Naruto mobile game touch head kill

Chapter 118 The tiebreaker!

Chapter 118 The tiebreaker!


In an instant, the painting style on the scene changed suddenly!Almost at the same time that Lei Ying activated his skills, Xu Piao's second generation also heard the sound, and quickly released the second skill _Waterspout against the wall in reverse!

In fact, just when Lei Ying and the second-generation x-axis position were about to be parallel, Xu Piao was ready to release the second skill in anticipation to prevent the move, but Ma Jie seemed to be more eager to predict the move. He should It is because Lei Ying's first skill has a slight error tolerance rate on the x-axis, so he released the first skill in advance without parallelism, intending to catch Xu Piao by surprise!
So the next second...


Raikage roared and rushed forward at lightning speed...but missed nothing!Xu Piao's second generation successfully cast a waterspout almost the moment Lei Ying grabbed him!

And this waterspout in an invincible state... While helping the second generation avoid Raikage's first skill, it also successfully absorbed Raikage into his attack range!
Successful backhand!

Not allowing Piao to stir his heart for a second or two, Ma Jie directly used his last esoteric point and handed over Lei Ying's substitute!
"Oh, Eva~!"

Lei Ying, who flashed behind the second generation, hesitated for a few seconds and then [caught the waterspout and shook], backhanded a chakra knife, cutting Xu Piao's second generation into a floating state!
"Clap! Clap! Clap!"


When Lei Ying continued to step forward to connect with the general attack, Xu Piao didn't hesitate, and immediately handed over the second-generation stand-in!

At this time, Lei Ying has lost the CD of two skills, and the secret scroll is still in the state of resetting the cooldown. He has almost no anti-retaliation ability at this moment!
"Huh...huh...[Second Generation Basic Attack]"

After the flash, the second generation immediately punched Lei Ying's buttocks, trying to counterattack with a basic attack, but... Ma Jie's sense of crisis is also a lot stronger, and his Lei Ying is obviously still in the basic attack mode. In the back-swing state, but in the next second, he directly adjusted Raikage's y-axis, and avoided the second-generation basic attack backhand by moving directly to the bottom lane!


Seeing this, Xu Piao quickly adjusted the y-axis of the second generation, and after quickly moving down two positions, he released Flying Thunder God Slash without thinking!

Into the soul!
Although Ma Jie's Lei Ying had tried his best to dodge by running around, he still couldn't escape this attack with a slight y-axis displacement and Flying Thunder God Slash!In response, the sword of the second generation Lei Ting just hit his ass, causing Lei Ying to immediately fall back into a state of stiffness!
"Hehe... Quanna, who is as strong as a kaleidoscope, didn't even dodge the old man's Flying Thunder God Slash. You, a mere Raikage, want to retreat in front of me?"

"Hey playing!"

While Xu Piao was yelling at the subtext of the second generation, he immediately manipulated the second generation to slash back with a sword, controlling Lei Ying tightly near the midfield!

"Hmph! Ha! Ha!"

After the success of the attack, Xu Piao hurriedly urged the second generation to take up a full set of basic attacks!At this time, the duel has entered the countdown... Ma Jie's Lei Ying is powerless!

"Clap! Clap! Clap!"

After showing some maneuvers in the air with basic attacks, Xu Piao beat Lei Ying to death easily before the duel time was over!

Get started!
Xu Piaolian moved two games back!

But this is not over yet, taking advantage of the gap before the interface was reloaded, Xu Piao quickly clicked on the emoticon system, and gave Ma Jie two tricks in return!


After these four rounds, Xu Piao and Ma Jie almost had a tie, and both sides had exhausted their psychics!

Next up... Endgame!Although Xu Piao's second generation was at the disadvantage of poor blood volume at the beginning, and Ma Jie's second generation also had the advantage in the secret volume, but Xu Piao did not panic at all!Because he's already at his best!And his second generation also has the advantage of full esoteric points!
"I don't even remember how many times the second generation of Lao Tzu passed through the third of the Chaoying player... This time it's your turn! Accept your fate! Old thief!"


