A foreigner's journey

Chapter 175 Lei VS Lan

The huge Thunder Wolf Dragon, which is twenty-five meters long, is not much different from the Lanlong in terms of size.

It was caught in the infinite thunder light, blasting a huge hole in the thick black clouds above the sky. The sunlight shined through the cloud tops and reflected on the golden electric storage shell of the Thunder Wolf Dragon, reflecting a bright light.

The next moment, the huge claws raised high grabbed Jing Lei and slapped the chest of Lan Long who had just recovered!

The lightning immediately collided with [Lanyi], and the airflow and water vapor were immediately blown away by the violent thunder and lightning. The sharp claws shattered the silver-white hard scales on Lanlong's body, and the blood and water vapor were mixed together.

Immediately afterwards, the Thunder Wolf Dragon pounced on Lanlong, and the two giant beasts became entangled and fell straight down.

Just when he was about to fall to the top of Lingfeng, Lanlong used his tail to forcefully fly away the Thunder Wolf Dragon on his body. The flying film all over his body trembled violently and released a large amount of water vapor. He managed to control his body and levitate again before hitting the ground.

The Thunder Wolf Dragon took advantage of the force of being whipped and jumped sideways towards the edge of the cliff. Its four claws smashed the jagged rocks on the edge of the cliff and used the recoil to jump back to the top of the peak.

Lan and thunder, dragon and wolf.

Two giant beasts faced each other on the top of this lonely Lingfeng Mountain in a thundering storm.

Lan Long was suspended at the far left end of the peak in confusion. Looking at the slowly pacing Thunder Wolf Dragon on the other side, he couldn't help but hesitate. It was unmistakable. This guy was the bug that had provoked me many times before. I had obviously killed it completely and thrown its body off the cliff. How could it still be...

On the other hand, the huge Thunder Wolf Dragon walked slowly along the edge of the cliff, its eyes with flashing lightning staring at the mist dragon suspended in mid-air opposite, and high-temperature white water continued to pour out of its slightly opened huge mouth filled with ferocious teeth. steam.

This is the true form of [King Tooth Saw·Evil Thunder], which specializes in 'transformation'. It is based on the old wolf king to reproduce its most powerful and glorious posture, and is greatly enhanced with telekinesis.

At this time, Heather is not so much hiding in the Thunder Wolf Dragon's body as he is directly transformed into a [Beast]. The Thunder Wolf Dragon in this form can be summoned either as an 'incarnation' or as a 'war beast'. However, considering the restriction that [the weapon body cannot leave the three-meter range of Heather], the 'summoned beast' form is currently not practical.

Feeling the manic fighting spirit in her mind, Heather controlled the Thunder Wolf Dragon's body and walked slowly to take the opportunity to feel the performance of the new body in all aspects, while soothing the old wolf's roar of impatient revenge.

It was as if there was another version of himself in his mind that was filled with beastly instincts and rage. Heather and Old Wolf were connected in their minds at this time.

In other words, there is no ‘delay’ in terms of command and control.

After the brief fight just now, Heather has a comprehensive understanding of this body. From a purely physical perspective, it is much stronger than her, but it is still not as good as Lan Long's terrifying physique that is comparable to that of a god.

Needs further strengthening!

Then... Thousands of bluish-white fluorescence emerged from the white mane flying like flames on the Thunder Wolf Dragon's body.

They are [Thunder Insects]! As subjects who surrender to the king, they are also recast by mind energy and can be summoned in [beast] form.

The lightning bugs began to spin and fly around the Thunder Wolf Dragon. The Thunder Wolf Dragon looked up to the sky and roared, triggering the electric current stored in its own electric storage shell. This strong current was activated by resonance with the Thunder Wolf Dragon, and then they fed back a more powerful surging electricity. .

Under the stimulation of the surging electricity, the golden electric storage shells on Thunder Wolf Dragon's shoulders, tail, and arms all opened and tilted like mecha shells, and the three-finger nails at the front of the limbs that were not sharp instantly popped out black sharp claws. , and two sharper and longer black claw hooks popped out on the side, which are the so-called 'hunting claws'. Its horns were visibly condensed with violent electricity, its long white manes flying like flames became upright like exploding lightning rods, and its muscles swelled as if its entire body had grown larger.

【Super charged mode】!

Lanlong had seen the old wolf use this form before. It's indeed very strong, but you still can't fly, so it's of no use to you!

Lanlong unfolded his flying membrane, and the black clouds above his head condensed together again and turned into a huge black vortex. Countless large and small water balls were compressed to the extreme and attacked the Thunder Wolf Dragon from all directions in the sky. The terrifying power of a bullet!

【Vicious Needle Ruiyu】!

The old wolf was riddled with holes by this move, but the Thunder Wolf Dragon transformed by Heather at this time was many times stronger than before!

It rested on the ground with one claw, and its entire huge body hung in mid-air with its single claw as an axis and rotated at high speed around it, creating a whirlpool of lightning. All the incoming water bombs were evaporated by the lightning before they even got close to the Thunder Wolf Dragon.

Bang bang bang bang! !

With the sound of dense explosions, dozens of huge lightning balls were thrown out of the lightning vortex and shot towards the misty dragon in the sky.

In the super-charged mode, the Thunder Wolf Dragon can easily excite the lightning bugs into super-electric lightning bugs, and use them as thunder cannonballs for long-range attacks - [Super-Electric Thunder Bugs·Thousand Light Rain]!

Lanlong raised its head proudly, and as the flying membrane flashed, dense water balls also emerged around its body, flying towards the Thunder Wolf Dragon and the incoming light balls.

For a time, nearly endless water bombs and lightning bombs bombarded each other, triggering a series of horrific explosions at the top of Lingfeng. The violent shock wave generated by the explosion not only destroyed the rocks and ground on the peak, but even dispersed the storm on the peak. The shock wave and violent roar here alone can completely destroy mortals. This is a battlefield that only the strongest can set foot on. .

Because it is Storm's home field, Lanlong's bullets are almost endless. But the Thunder Wolf Dragon was transformed by Heather's mental energy at this time, and its 'ammunition' was also generated by consuming Heather's mental energy. With this level of barrage exchange, Heather could play until dark.

If you put border monsters in "Monster Hunter P3" out of spite, then don't blame me for enabling telepathy plug-ins.

After such a stalemate for nearly a minute, the entire Lingfeng Peak was riddled with holes. Almost no piece of land or rock was intact, and the wreckage of the airship and a few scattered ancient trees disappeared without a trace. .

Lan Long began to become anxious, and the strange orange-red light in his eyes became more and more dazzling in the dim rain curtain. Not only its eyes, but also its chest and abdomen began to glow with orange-red light. At the same time, its feather-white membranes and scales also began to transform into the dark black color of a tornado, with a strange red light shining through the black. The pair of magnificent and flawless huge horns on the top of the head are emitting a bright golden light.

The moment they entered this state, Heather and Thunder Wolf Dragon immediately felt endless pressure.

The Tianjin Fujin God, who was sitting high in the sky, was finally completely angry.

PS: Although this book has been completely sold out, I still need to ask for recommendation votes and monthly tickets according to the process...

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