Marvel's Octopus

Chapter 55 60. Voyage of the Lost Target

Chapter 55 60. Voyage of the Lost Target

Thule didn't think about whether he would win, nor did he think about whether the golden creature of unknown purpose would take him away after he won.Sometimes, especially when there is no hope, don't think things are so bad, be kind to yourself and give yourself a little hope.

When a person is burdened with despair, no matter what the situation is, it is sad...

Thule twisted his neck, and if he wanted to play, he had to play wonderfully. He couldn't be kind to the enemy, but he could give the opponent dignity.And the easiest way is to attack with all your strength!
With strength on his legs and wrists, he jumped into the mid-air body and easily made a 180-degree turn. He leaned forward, spread his five fingers, and pointed his palms at the alien creatures rushing towards him. When you press it, there is only a bang, and after the movement, the deck, alien creatures, and tools have all undergone deformations to varying degrees.

After a chapter, Thule fell to the deck, and the first round seemed to be won by him.

Thule adjusted the direction, and with the help of the deck, moved quickly on each starship, capturing the thief first, and the king first, and the big head was definitely on the main ship.The last starship, past it, the next one is the main ship.The dense flames around are all fired bullets, as if forming an encirclement circle with straight lines, directly annihilating Thule from the left.

Good idea, the only thing I didn't consider is Thule's speed...

With a jump, he leaned over and stepped heavily on the head of the main ship, and Thule's feet went down a good distance along the force.The main ship visibly shook, and a fleeting smile appeared on the corner of Thule's mouth. It was not as powerful as expected. If there is no special talent to show, it's time to clear the field.

"Five Elements Heaven, Second Level!"

Inside the main ship, a glowing red patch appeared on the energy detection instrument, and the alarm sounded continuously.

"Report, a powerful energy has been detected in front of the fleet!"

"Report, a powerful energy has been detected in front of the fleet!"

Before the driver's report had reached the regular three times, Atalu already knew what that powerful energy was!

At the driving position of the main ship, that is, directly in front of the main ship, a huge five-finger palm print appeared.

With a deep depression, bystanders can fully understand how much power is contained in it.Violent and powerful...

The main ship sank as a whole. Just now, it not only showed the powerful strength of the comer, but also destroyed the driving equipment of the main ship.

The main ship is still slowly sinking in the endless starry sky, and the surrounding cruisers loaded with expeditionary troops also have the same failures on a large scale!

The main ship of the expeditionary force is set. If the main ship is unfortunately destroyed, the rest of the fleet will immediately launch an indiscriminate coverage strike.

The main ship carries the highest scientific research achievements of the mother star, if the main ship can be destroyed, the rest, there is no reason to win!The position of the parent star must not be revealed under any circumstances!

Those outside the earth who do not believe in God...

The dense firepower was scattered as far as the firepower could reach, and Toule clearly felt a chill down his spine.

Before he could think about it, he hurriedly jumped back.When it landed, it was already on the back of the golden creature, and next to it was Maya who looked at Thule proudly!
"Little Thule, you are really amazing..."

Thule smiled, looking at the expedition fleet in the distance, it seemed that it was really powerful!

"Tuning to infinite frequency transmission signal, receiving range, theoretical limit!"

Atalu's expression is unusually calm at this moment, without the fear that normal people should have in the face of death, and the anger from the heart in the face of failure, just calm!

The operator quickly executed the order. General Ataru was the one who survived the expedition, and maybe he could lead them to a miracle this time!

"It's ready!" The operator quickly replied to General Ataru after a quick operation.

Atalu's expression became sad the moment he heard the reply.

"Everyone in the Milky Way, I am General Alka, Atalu. Today Alka is facing an unprecedented disaster."

The communication equipment received all the actions and words of Atalu in real time, and then instantly transmitted them to every place that could receive electromagnetic signals within a theoretical range covering a quarter of the universe!

A virtual reality screen appeared next to Atalu, and it was playing the time when Thule rode the golden dragon and started to rush towards the fleet just now.

Then it started playing without any clips, and Ataru went on to say:

"The carbon-based creature that appeared on the screen snatched the golden Rubik's Cube stored in Planet Alka. The Golden Rubik's Cube is the only coordinate that leads to the golden ocean of eternal energy. Who can help Planet Alka regain the Golden Rubik's Cube? , Alka Planet is willing to share the wealth of the Golden Ocean with it!"

The hope of Alka star's survival is gone, but the flame of revenge will never stop...

The images are transmitted indiscriminately through electromagnetic signals.Atalu's timing was very punctual. At the moment when the recording of the screen was cut off, the main starship of the expedition fleet lost contact with Alka...

"Golden Rubik's Cube? Golden Ocean..."

"Eternal energy? Is it true..."

"Golden ocean? I seem to smell wealth..."

In every corner of the galaxy, people seem to have received this message.

And shortly after that, the Tuya galaxy also used the infinite transmission message to transmit a picture to the Milky Way.

It covers all of Thule's information in Tuya, as well as Thule's attack methods and theoretical weaknesses after intelligent analysis.

The situation seems to be developing in a bad direction...



The golden creature carried Thule and Maya, and it seemed to be flying aimlessly in space. Thule found helplessly that at this moment, he seemed to have to sit obediently!
In the distant Asgard, two signals were also received.Under normal circumstances, no one would be willing to do wireless transmission. The range is too large, and the energy consumed will not be a small amount.

Under such conditions, the infinite signals received by all planets in the Milky Way will be checked and no one will ignore them.

Without space jumping technology, unlimited signals and long-term interstellar voyages are the simplest way to communicate in the universe!

Compared with the former two, the latter consumes the least amount of energy and resources!

On the square of Asgard, two infinite messages were played together. Strangely, the same carbon-based creature appeared on the infinite messages of the two planets in the north and south.

No, in Asgard.It should be people...

(End of this chapter)

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