Spellcaster of Azeroth

Chapter 345 The Bottom Old Troll

Chapter 345 The Bottom Old Troll

Chapter 345 The Lowest Old Troll

In a yellow-green mist, Barka took an ax and chopped off the heads of each poisonous snake.Then put the bodies of these poisonous snakes into your own space bag.

Wayne stood outside the fog-shrouded area with a disgusted expression, watching Balka clean the battlefield inside.

"We all have air filtration spells, so there's no need for that." Valeera felt a little puzzled when she saw the disgusted expression on Wayne's face.

As soon as Valeera's voice fell, Kaliya burst into laughter. Then she pulled Valeera aside and quietly told the embarrassing story of how Wayne was knocked down by her stinky cloud technique. .

Kalia's story made Valeera look at Wayne in surprise and said, "I never thought you would have such an experience back then..."

Hearing Valeera's words, Wayne immediately understood that Kalia must have told Valeera his embarrassing things back then, so he turned his head and gave Kalia a hard look.

Kalia knew it was not good when she saw Valeera turn her head to speak to Wayne, but it was too late for her to stop her.What happened next was exactly as she expected, and Wayne gave her a hard look.At this time, she also felt embarrassed and stuck out her tongue at Wayne.

"I said, if it doesn't work, you should dispel the spell. It's not a problem to wait here." At this time, Balka had already chopped off the heads of the viper and the breeder of the viper, and walked out of the fog. In the distance, he found that Wayne was standing still and did not move. Balka, who knew why Wayne was like this, immediately opened his mouth and came up with an idea.

"That's true." Wayne nodded.

Now they have to clean up the lower floor before the troll priests on the upper floor finish casting their spells, or they will be in trouble if they are besieged.So Wayne took out a scroll for dispelling spells, and dispelled the yellow-green mist in front of him.

While Wayne was dispersing the mist, Balka took out the poisonous snake whose head had been chopped off from the space bag, and then began to skin it and remove its internal organs.

"What do you want these things for?" Kalia asked a little strangely when she saw Balka's movements.

"You don't know, the meat of venomous snakes is great, especially when these snakes are so big. It's a pity to just leave them here." After hearing Kaliya's question, Barka usually cleaned up the headless snakes. Viper explained to Kalia.

"If you want these poisonous snakes, there should be more in the back. There is no need to pack these poisonous snakes that have been smoked by the stinky cloud technique." Wayne, who had finished casting the spell and had completely purified the stinky cloud technique, turned around and looked back. He said to Balka with a disgusted face.

"It doesn't matter, anyway, the meat won't carry that stench." Balka finished the last point, put the snake meat into another space bag, and didn't care about Wayne's face Disgusted look.

"Forget it, let's go." Seeing that Barka didn't care at all, Wayne didn't say much and just urged the others to move forward quickly.

Along the way, everyone walked carefully in the labyrinth-like lower level, and it took a long time to figure out the way to the lower level.However, although the lower floor is a labyrinth-like place, there are not many trolls inside, and these trolls are basically troll priests, and there are only a few trolls with melee professions.

But this does not mean that these trolls are easy to deal with, because most trolls are more or less accompanied by some poisonous snakes they raise.What surprised Wayne and the others was that while the lower level didn't see a wind snake, neither did the undead troll.

Of course, when cleaning up these trolls, Wayne and the others also gained something. The lower floor may be a place for the trolls to rest or study, and there are a lot of stone slabs here.As we all know, the content recorded on these slates is the various knowledge inheritance of the troll race.

Anna also got a lot of inspiration from the content on these boards. I believe that after going back this time, Anna will be able to complete her research thoroughly.

All the way to the bottom level of the troll temple, they met a somewhat old troll priest here. He seemed to be the leader of these trolls. After meeting several Waynes, this old troll did not He was panicked, but calmly said to Wayne and the others in human common language: "I know, you think our research here is for some conspiracy, but what I want to say is that our research is for this. The world. Evil is approaching, and we are working hard to save the world. Of course, you may not believe it based on my words alone, but you should know about those green dragons, right? They exist to protect the world. , since those green dragons did not disturb our research, doesn’t this still prove the facts I said?”

Seeing the surprised expressions on the faces of Kalia and Balka, the old troll nodded in his heart and continued: "Of course, I don't want to blame you for disturbing you, but our research is because of you after all." It's been a lot of delays, so I hope you guys can do us a favor, even if it's an effort to save the world. What do you think?"

Listening to the kind words of the old troll in front of him, Barka asked Vinn in a low voice with guilt: "Vinn, did we really do something wrong? If so, I think we should make up for our mistakes. mistake made."

Wayne didn't answer Balka at this time. He took a few steps forward and asked the old troll on the opposite side: "If you rely on these words alone, you won't be able to convince me. Tell me, what are you doing here? What research?"

At this time, Wayne was also a little confused about what was going on. First of all, those dragon legions did exist to protect the world.However, there are times when the giant dragon army becomes depraved. Isn't Neltharion, the king of the black dragon, and the entire black dragon army already degenerated?So it is not incomprehensible that some green dragons have fallen.

"A long time ago, there was an army of demons from outside the world that invaded our world. At that time, in order to deal with these invading demon armies, countless gods and demigods in our world paid the price of sacrifice. In the end, we reluctantly put these The demons have been driven out of our world." The old troll said calmly: "But after all, we only drove them away rather than completely eliminated them. So when will these demons attack our world again? Who will I don’t know either. Therefore, our research here is to resurrect the former gods and demigods. In order to prevent the demon army from coming to our world next time, we will be defenseless. "

(End of this chapter)

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