain threat. He passed on his throne to his crown prince. In the future, the threat of these people to the crown prince is too great.

Now, the only thing His Majesty the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty can do is to let these people try their best not to influence His Majesty the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty. If it affects His Majesty the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty, then naturally It is very bad. After all, the words of His Majesty the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty are also very powerful, so under such circumstances, if he can make a corresponding decision, that is also very good. If these people really don't continue to target His Majesty the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty, then His Majesty the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty will also accept it.

However, if some problems really arise and are not solved in time, then there will naturally be a lot of uncomfortable things. His Majesty, the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty, would naturally not allow such uncomfortable things to happen. things happen.

However, if he doesn't want these things to happen, these things will still happen, because the probability of corresponding things happening is very high, so if some problems arise, the decision he can make is naturally Compared with the more problematic ones, but if these issues can be resolved thoroughly, then it will be a very good decision for the entire country, so if he can do it now , is to give corresponding advice to His Majesty the Emperor.

If these people really don't consider other issues, that would be the best, but if these people really consider these issues, it will be a very difficult thing for his dynasty, but if As for this very difficult matter, it can still be accepted after the decision is actually made. After all, when some issues are really decided.

Some people still need to do it. If there is no way of His Majesty the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty, then these people should have coveted the throne, but after His Majesty the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty gave them certain ideas If so, they will have their own ideas.

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