Chapter 106
The visitor had unruly brown short hair, a plain and simple gray-black robe, holding a seemingly ordinary Taidao, a wine gourd hanging around his waist, a body with not strong but strong muscles, two cross scars on his chest, There is a free and unrestrained smile on his face.

The third master recognized this guy at a glance, isn't this Xi Lan from the Gate of Time and Space?The legendary master swordsman, with one-handed phantom sword dance, can play the effect of phantom sword dance no matter how you fight...

Those who are handsome are called uncles, and those who are ugly are idiots. After watching A-Gump and Xi Lan, I realized how painful this is. Two people, two styles, one tough guy type, one handsome guy type, They are all the type that make girls obsessed with their looks...

And Xi Lan didn't disappoint the third master. A set of phantom sword dance was played, and the sword glow scattered everywhere. There was no control at all, and there was no need to control it. The great power showed how proficient he was in phantom sword dance!In just an instant, all the knights including Borodin died!

Seeing that the battle was over, A-Gump frowned and asked, "Why did you come here?"

As long as one person enters the ruins of this world, the second one cannot be opened at the same time, and only four people can enter at a time. It is estimated that Xi Lan took advantage of the loophole to enter.

Xi Lan shrugged nonchalantly and said: "I went to Hutton Mar to discuss with that guy GSD, but I heard that he had a good apprentice who used a dazzling lightsaber and wanted me to guide him, and then Kallu Master Ya also asked me to bring a message to Linus, saying that he needed some ore. I went to Linus again, and he said that you came to the ruins here with a girl and a boy, and the ore was given to a boy. , I think you guys won’t find anyone else and just come here by yourself. What’s going on? Are the ruins mutated? And your kid is the person GSD mentioned, right? Your weapon is indeed strange, it even glows! But fortunately, you don’t use giant swords, only idiots use giant swords! And you, a dark elf, who are you, how come you got together with Aganzuo? Or are you with your kid? "

As expected of chatter, this string of cannons is too watery, and the third master took a long time to find something useful. A-Gump frowned and replied: "I don't know about the ruins. Your Taidao may not be my opponent."

The third master slapped his forehead. I really don't know how these two guys communicated before. One chattered and the other bored!Forget it, let's explain it to him, otherwise Xi Lan will be suffocated when talking to someone like A-Ganzuo...

Then the third master said loudly: "Well, I am GSD's apprentice. This is called a lightsaber. It does not have the cutting effect of a tachi, but it is much lighter than a tachi. I originally wanted to take the light and agile route, but Uncle Aganzuo's The swordsmanship was so domineering that I couldn't help but learn a little bit, and as for this girl, she is Aganzuo's companion."

Xi Lan has a problem with her ears. The third master knew about it when he was playing games...

Lukexi saw that the third master answered all the answers, and it seems that there is no need to intervene here. I don’t know who this chatter is, and I don’t want to know it. kind of tough guy...

Xi Lan nodded and said: "It turned out to be you. It's good if you find it. The person at the door just now stopped me from coming in, but what strength am I? How could that kind of person stop me and even want to charge a fee? Don't make trouble Yes, I drink on credit! You have a good background, when will you return to the dojo? I can give you my phantom sword dance, and then I can go out and wander around. I heard from your master that you are rich? Buy me ten A pot of good wine is enough, the person GSD likes should have no evil intentions, don’t thank me, I’m just so enthusiastic! Also, the giant sword style of Forrest Gump is not suitable for you, you should like skillful combat , just learn from me!"

A-Gump said with black lines all over his head: "Don't worry about it..."

Xi Lan came over and patted A-Gump on Zuo's shoulder and said, "Then let's go, go to the GSD dojo first? Or should we see Linus again? I think it's okay to go to Linus, anyway, every time we pass by Look at him, nothing new! By the way, how did this girl become your companion?"

Luxi was afraid that the two of them would talk nonsense, so he quickly replied: "I voluntarily followed Agan Zuo to practice. He is an upright and powerful ghost swordsman!"

Xi Lan picked her ears and said, "Speak up, I can't hear you if the voice is too low!"

A-Gump's third master, Xi Lan, spoke very loudly. Luxi didn't know why. It turned out that this guy had a problem with his ears, so he had to repeat it loudly...

Xi Lan curled her lips and said, "It's only an idiot who uses a huge sword. This idiot actually taught you two guys to take the light and agile route, and use the giant sword violently!"

A-Gump said with black lines all over his head: "Do you want to fight?"

Xi Lan waved her hand, and said carelessly: "I don't want to, you definitely can't beat me in your current state, you don't need to look at it to know, you have used the extremely god sword technique? Otherwise, even if you don't use that set of sword technique, this ruin should not be able to stop you guys The three of them all said that that set of sword skills is too expensive, why not practice Phantom Sword Dance like me!"

A-Gump left silent, not because he was afraid, but because he was too lazy to argue with this guy. This guy was very enthusiastic, very talkative, addicted to alcohol, and meddling in his own business. Talking to him would be endless...

The third master’s eyes lit up and he said: “Well, let’s go to Master Norton now, and then we’ll go back to the dojo. On the way, can you explain to me the cultivation method of the light and agile route? Teacher GSD taught me only the basics, A-Gump Zuo What the uncle taught me is only some methods of using force, but I still like to take the chic route!"

Xi Lan wondered: "Why are you looking for that old man Norton? Do you want to refine medicine?"

Luxi explained to Xi Lan the purpose of Third Master's shining world instrument. Xi Lan was in awe when he heard it, and rarely said to Third Master: "It's amazing."

After saying this, the group of people set out to walk out of the mutated king's ruins, and thanks to the mutation, the Third Master's material collection was more than twice as much as before.

On the way, Xilan and A-Gump took turns teaching the third master the swordsmanship they were good at. The third master himself had a good foundation, but it was a bit blunt to learn two styles of swordsmanship at the same time. It's a matter of time, as time goes by, the third master will gradually be able to integrate these two sets of swordsmanship into his own swordsmanship, and walk out a path that belongs only to him!Instead of following others, both of them have their own shortcomings, but they can completely make up for their own shortcomings by relying on their own understanding of the way of swordsmanship, and they are very self-aware, and they will never use the swordsmanship that they have not yet mastered. Take the words of Forrest Gump Speaking of which, he can completely achieve the effect of extremely divine swordsmanship by drawing a sword and chopping. This means that his cultivation has reached his home!The third master also began to understand that the more advanced the skill, the better, but the more suitable the better!Just like the simple and unpretentious sword he fought with Shenwei, it is a swordsmanship that is completely his own comprehension. I don’t know how many years are left before the plot begins. I hope there will be enough time, enough for him to become a qualified sword master...

After a two-day journey, they finally returned to Hutton Marr and stood at the gate of Norton's alchemy laboratory...

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(End of this chapter)

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