Naruto mobile game touch head kill

Chapter 119 Victory is imminent!

Chapter 119 Victory is imminent!

"Monkey Thiocasi Oil~~"


That's right!Xu Piao once again made an arrogant and bold choice, unleashing the second-generation esoteric skills!
In an instant, the screen was overwhelmed by the second generation of Haidun!After the wave rolled over, a huge vortex in the water began to crazily absorb the surrounding creatures with the potential to burst the earth!

Although Ma Jie's second generation is in the body, facing the sudden absorption range of the big move at this moment, no matter how hard he tries to move, he is still firmly confined in the whirlpool!
"Drink it~~!"

The next moment!Following a haughty dragon chant, a transparent water dragon with bloody eyes rose through the waves, rushing straight into the sky with an aura that vowed to bite the sky!

The screen picture is frozen again!The moment the water dragon swooped into the sky, the second generation also burst out with a chakra aura that tore apart the heavens and the earth again, roaring and quickly forming handprints!Immediately after the next second...

"Water escape! There is a mop in the water!"


The moment the second generation beat the waves with both hands, the water dragon was also summoned to descend from the sky, opened its bloody mouth and ruthlessly attacked the prey in the water!
Xu Piao was right!
Or, he has already calculated all the possibilities after releasing the big move!At the same time that the water dragon made its final blow, Majie II's Super Body buff had just been consumed!So the next second...


The moment the water dragon burrowed into the ground and blasted the wave, although Ma Jie's second generation had tried its best to run to the edge of the attack range, it was still slammed into the air by the attack wave that followed!
Don't miss the chicken!

Xu Piao's second skill CD also happened to be cooled by the time consumption of the ultimate move!Not more than one second, not less than one second, just cools down!

Without further ado!After Xu Piao got rid of the big move in the second generation, he quickly moved a step horizontally on the y-axis, and then...


The second generation rides the waves and rushes forward quickly!One second before the second generation of Ma Jie fell to the ground and entered the protective state, he was hit steadily!

"Puchi...Puchi...[Waterspout damage]"


There were still about two seconds left for Ma Jie's stand-in to end, Xu Piao quickly connected to Fei Lei Shen Zhan, and used the cross attack to hold Ma Jie's second generation in mid-air, and at the same time he also successfully grabbed two secrets point!
This set of skills has been increased... Ma Jie's second-generation blood volume has been cut by more than half in an instant, and from the current book... Xu Piao finally won the slight advantage of the blood volume difference!

Sure enough, you will win if you love to fight!Xu Piao's seemingly mindless big move just now brought him an unexpected victory!
Although Ma Jie has the opportunity to start with two skills in the future, and it is estimated that Xu Piao will be difficult to defend completely, but at least at this moment... Xu Piao's explosive momentum has been completely suppressed. Maj!

And in fact, the reason why Xu Piao's big move was able to successfully attack Ma Jie's second generation was not entirely due to luck!
Because of Ma Jie's pressure on Xu Piao just now, the two second generations are almost at the edge of the right half of the screen, and they are just in the middle of the y-axis, and the range of the second generation's ultimate move is released in the middle of the y-axis... It just happened to be able to create a full-screen attack range!
Even if Ma Jie, who possesses the Super Body buff, can withstand the initial vortex adsorption attack of the second-generation ult, he will never be able to escape the final attack wave of the water dragon leaping into the sea!
Moreover, at that time, both of Ma Jie's second-generation skills had just entered the CD cooldown, and there was no way to escape through skill displacement, so Xu Piao also realized this momentarily, and then rashly consumed all the profound meaning points to let it go Live from the dead!

"Humph! Ha!"

In the screen, taking advantage of Ma Jie's substitute not being handed over in time, Xu Piao followed up with a complete set of basic attacks and marked him with the Flying Thunder God mark!

Although it is useless to mark it at this time, but... consume as much as you can!Xu Piao wanted to try his best to expand the advantage of his poor blood volume!


It can be said that Ma Jie had had enough suffering in the past ten seconds, which made him very angry, so he immediately chose the second substitute at this moment!
So in the next moment, his second generation turned into a white flash and flashed behind Xu Piao's second generation!

Kikube crisis strikes!

Xu Piao's second generation had no time to stagger his position to dodge, and at this moment he hardly had any counter-attack chips in his hand!

This plan carried Ma Jie's strong hatred... and the thunderous Flying Thunder God Zhan hit the second generation of Xu Piao's chrysanthemum heart!Xu Piao, who watched this scene through the screen, couldn't help but tighten his ass!
Come to think of it... Ma Jie's mentality must be very explosive at the moment, right?
Originally, he had mastered the rhythm very well after the start of this round, but he didn't want to encounter Xu Piao's brainless big move suddenly after his two skills entered the CD time!

And the most embarrassing thing is that this big move made him waste the opportunity to use the domineering body, not to mention, Xu Piao's operation consumed more than half of his blood volume abruptly!This fucker... who else might not be able to bear it?

"Hey playing!"

At this moment, Ma Jie seemed to be overwhelmed by Xu Piao's lack of skills and would not choose an immediate substitute. At this moment, his second generation stabbed back steadily, and instantly consumed Xu Piao's second generation's blood bar almost equal to his own. s position!
"Clap! Clap! Clap!"

This time it's Ma Jie's turn to mark Xu Piao as the Flying Thunder God!
I have to say that Ma Jie's performance is very beautiful!At present, the second generation of both sides only has about one-third of their blood volume left. He decisively keeps his second skill that can be released at any time to defend against counterattacks. Gong pushed Xu Piao's second generation to the corner of the screen step by step, and he firmly grasped the initiative on the field again in an instant!

Three seconds later, Xu Piao couldn't help looking at his second generation's health bar... Both of his skills were almost cooling down. If the substitute was two seconds in advance, he could just make a prediction of the skill's use. Moreover, there is not much time left in this round. No matter how you look at it, this duel has reached the final critical moment. Whoever can just win the last wave... will win!

Whether it's fighting hard for five rounds to pat God M's head...or Xu Piao's patting the head to reverse Sanmajie...he's the one to see this wave!


So in the next moment, Xu Piao caught the gap in the rhythm of Ma Jie's basic attack, and suddenly handed over the substitute!
Before this wave of substitutes, Xu Piao also calculated that Ma Jie's Super Body Scroll would take several seconds to cool down, and this is a good opportunity for him to backhand!

"Huh...huh! [Second-generation general attack]"

After the flash, the second generation didn't hesitate, and directly attacked and backhanded A!At this time, Ma Jie's second generation was less than two body distances away from him. If Ma Jie didn't react in time...Xu Piao would have a chance to attack him directly!

Ma Jie reacted quickly in the next second, and the sense of crisis from the position of the chrysanthemum forced him to directly release the second skill of the second generation _ waterspout!


Seeing this, Xu Piao quickly swipe his finger, and the moment his second generation lost his invincible state, he also rolled up the water spout!

For a moment, the two second-generation waterspouts attracted each other, intertwined and entangled together!


Because of the latter, Ma Jie's second generation was blasted into the sky by Xu Piao's second generation's waterspout the moment his own waterspout exploded!
Successful backhand! !
And Ma Jie's stand-in still has at least five seconds to end!

Hurry up!Consume his blood quickly!
(End of this chapter)

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