A foreigner's journey

Chapter 174 Thunder in the Rain

These are two weird circular saws with different shapes. They are slightly smaller than the previous Cyclone Charge saw.

In terms of overall style, the two circular saws have a cool shape with a gold storage shell as the main part and blue scales as the supplement. The tires and hubs of the wheels all open up to become a jagged turbine spike-shaped circular saw. There are three claw-like sharp golden armors on each side of the circular saw in the right hand, while the circular saw in the left hand has two spikes that resemble the giant horns of a thunder wolf dragon placed on both sides of the circular saw, and the overall shape of the left and right is also different. The grips are of the same style and even have brake grips on them. At the same time, Heather also had a pair of goggles hanging around her neck.

Heather invested a World Flame to significantly shorten the recasting time of this [King's Tooth Saw·Evil Thunder], but the CD time for recasting is a full month, and this is the CD time after being optimized by World Flame.

At the moment when Wang Yasaw condensed, the muddy water and gravel beneath Heather's feet exploded and splashed, and the whole person rushed towards Lanlong like a discharged cannonball!

Buzz—! !

The circular saw in his hand was rotating at high speed, and each saw tooth was wrapped with electric current. From a distance, it looked like two bluish-white halos trailing two arcs of light in the dark rainy night.

Lan Long nonchalantly stretched out the feather-like flying membrane on the surface of his body. A large amount of water vapor and air flow rapidly flowed on the body surface and turned into an indestructible [Lan Yi]. The sword that had been strengthened by Ershan in the third stage before could not even break through Lan Yi. Within half a meter.

But the moment [Wang Yasaw] came into contact with [Lanyi], the circular saw instantly burst into violent lightning. After just a moment's pause, the circular saw neatly cut through the armor composed of airflow and water vapor. In Lan Long's surprised eyes, the king's tooth saw wrapped with lightning struck firmly on Lan Long's skin scales, immediately bursting into violent clusters of sparks!

Lan Long let out a wild roar, and immediately spread the flying membranes all over his body, and swept his huge right claw towards Heather.


Heather succeeded with one blow and immediately put the two circular saws in her hands together. The teeth of the circular saw were automatically recovered and turned into a gorgeous golden wheel. The handles on both sides were integrated into one and moved above the wheel. The rear ends of the two sides of the car body were connected. The tops of the two sharp corners unscrew to become exhaust pipes, and the whole thing immediately transforms into a cool and gorgeous motorcycle!

Transforming weapons! [Wang Ya Chaan·Thunder]!

Heather pulled down the goggles, grabbed the handle with both hands and twisted it hard. The wheels immediately rotated at high speed, driving Heather to rush upward along the surface of Lanlong's body, narrowly avoiding the sweep of the giant claw.

The speed is as fast as lightning!

Twist the handle again, turbine spikes spread out on the surface of the motorcycle wheels, and violent lightning bursts out from the exhaust pipes on both sides. The motorcycle turned into a galloping lightning and slashed all the way across the surface of Lanlong's body, dragging it along for a long time. of Mars.

The arrogant and noble mist dragon had never experienced such humiliation. It almost went crazy and let out a deafening roar, but this terrifying roar that was enough to pierce the eardrums and paralyze the body had little effect on Heather.

Because the goggles he was wearing extended a pair of over-the-ear headphones with golden shells in advance, which perfectly resisted the roar.

How can the equipment in Monster Hunter World not have [ear plugs]?

Upon seeing this, Lanlong flew straight into the air and quickly turned his body 720 degrees in an attempt to throw Heather off. At the same time, the flying membrane on his body flashed orange-red and high temperature, and rolled towards Heather who was thrown into the air like a sharp high-temperature fan.

Heather laughed, and the exhaust pipes on both sides of the motorcycle powered by mind energy suddenly sprayed out a large amount of lightning, pushing Heather and the motorcycle violently into the air for a distance, narrowly avoiding the incoming attack. High heat flying film.

Immediately afterwards, the motorcycle body separated and instantly turned into two high-speed rotating circular saws, which were held in Heather's hands.

[Wang Ya Saw·Evil Thunder]!

Heather, who was in mid-air, placed two circular saws on both shoulders, and then slashed downwards. The circular saws immediately hit the flying membrane.

This time, it's no longer Mars, but blood!

A crack was opened in the flying membrane on Lanlong's body. Although it was only a small wound, it meant that Lanlong's awe-inspiring and inviolable divine body had been broken by a mortal.

The next second, an orange-red light indicating the wrath of the gods enveloped the entire spiritual peak.

The mist dragon soared into the sky, suspended high among the black clouds. The injured flying film on the elbow of its right paw began to heal under the water vapor in the rain clouds. At the same time, its orange-red eyes looked down at the mortals below, filled with anger.

"Oops...have you entered the second stage of BOSS?"

Heather stood on the ground at the top of the peak, raised her goggles and looked up at the misty dragon in the sky. She couldn't help but curl her lips: "So what the hell was I doing before? Why didn't I get a long-range weapon such as a heavy crossbow?" Or a bow or something like that, why should I give a shit when the BOSS enters the second-stage flight mode?"

This is also Heather's current embarrassment. He does not have a suitable long-range attack weapon. Once the enemy flies into the sky or moves far away and cannot break the defense with [Five-Guan Leech], he can only stare.

After waiting for about ten seconds, Lan Long found that Heather had made no further movements and was just staring blankly on the ground. He immediately guessed that the opponent did not have the ability or weapon to attack him in flight.

As it raised its head and roared, the black clouds gathered around Lanlong began to rotate at high speed, and extended downward into a huge funnel-shaped cloud tower. It wanted to use the tornado [Black Wind] to completely kill this mortal.

"Hey, hey, is it a foul?"

Heather only felt a huge suction force coming from the sky. He and the two circular saws were sucked up into the sky, and continued to accelerate towards the black clouds.

[Falled to death from a thousand meters altitude], [Been struck to death by lightning in the thundercloud], [I personally blasted him into pieces with a stream of water]... Well, the third option is more interesting.

Lan Long watched with malice as Heather flew higher and higher, and soon broke through the black clouds and flew higher. It suddenly stopped attracting the tornado and allowed Heather to start falling. At the same time, it opened its huge mouth and aimed at Heather's upcoming trajectory.

The extremely turbulent water condensed and took shape in its mouth, gathering momentum.

But before it could spray out the surging water breath, infinite lightning suddenly exploded in the sky, even breaking through the thick black clouds!

The next second, the violent jet of water and the exploding thunder collided hard, canceling each other out.

The thunder light dispersed, and an extremely huge black shadow fell from the sky. This was a giant thunder wolf dragon with a length of twenty-five meters!

The muscles all over its body are full of the beauty of youthful and strong strength. The white electrified hairs on its body are flying like flames, and the golden electric storage shell reflects bright light in the rain. With a violent roar and thunder that lingered all over its body, this angry giant raised its giant claws high and struck hard at the sluggish Lanlong below!

The [King's Tooth Saw] column in the [Mythical Weapon Catalog] began to blur and distort, and then transformed into a brand new column!

New category [Beast] updated!

Log in to [Beast]——[Tooth Dragon Species·Thunder Wolf Dragon]!

PS: [King's Fang Saw·Evil Thunder]-[King's Fang Chariot·Thunder]-[Fang Dragon Species·Thunder Wolf Dragon], this Monster Hunter World-style weapon theme style created by Heather himself is [Transformation].

PS: The shape and attack style of [King's Chariot] and [King's Saw] refer to Dante's weapon Cavaliere in "Devil May Cry 5", the gold-painted version.

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