Marvel's Octopus

Chapter 56 61.4 square movement

Chapter 56 61. Quartet Movement
"With the signing of the contract and the change of the status, you will be my boss in the future, please take care of me!" 』

You can't imagine what you are about to face, just like when you face the unknown, you will be full of fear!In fact, when people face death, the fear they feel is not due to death. What they really fear is the unknown.

Just like this endless galaxy, when you can't see the way forward, you will always be confused for a while!
"Master Thanos, just received a report, there may be something you are interested in..."

The call of Proxima Centauri in the dark night brought Thanos out of his emotions, and the next time he did this kind of thing, he didn't know when it would be.This kind of feeling is not common, sometimes it takes a long time after it disappears, and I can't feel the taste of emotion anymore.

"I hope that what you are going to say has a little meaning!"

Thanos stood up, his huge body was a little taller than Proxima Centauri, and his purple body was full of power. Power might be the only pronoun!There is a cold feeling in the eyes full of indifference, which is the loneliness of letting go of everything and becoming a strong person.

"Near the Tuya galaxy, someone claims to have discovered a method to find eternal energy, and the holder of the method, according to energy analysis, is a Midgardian!"

In this universe full of endless unknowns, Thanos has seen too many unbelievable, eternal energy, but this is the first time he has heard of it.But why is it the planet Midgard again?As soon as he hears the name Midgard, Thanos can think of the guy who threw a nuclear bomb at himself.

Midgard, left too deep memories for Thanos...
"Looking at him, I'm looking forward to meeting him!"

After Thanos finished speaking coolly, the attitude in the words fully reflected the feeling of a cosmic overlord.

"What about Eternal Energy?" Dark Ye Proxima looked at his Lord Thanos suspiciously. According to the situation, it is impossible for the adult to have such an attitude towards Eternal Energy.

"Let him drift first..."

Thanos has traveled to most places in this universe, time, space, and infinity.But only eternity has not been seen.

Anye Proxima nodded helplessly. The man in the video was quite capable, so he thought about going there!It seems that there is no chance.


Asgard, Thor in the square, seems to have drunk almost.Of course, this is normal. None of the soldiers on the square and the soldiers coming and going felt strange.

On the Tower of Wisdom in the distance, a picture flickered, a man riding a golden dragon was destroying a fleet.

Midgard and Asgard, that is a long friendship, dragons, although rare, but they exist.

It's just that that person is quite powerful...

Immediately afterwards, everyone, including the god king Odin and the evil god Loki, heard two words at the same time.

"Golden Rubik's Cube, Eternal Energy!"

What is the concept of eternal energy in the universe? With enough energy, as long as time is given, it can rule the universe.

That's the premise of constant development, and that's tempting...

After seeing the news, Heimdall, who was still standing by the Rainbow Bridge, saw the protagonist on the screen, and his expression suddenly became a little exciting.

" could it be!"

Things seemed to have changed a bit, and Thor was called directly without delay.The moment I just heard the eternal energy, the faint intoxication has already gone to accompany God, no, it should be with the dead girl.

In Asgard, his father Odin is the only God.

"Heimdall, my brother, have you seen, eternal energy, eternal energy, that is something that the whole universe will chase after madly!"

Heimdall stared at Thor silently, looking at the pen and ink flying together, and Thor who was talking happily, seemed to have something wrong with his own delay?
"Thor, great warrior, there is news that may disappoint you!"

Heimdall bowed his head and said, speaking, he is not very willing to see the development of this matter.

"My brother, your expression makes me expect something bad should happen."

Thor stared questioningly at Heimdall and looked him up and down. Today's Heimdall is very abnormal.

"Eternal energy is fake."

Heimdall said it without hesitation, with a resolute expression.

Thor was a little surprised that Heimdall had the ability to go back in time, and that was only relative to a point or a position.

How long did it take for this golden Rubik's Cube to happen, and it's too late for him to go back in time.But the strange thing is that Heimdall never lies!
"I think you should have an explanation, right?"

Heimdall nodded to Thor's question, indeed, the answer already exists.

"The man who started the war with the fleet is the man from Midgard that you asked me to find."

Heimdall simply explained to Thor how Jiangnan became Thule.

Thor's incredible expression perfectly explained his surprised feelings about this matter.

Tony, Captain, so many people may still think that Jiangnan is still in Midgard.

"Do you have coordinates? I'm going to find him, for my friend!"

Thor is the god of thunder in Asgard, he is confident across the galaxy, just bored, he wants to prepare a surprise for his friends.

"No need, his direction is towards the Nine Kingdoms of God. According to the current speed, he will be able to enter the solar system in seven days."



The universe is huge, and there are many biological races. There are many capable people and strangers. Not many people can resist the temptation of eternal energy. They are willing to take a gamble, maybe they will win!

Not long after Thule and Maya walked forward, people kept gathering behind them, and the team was getting bigger and bigger.

"Tiano, are you sure you're heading in the right direction?"

A slightly ordinary team among the huge trailing team.A strange race that looks like a hound, staring at the starry sky in front of the glass, staring at it motionlessly.

"I, Tiano, am the greatest pioneer of the sacred voyage, full of the smell of killing, how could I be wrong."

Tiano looked back at the crowd behind him with a smile, and said confidently.However, the person did not chase after him, but the energy remaining in the starry sky became weaker and weaker, and the golden creature in the video was too fast.

If he doesn't stop, this pursuit may really be in vain.

Moreover, we are about to reach the solar system after chasing, the territory of Odin, the Nine Great Gods, that is not a good old man to deal with...

(End of this chapter)

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