A foreigner's journey

Chapter 1284 You are the challenger

Above the night sky, the extremely thick sea of ​​black clouds suddenly rolled from the outside inward, as if being affected by a huge impact from above.

"here we go."

The Skeleton Knight looked up at the sky and whispered.

"Is that guy okay? The opponent is the WHAT IF line multiverse-level Infinite Ultron." Rebecca swallowed nervously and involuntarily grabbed her ponytails on both sides.

"No problem at all."

The sound of quick cuts sounded in the weapon man channel,

"Because that's the concept of [destruction] that defeated us before."

In the universe, the battle between Infinite Ultron and the Star Sea Prince has been fierce from the beginning.

With the Soul Gem as energy source, the Reality Gem as support, and the Mind Gem as a link, the Power Gem can exert extremely terrifying output.

The purple light stream gathered into a huge beam of light in an instant and blasted towards the Prince of Xinghai.

A fist shot out straight against the beam stream of the power gem, scattering the violent light of power in all directions.

The huge impact beam that was enough to destroy the solar system could not even scratch the skin of Prince Xinghai. He simply blasted out the beam stream with a single punch, and his whole body instantly rushed in front of Infinite Ultron.

Ultron hastily raised his arms in front of him.

Boom! !

Even if there is no sound, the huge vibration is enough to set off a violent hurricane on the surface of any planet that destroys the surface.

Ultron's invincible armor inlaid with five infinite gems was actually dented, and the arm in front of him even became crooked and twisted.

[A mere human being actually dares to challenge God! 】

Ultron's furious thoughts echoed in the universe, and then the time stone on his body shone with green light, and the injuries on both his armor and arms were instantly healed.

Not only that, the Time Stone, supported by the Mind Stone and the Power Stone, even spreads the green light to the Prince of the Star Sea.

He wanted to return the Prince of the Star Sea to his infancy.

Every living thing has to go through a gradual growth process from being weak at birth. Let me see what you look like when you are the weakest and most helpless!

The Prince of the Sea of ​​Stars was enveloped in green light, but his expression did not change at all. He still looked like a god overlooking lower creatures.

Clench your fists tightly and then hit hard!

The green light of time was directly shattered by this punch.

Time is defeated.

Before Ultron could be surprised, the Iron Fist hit him firmly in the face.

He turned into a meteor at the speed of light and flew into the distance at extremely high speeds. He barely stopped until he smashed a satellite into pieces.

Ultron was buried by a large amount of collapsing hot rock, and he discovered that he had smashed into Phobos.

What about that guy?

Ultron did not detect the trace of the Star Sea Prince pursuing him. After activating the space detection ability of the space gem, he was surprised to find that the Star Sea Prince was still outside the Earth's atmosphere, with his arms folded in front of him and looking towards Mars in the distance.

Don't you even bother to give yourself a fatal blow?

How is it possible for humans to do this! Ultron felt like he was in a dream. He had obviously obtained six infinity stones and became the most powerful being in the multiverse. Why couldn't even the indigenous creatures on the earth do anything about it!

[In that case, let’s try this trick! 】

Ultron's smashed face returned to its original shape, and he thrust his hands forward, spreading his fingers.

The next moment, all the shattered remains of Phobos were crushed into the most primitive particles by scattered light streams.

The six rays of light were running according to a unique law, and gradually gathered together under the control of Ultron, condensing into an 'entity' that could be observed with the naked eye.

This is a spiral spear made of blue light and green light. The shape is similar to the Longinus gun in EVA. The gun body is 3.14 meters long.

The Soul Gem provides infinite energy, the Reality Gem gives it plasticity, the Mind Gem is the perfect adhesive, the Space Gem and the Time Gem each send out their most powerful source power, and the Power Gem continues to increase the power of the other five with the supply of the Soul Gem. gems, forming a perfect cycle.

[This is the ‘Nail of the Universe’, annihilate it together with the planet you want to protect! 】

Ultron raised the light-throwing spear. This time it was no longer as fussy as the previous light cone. This was the correct way to apply the six infinity stones.

The spatial coordinates have been drawn and the projection begins——

Ultron twisted his body and threw the light spear forward!

The Light Throwing Spear flew toward the Prince of the Star Sea at a speed exceeding the speed of light.

The space it flew through became twisted and cracked.

Yes, Ultron knew that he had perfectly unleashed the power of the six Infinity Stones. This is the enemy of the macrocosm. Throwing a spear will set back the space and time of everything it touches.

You must know that the solar system they are in is constantly rotating around the galactic center of the Milky Way at a speed of 220 kilometers per second. The power of the cosmic nail is equivalent to making the things it touches go back to the position where the solar system previously rotated, and rotate with the galactic center. The supreme power and multiple pressures form a true [Time and Space Slash].

This is a cosmic cutting edge that goes against common sense.

Unfortunately, from the moment the Cosmic Nail appeared, the solar system was completely finished, and even the Milky Way began to slowly and irreversibly self-destruct.

Because your arrogance angers me, let the entire galaxy be buried with you!

Faced with the nail of the universe that was constantly twisting and tearing apart all things, Prince Xinghai just relaxed his arms and clenched his fists.

The next moment, another more powerful concept, different from the concept of destruction, was projected onto him from outside the multiverse.

[Not only did he not run away, but he threw a weapon at me? 】

For the first time, Prince Xinghai spoke. The voice echoed in the sea of ​​stars and appeared in Ultron's mind.

[Foolish challenger. 】

Prince Xinghai's left hand was spread out in front of him, and his right fist was clenched on his waist.

A strange power that Infinite Ultron cannot understand appears on the surface of the Star Sea Prince's right fist.

Just when the nail of the universe was about to hit Prince Xinghai, his right fist shot out instantly!

The concept of destruction, blessed by the concept of weapons, formed a form that could be observed in the material world, turning into an invisible fist and the nail of the universe colliding together.

He didn't hold on even for a moment. The moment it came into contact with the invisible fist, the nail of the universe collapsed and disintegrated.

Not just the Cosmic Nail, but the power of the Invisible Fist spread along the direction it flew from.

All the tears in time and space caused by the power of the Cosmic Nail were 'destroyed' by the power of this invisible fist.

The ultimate form of destruction is to destroy the ‘destruction’ and look like repairing it.

The torn time and space of the solar system and even the Milky Way is rapidly reversing and eventually returns to normal.

Everything happened in the blink of an eye. The catastrophe of the Milky Way occurred in an instant and disappeared in an instant.

Ultron stared at this incredible scene dumbfounded, unable to understand what was happening.

It turns out that I am the challenger.

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