A foreigner's journey

Chapter 1285 Divinity

The disturbance that was enough to cause the collapse of the universe returned to calm.

The Xinghai Prince retracted his fist, and the conceptual power in his body gradually returned to normal from the high.

[Destruction] is the top of the pyramid of offensive conceptual power. Its power has been personally experienced by all the heavens and all the worlds and all the outsiders through Cosmo, and his title of [Invincible] is not in vain.

Now, the concept of destruction has become stronger with the blessing of [Weapon], one of the four legendary concepts.

In other words, [Destruction] originally belongs to [Weapon], and all weapons that can cause destruction are weapons.

Poor Infinite Ultron is just a little baby who was born less than an hour ago. How could he have seen the power of the "concept" level? For a while, he even thought that his six Infinite Gems were fake.

Where is the strongest and supreme treasure in the universe? One is praised to the sky, why am I still being beaten up after I have collected six?

Before Infinite Ultron could feel wronged, his eyes condensed.

One hundred and twenty million kilometers away, in the outer space of the earth, Prince Xinghai moved his arms and shoulders, bowed slightly towards Mars, and posed for a start.

Ultron suddenly felt a chill in his heart. Could this guy...

The next moment, the space where Prince Xinghai was located seemed to have a violent fluctuation, and he turned into a real meteor of light, rushing towards Ultron at a high speed!

In the blink of an eye, Ultron saw Prince Xinghai appear in his field of vision, and even saw him stretching out his right hand and grabbing his head.

Ultron roared and activated the power of the Infinity Stones. Layers of space fragments immediately formed in front of him. That was the mirror space that the Supreme Sorcerer Ancient One was good at. Now that the space gems were used, the effect would be much stronger.

Dive headfirst into tens of thousands of layered spaces!

But the facts disappointed Ultron.

As soon as Prince Xinghai's palm touched the mirror space, all the new spaces opened up by the space gems were shattered and restored to the original space.

Sorry, the concept of destruction is that you can do whatever you want.

Bang! A big hand grabbed the head of Infinite Ultron, and the Infinite Armor made of the Reality Gem and the Power Gem was squeezed and squeaked inward.

Then, Ultron was pressed by the Prince of Star Sea to fly towards Mars.

It happened that Phobos, the second moon of Deimos, was also in their flight trajectory. This poor satellite immediately followed the footsteps of its big brother Phobos and was blown to pieces in an instant.

Amid the red rocks that exploded in the sky, a meteor broke through the atmosphere of Mars and blasted a huge deep pit of 10,000 meters on the surface of the planet.

Ultron felt that his head was about to be crushed, and the whole person was pressed by the Prince of Star Sea to fall deep into the Martian stratum.

"Don't be so... presumptuous!!"

The other five Infinity Stones provided energy at the same time, and then strengthened by the Power Stone, the Mind Stone on Ultron's forehead immediately burst out an extremely terrifying beam of light, directly hitting the big hand that was pinching his head.

The mighty force containing the strongest attack power of the Mind Stone blew the palm of Prince Xinghai loose.

Ultron immediately seized the opportunity, grabbed Prince Xinghai's wrist with his backhand, and used the power of the six gems to drive his body to turn around and fly to the other side.

The surface of Mars suddenly bulged with extremely huge impact marks that could be easily observed from outer space.

The surface of the strata was completely shattered, and the two turned into meteors and rushed out from under the strata, immediately passing through the atmosphere and flying into space, leaving only a terrifying scar of tens of thousands of kilometers plowed on the surface of Mars.

As soon as he entered the space, Infinity Ultron immediately swung his fists and kept hitting Prince Xinghai's head and body violently.

Each punch was comparable to the explosive impact of millions of nuclear bombs.

Moreover, these impact forces did not leak out at all. Under the control of the power gem, they acted perfectly on Prince Xinghai.

In the blink of an eye, the two flew far in the universe. During this time, Ultron punched Prince Xinghai's head at least tens of thousands of times.

"Mortals! Without you superheroes, the earth would be fine! You are the biggest source of trouble! Now I understand my mission - after the destruction of the earth, it will get her final peace, and death is the kind gift I give you! Now die for me!!"

Ultron roared and raised his fist again to hit it hard, but this time he swung in the air.


Ultron looked at his hand in astonishment. He didn't know when his fist and even his entire forearm had disappeared, and the broken parts were all broken by the recoil.

"Have you made enough trouble?"

The cold voice of Prince Xinghai came from the front, even though the universe could not transmit sound.

Looking down, Ultron saw Prince Xinghai's unscathed face, without even a little red mark left.

The big hand once again tightly grasped Ultron's head.

Then, a heavy punch hit Ultron's abdomen from bottom to top.

The self-proclaimed strongest infinite Ultron in the multiverse paused, and then his entire body exploded from the chest down.

The huge impact force spread backwards, and the nearest planet was directly crushed by this huge punch.

Poor Pluto is gone again.

Holding Ultron, who only had the upper body left, the Prince of Star Sea floated in the universe, not caring about the shock wave and super high temperature brought by the explosion of Pluto in the distance.

The green light of the Time Stone flashed rapidly, trying to reverse Ultron's injury, but just like the red light of the Reality Stone, it was ruthlessly crushed by the concept of destruction as soon as it flashed.

Although he could not achieve the true "destruction of everything" when Cosmo held the Imagine Killer, and could not destroy the future that endangered himself or break through the multiverse barrier, the current Prince Xinghai has found the trick to use the concept of destruction, and it is still easy to activate the concept of destruction at will to interfere with the power of the Infinity Stones.

Feeling the fingers on his head tightening more and more, Ultron immediately shouted:

"Wait a minute! Don't you consider the safety of the earth?"

The voice was clearly transmitted to the heart of Prince Xinghai, and his movements slowed down.

Ultron saw this and immediately said:

"Before you and I fought, I left 400,000 Ultron IIs on Earth. Even if I die, they will never stop.

Each Ultron II has enough power to kill S-class heroes. Now they should have killed most of the superheroes in the world. If you don't rush back now, I'm afraid the Earth will become a dead star."

"So what?"

Prince Xinghai made a cold voice,

"God will not only focus on a small planet. If you let you go, the entire universe will fall into a huge crisis. Compared with this level of crisis, the Earth is nothing."

Ultron felt cold in his heart. The man in front of him was more like a "God" than a "human" than himself.

The so-called God is the kind of emotional bondage that transcends the mundane world, will not be affected by joy, anger, sorrow, and happiness, and only looks at the final result.

I'm afraid that in the eyes of Prince Xinghai, the Earth is no different from humans looking down on an ant pile. It is just an inconspicuous habitable planet in the vast universe.

This is absolute divinity.

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