Spellcaster of Azeroth

Chapter 344 Entering the Lower Level

Chapter 344 Entering the Lower Level
Chapter 344 Entering the Lower Level

During the march of the few people, illusions have been covering their whereabouts, and most of Wayne's attention has always stayed on the dragon people, young dragons and young dragons near the center of the hall.After walking about four to five hundred meters along the wall, they came to the first passage.

"There is a staircase leading to the upper and lower floors." Valli pulled to the front to investigate, then turned back and told Wayne and the others about the situation in front.

Here I want to explain that the entire troll temple is divided into three floors. If the lower floor is the first floor, the hall is the second floor, and then the hall is the third floor.

"Go, go down first." After knowing that there was a staircase inside, Wayne thought about the situation in the hall, and it was obvious that he should go down first.No matter what those trolls were doing, it was obvious that they couldn't move in a short time, so the thing to do now was to clean up those trolls that could move around in the hall and reduce the opponent's combat power.

Returning to the normal adventure formation again, Valeera sneaked ahead to explore the way, and Wayne followed Valeera, holding a shield and a battle ax, ready to fight at any time.Behind them are Kalia and Valeera, who are in charge of healing and magic attacks.In the end, Balka and Teddy are in charge of the cutoff. Of course, Teddy is the main one.

After descending the stairs, Wayne and his team found that the passage on the lower floor was very narrow compared to the entire passage, which could only accommodate three people.And it's not too long. There will be a corner that needs to be turned when a section of the road is only about ten meters away.This is not just a certain section of road, but all the roads in the entire lower layer are like this.And all kinds of corpses were thrown away on these roads, and there were humanoid skeletons and bone fragments everywhere.

While walking, Valeera suddenly appeared again and said, "There are some disgusting slime monsters ahead."

"Ooze monster?" Wayne was stunned for a moment, and then suddenly realized.

It's normal to think about it, places with ooze monsters are usually wet and dirty places.A place with forest trolls usually meets the requirements for an ooze.

For Wayne and the others, the ooze monster is not difficult to deal with, but this is only for Wayne and the others.Ooze monsters have a very powerful talent, that is, physical attacks have very little effect on them. Since they are fluid life, just smashing them cannot cause effective damage to them.

Thinking of this, Wayne didn't speak, he just turned his head to look at Anna, who nodded and stepped forward.To deal with these ooze monsters, usually use fire spells or ice spells to attack. Of course, arcane attacks that directly use arcane energy can also be used, but the effect is not as good as high-temperature grilling or low-temperature freezing.

With the release of Anna's range of high-temperature flame spells, these slime monsters were completely dried out in a short period of time.Walking forward and kicking directly, the powder of the bodies of these slime monsters and the bones of various creatures inside were kicked and flew around.

"Continue." After dealing with the ooze monster, Wayne and the others cautiously moved deeper again.

However, before taking a few steps, Valeera in front stopped again and said, "Wait a minute."

Hearing these words, Wayne and the others immediately stopped and walked forward lightly.I saw that Valeera had already crouched down at this moment, and lightly lifted a piece of the 'floor' on the ground, revealing her true appearance inside.

Sharpened rusty metal thorns are sparsely arranged inside, and underneath are taut springs.As long as he steps on the mechanism, the spring will shoot out these metal spikes at high speed. Wayne suddenly breaks out in a cold sweat as he imagines the consequences of such an attack on his lower body.

"Damn it, these trolls are really hateful." Barka, who was also wearing plate armor, also thought of the consequences of being attacked by these spikes.Although the plate armor forged by the dwarf standard has comprehensive protection, in order to ensure sufficient flexibility, the protection at the crotch position is not very high.Once attacked by these things, it feels absolutely sour.

"In any case, these trolls are no less intelligent than us. This means that they are more difficult to deal with. It is not surprising that they can set up such an insidious trap." Wayne breathed a sigh of relief, then turned to Valeera and said : "The road behind must be investigated more carefully, and there must be no mistakes. We cannot afford such a blow."

"Understood." Valeera also knew that this was not the time to be naughty, so she replied very seriously.

With the discovery of this first deadly trap, the speed of the entire team became extremely slow.After all, you have to check every suspicious place, and you must know that traps are not just on the ground.There may be traps in the walls on both sides and the ceiling above the head.

"Hiss..." After walking for a while, at a distance of about a hundred meters, the whole team suddenly heard this sound.

"It seems that there are poisonous snakes or wind snakes ahead, everyone be careful. Valeera, don't show up after the battle. Generally speaking, where these creatures appear, the trolls that tame them should be nearby. If If a troll suddenly appears, it’s up to you.” Wayne judged what was making the sound as soon as he heard the voice, so he turned his head and gave instructions to several others.

"No problem." Valeera nodded in agreement.

Dealing with a few snakes is still very simple, there is no need for all of them to take action.So letting Valeera hide to prevent accidents is a good choice.

Sure enough, he turned the corner.A large number of poisonous snakes were found not far away, and these poisonous snakes were carefully bred and raised by trolls.Huge size.After standing upright, it can reach a height of two meters. If the length of the body is measured, it will be about six or seven meters in length.Behind these poisonous snakes, a troll is feeding these poisonous snakes.

At this moment, Valeera couldn't stealthily go to the opposite side to kill the troll that was feeding the poisonous snake. The snake searched the surrounding situation with its tongue, and Valeera couldn't hide her position at all.

Time is very urgent. Wayne must use spells to deal with these poisonous snakes before they find them. After all, there are too many of them. It is certain that they will be bitten. Before knowing how poisonous these snakes are, Wayne will not Going to take a risk.

"Stinky cloud spell." Wayne took out a rarely used spell scroll from the spell scroll bag and released it.

The effect of this spell is: release a cloud of extremely smelly mist to cover an area, and the creatures in the area will immediately fall into a coma after smelling the stench.As far as the effect is concerned, it is still very powerful.

The reason why Wayne doesn't use it often is because when he was testing this spell, he accidentally fell into it.Since then, he has had a psychological shadow on this spell.Because it was used once during a test, it cannot be said that it has never been used, but that it is rarely used.

(End of this chapter)

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