Anime Plane Adventures

Chapter 105 The Immortal King

Chapter 105 The Immortal King
"How dare you break in here! In front of me! On your knees! On your knees!"

A deafening sound came over, and a huge metal armor appeared in front of several people.

Huge hammer and shield, as well as a blood-red cloak, all covered in metal armor, at least five meters tall!This is the king of the ruins, the hammer king Borodin!
The third master laughed with his hips on his hips and said, "It's just the king of the subjugated country! Look at me, I will destroy you!" As soon as Taila was mentioned, he rushed in front of Borodin, stepped on Borodin's hammer, and jumped with his sword Cut to Borodin!


The Terrastone lightsaber and Borodin's helmet just sparked a little and were unsustainable. Although the third master is still using the lightsaber, his swordsmanship style has become a bit more fierce and magical than Forrest Gump. It's more about strength than speed. Even so, this ordinary sword is not even qualified to cause damage to Borodin!

And Borodin was angry at the time, and he swung his hammer and went towards Sanye. His huge size made it hard to think that his speed was not slow!Fortunately, the third master was mentally prepared, the previous ones were so unscientific, it would be strange if it was scientific!Borodin's speed is very slow in the game, but the effects of Super Body, Crazy Dragon's Roar and Three Heavy Hammers are not easy to hit, and the rest are quite easy to hit.

And in reality?Although Borodin doesn't have any added abilities, it is more difficult to deal with in terms of speed and freedom than in the game!This is the real nightmare...

The third master couldn't use his strength in the air. Seeing Borodin's hammer coming, he had no choice but to stab Borodin in the back with the falling silver blade. Seeing that the third master changed his moves, Borodin didn't persist and directly hit the ground with his hammer, killing him hard. Hammer, this earthquake felt no less than a magnitude [-] earthquake. The third master had no choice but to fall down as soon as he landed on the ground...

Borodin quickly turned around, and a heavy hammer fell on the third master. The third master quickly got up and jumped back, narrowly avoiding the heavy hammer, but was still thrown five or six meters away by the air wave.

The third master stood up again, with a golden light in his eyes, since you are so big and flexible, then be tough!

The Raptor Dragon Slash directly lit up, and the third master rushed towards Borodin like a mad dragon. Porodin was stunned, as if he didn't expect that the ants would dare to charge him!
Four times in a row, Borodin was knocked back four steps by the third master!Although Borodin is made of iron, he still has a soul, and these four strokes actually hurt him!

In an instant, Borodin became angry, and countless knights emerged from the void and surrounded the third master. This was Borodin's army back then!

The third master is very calm and is not intimidated by the number of people. Moreover, he cannot feel fear...

A huge sword light swept across in a circle, and all the knights within ten meters of the third master fell to the ground. The summoned guys were much simpler than the five outside. Although there were many in number, they could be dealt with with a single strike. !
Borodin struck again with a hammer, and the third master took the opportunity to jump back. The moment Borodin's hammer hit the ground, he stepped on the hammer one step at a time, and jumped to the sky above Borodin with a big jump. The phantom sword dance was supported by Terra Stone pouring out of the sky!Borodin just felt that he was stiff. The biggest function of Phantom Sword Dance is not only to quickly cut out the sword light, but the stickiness of the sword after sword!
However, in Borodin's eyes, these were just floating clouds. With a roar, a huge energy ripple emanated from his body, and his body seemed to be covered with a layer of magic armor, completely out of control.

The energy ripple hit the third master. Although the third master was not injured, he was absolutely uncomfortable. He resisted the urge to spurt blood and released the phantom sword dance, then fell backwards.

And Borodin seemed to know that the effect of this trick would not have any effect on the third master, he smiled strangely, the hammer did not hit the third master, but hit the ground again!
The feeling of the earthquake came again. Porodin hammered it three times, and the third master felt it three times. Finally, he couldn't hold it back. He spurted out a mouthful of blood, and stared at Porodin like fire.

Borodin didn't feel so good after eating the phantom sword dance. Besides, how can there be a king who fights alone?He raised his hammer and shouted, "Come out, my Peerless Legion!"

Afterwards, in the scene where the pupils of the third master contracted, countless guardians of the king appeared in front of the third master. There were no less than a hundred of each of the five types outside. The only good thing is that it seems that only their leader has special skills. There seems to be nothing left, so it's easy to discuss!

At this time, a sword curtain spread out from around Borodin, forming two circular sword formations, one above the other and one below, the extremely ghost swordsmanship storm style!This is the arrival of Forrest Gump.

Lukexi drove violently for a few ups and downs and killed the third master, shouting: "A-Gump left said that this relic seems to have mutated, it didn't have this function before, we have to go together!"

No wonder he is so difficult and has so many underlings!

In fact, it was just the number of younger brothers that made Aganzuo realize that something was wrong. Borodin's own strength had not changed. It was all just the third master's illusion. He had overestimated the achievements of the past four years. In Aganzuo's words, he was at least still. It will take three years to reach the realm of Juggernaut, pay attention, it is to reach, not to stand shoulder to shoulder with the current Forrest Gump...

The third master brought up the terra stone lightsaber, and he and Lukexi split up and attacked the knights!
Luxi was not polite and directly activated Blood Fury. An explosion of rage knocked away countless knights who were close to her, and then a mountain-shattering slash, directly killing the King's Guardian Flame and Wind!After that, I was a little weak in succession, and I could only use the Collapsing Mountain Strike to pick up the three-stage slash and ordinary attacks...

The third master is not much better here, just three shots of the colorless skill, now he can use up to five shots, it is still not enough cultivation, otherwise the Silver Falling Blade like Forrest Gump can use the effect of the colorless skill!

Fortunately, Forrest Gump was particularly powerful. A set of storm style directly overturned the king's guardian ice and the king's guardian light.Now all that is left is a group of motley troops led by Borodin and a difficult rebound King's Guardian...

The three of them quickly gathered together, and the third master panted, "There are still so many, are you still physically strong? I don't have enough magic power. I have Norton's energy replenishing potion."

After speaking, the Third Master gave each of them a blue pill. Aganzuo didn't say anything, but it was obvious that he felt uncomfortable, while Luxi said bitterly: "These guys can only fight head-on now! Ah!" Gan Zuo, can you still use the previous three bursts?"

Her extremely domineering ultimate swordsmanship and air-piercing sword attack turned into three consecutive attacks, and the third master was also drunk...

A Ganzuo just shook his head lightly and said: "No, even I can only use the extreme sword technique once a week!"

The third master sighed and said, "I didn't expect that I would die here. I seem to know who is causing trouble!"

The third master was right, it was Lance who was modifying the continent of Arad, but he was now playing against the 24 side in the arena, and here he just changed the difficulty of the ruins, and he couldn't do anything else, but just At this level, the third master was pushed to a desperate situation!
At this time, a huge sword light spread over, and a quarter of the miscellaneous army and the King's Guardian were cut into two pieces!
"Hey, it seems I came at the right time?"

A guy with a dragon-shaped aura rushed into this battlefield, it was the Raptor Dragon Duan Kong Zhan!His Raptor Duan Kong Zhan is different from the one used by Forrest Gump. Forrest Gump is domineering, but his is just a little unrestrained!The control is very random!
After the four raptors passed by, the third master could see who was coming.

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(End of this chapter)

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