The progress bar is loaded, and the fifth round of battle is about to begin!
Xu Piao quickly decided on the opening operation in his mind, the second generation against the second generation... whoever can go first will get the initiative!Moreover, Ma Jie's second generation is still suppressing Xu Piao on the secret scroll, so he can't easily get it first!
"Shandou Hey Xi!"

The command sounded, and the battle for the final game has begun!
Xu Piao gave up the idea of ​​flying Thunder God at the start after some psychological entanglement just now, but manipulated the second generation to retreat quickly and moved to the lower left corner of the screen!

After two seconds of silence on the spot, there was no movement from the other end of the screen. It seemed that Ma Jie also chose the opening operation of seeking stability _ the skill of running and hiding!
So Xu Piao immediately changed his strategy, manipulating the second generation to stick to the bottom line and start moving from the bottom lane to the front court. He decided to go forward and explore first!
Two seconds later, Xu Piao's second generation has moved to the vicinity of the midfield, and his eyes have also shifted to the other end of the screen. At this time, Ma Jie's second generation is also hiding in the lower right corner, maintaining the position of wandering in place. Running state!
So in the next moment, the enemy was extremely jealous when they met, Xu Piao immediately decided to strike first!


An instant Flying Thunder God Slash directly attacked Ma Jie's second generation!




Xu Piao was dumbfounded, because at almost the same time, Ma Jie also released the second generation of Flying Thunder God!And it's a predictive backhand reverse flying thunder god slash!Forcibly pulled Xu Piao's second generation into a rigid state!
"Hey playing!"

Ma Jie, who succeeded first, immediately manipulated the second generation to slash back with a sword, trying to continue to deal damage!


Almost right next to the Flying Thunder God's attack, Xu Piao ruthlessly pressed the stand-in button!

In the next second, Ma Jie's second generation stabbed empty space!And Xu Piao's second generation also flashed in place!
Without further ado, while Flying Thunder God was still in state, Xu Piao lifted the joystick violently, and quickly pressed a skill button again!Aim at the chrysanthemum of Ma Jie's second generation and stab hard!



Ma Jie's hand speed is extremely fast!After sensing the threat behind him, he immediately manipulated the second generation of Apparatus to return to the original place!

After Xu Piao's second-generation sword pierced the air, he also returned to the position where he released the Flying Thunder God Slash at the beginning, and was in a state of overlapping with the clone!

In the next second, Ma Jie quickly released the second skill of the second generation, riding the waves to attack in a straight line again!


Xu Piao stabilized his mind, stuck in the straight-line distance of the x-axis, and almost immediately before the second generation of Ma Jie hit him, he also quickly manipulated the second generation to roll up the water dragon column on the spot!


next moment!The second-generation waterspout of Ma Jie exploded first!But it just hit the air!


Xu Piao's second generation successfully hit a time difference because of the timing of the backhand skill. At this moment, the invincible state of the waterspout was used to blow Ma Jie's second generation to a floating state!
"Humph! Ha!"

After succeeding in the backhand, Xu Piao didn't have any hesitation or hesitation, and directly took the basic attack on the spot!

Next second!Ma Jie also got stuck when Xu Piao was about to mark his second generation as the Flying Thunder God, so he chose a substitute!After his second generation flashed, he immediately countered A with basic attack!
"call out!"

Faced with Ma Jie's expected backhand operation, Xu Piao quickly handed over the secret scroll to top it!In the next second, his second generation successfully used the momentum of releasing the dense scroll diamond body to forcibly withstand Ma Jie's backhand, and was able to move away on the y-axis smoothly, completely opening the range of Ma Jie's second generation's general attack!


At the same time, Ma Jie was also facing the attack of Xu Piao's backhand waterspout. Of course, he didn't have any hesitation. At this moment, he directly opened the super-body secret scroll!

Immediately afterwards, before Xu Piao's second generation had time to run a farther and safer distance, it was suppressed by Ma Jie's second generation with speed bonus!
The moment the crisis strikes!After Xu Piao took a quick look at his own blood volume and the current positions of the two of them, seeing that Ma Jie was about to launch a basic attack on him, Xu Piao gritted his teeth and made another bold move. Decide!

(End of this chapter)

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