A foreigner's journey

Chapter 427 Summoned Beast War ver.2 (2)

The sea of ​​clouds covered the sky, and the white whale with wings on its back collided with the majestic mechanical fortress. The entire cave immediately vibrated unprecedentedly violently.

Violent air waves formed a ring and rapidly expanded in all directions. Machine God Alexander trembled violently as he continued to drop mechanical parts and metal fragments downwards. Unable to maintain his balance, he fell backwards, hitting the rock wall heavily and stirring up smoke and dust in the sky.

The cloud god Bismarck flew upside down and fell into the sea of ​​clouds. The sea of ​​clouds above his head did not look too heavy but strangely swallowed up the huge body of the cloud god. Only the giant tail that occasionally lifted up from the surface of the cloud sea showed that the cloud god was not too affected. trauma.

The people standing on the shoulders of the Machine God were immediately sheltered inside the fortress spire for protection. Even so, they were dizzy from the violent impact.

Claude shook his head vigorously, and because of the severe ringing in his ears, he had to shout with all his strength: "I must summon the Water God, otherwise the Machine God will not be able to withstand the siege of so many legendary summoned beasts!"

There are too many legendary level summoned beasts on the other side. This does not include the Dragon God who has not appeared and the God of War who attacked Heather. Claude must also summon existences of the same level.

Alice held the staff and struggled to maintain balance: "The machine god's energy storage is running low. It can use up to two more energy volleys. All the remaining energy must be reserved for [Holy Judgment]."

"Anyway, hurry up! Ifrit and Shiva are almost beaten to death!" Yuffie pointed outside the tower and screamed.

As second-level summoned beasts, Ifrit and Shiva could hardly fight together against the ghost god Zurwan, let alone the thunder god Ram and the earth god Titan.

As soon as he gathered the fireball in his hand, it was shattered by the thunder from a distance. Ifrit couldn't even let out a roar before being knocked to the ground by the earth god Titan's double fists.

Shiva on the other side was unable to help even if she wanted to, because she was dealing with Zurwan alone. This terrifying ghost god with a ferocious appearance raised the huge ax gun in his hand high above his head, spinning it at high speed, and then chopped it down like lightning. Shiva gathered a large number of ice crystals to block the ice crystal barrier in front of him, which lasted less than a second before it all shattered with the sound of shattering glass, and Shiva's lithe right arm was cut off completely.

Zurwan let out a sharp roar of excitement, and grabbed Shiva's slender waist with his strong red claws and slammed him to the ground. He raised the golden ax gun in his hand with the blade tip down, ready to give Shiva a blow. Let's go through the intestines and break the belly.


The tip of the ax spear thrust downward was severely deflected by the relatively small and inconspicuous destroyer sword. Claude burst out of the Mecha-god's body to attack with all his strength. He was equipped with telepathy and Jenova cells and was instantly connected with him. The ghost god Zurwan fought back and forth.

Immediately afterwards, the huge cross shuriken rotated at high speed and struck Zurwan's red chitin outer armor, causing a stream of sparks. Barrett and Red Comet stood on top of the machine god's shoulders, bullets pouring out like a violent storm, constantly bombarding the ghost's head and chest.


Tifa, who rushed to Ifrit's side at lightning speed, summoned up all her energy and hit the Earth God Titan's knee with a fierce uppercut. The ten-meter-tall giant roared and knelt heavily on the ground, allowing Ifrit to breathe.

But before Tifa could throw her second punch, she suddenly rolled to the side and hid. The bright sword light almost passed through her body, creating a deep crack in the place where she had been.

Sephiroth's missing body finally stopped hiding and began to join the battle.

In the distance, Sephiroth's body was fighting fiercely with Heather. The aftermath of the battle between the two continued to destroy the surrounding rock walls, and the surface of the crystal wall that sealed the planet's weapons was also covered with cracks.

God of War Odin galloped around the two of them, constantly looking for opportunities to sneak attack Heather with his iron sword and decisive gun.

Bang! The black mace and the authentic sword hit each other hard, and at the same time, the dragon tail behind Heather swung Odin and his horse away from behind. Heather, who had many scars on her body, her muscles swelled to the limit, and veins popped out in her arms. She swung the mace hard and sent Sephiroth flying backwards.

Taking this opportunity to breathe, Heather looked to the side and found that at least six thoughts of Sephiroth had joined the battle with long knives and were cooperating with the summoned beasts to encircle Tifa and others.

Although the strength of these thoughts of Sephiroth is not as strong as the main body, they all have the combat power of Ifrit's level. Tifa and others were suddenly plunged into a huge crisis.

Sephiroth rolled several times in the air and then spread out his black wings to stop his movement. He raised his sword and showed a joking smile:

"Are you worried about them? Although you have obtained a very powerful summoning stone, it is obvious that my side is superior in quality and quantity. Guess who will lose first or your lovely companions will die first?"

At this moment, the sound of surging waves sounded in the huge underground cave.

The ground was covered by the illusory sea surface, and then the tide surged, and a forty-meter-long snake-like monster was swimming in the sea water. Sephiroth frowned slightly when he saw this. The legendary summoned beasts Heather and the others got were more than just Mecha?

Two thoughts of Sephiroth were attacking Tifa with knives. Seeing that Tifa was about to be hit by the long knife, a wave of waves suddenly arose and knocked the two thoughts away that were unprepared. The waves then condensed and transformed into a green cloud. Dragon body with blue scales.

This is a giant beast covered with ferocious spikes, with wings, like a dragon and a snake. The scales on its body look green-blue at first glance, but you will soon find that the surface of the scales reflects the turbulent changes of the ocean tide. And the thunder of the storm, majestic orange eyes staring into the sky.

This is the god that Wutai people have worshiped for generations, the legendary god of the lightless deep sea who set off a world-destroying flood, [Water God Leviasan]!

As soon as the Water God appeared on the battlefield, the thunder that was originally controlled by Ram immediately changed its owner. The thunder that brought destruction meekly surrounded the water god at this time, and every time the thunder struck, it would reflect the rough waves on the sea.

The sea of ​​clouds in the sky is rolling, and the sea is rough.

Needless to say, Cloud God Bismarck and Water God Leviathan immediately locked eyes.

Shiva condensed a large amount of ice floes to provide a place for Claude and others. As soon as the ghost god Zurwan waved the golden ax gun in his hand, Claude forced him back with a knife. The small figure of the blond mercenary faced The huge and ferocious body of the ghost god Zurwan is not inferior at all.

Without the control of the Cloud God, the Mecha-god Alexander once again opened thousands of cannon muzzles all over his body, and a magic circle blooming like a flower shone above the Mecha-god's head. With Alice's cooperation, dazzling light is gathering, and [Holy Judgment] is ready to go.

In the distance, Sephiroth, suspended in mid-air, smiled: "Ah, what a spectacular summoned beast battle. As the final moment of the planet, this is the best show. Then, let's make the show more lively. Bar!"

As he spoke, he snapped his fingers.

A red light shone from his arm, and nine golden summoning arrays of different sizes were arranged in a [meter] shape and spread out over the large hollow in the north.

For a moment, everyone present and the summoned beasts seemed to see the shining stars in the vast universe. A huge figure suddenly smashed into the golden summoning array, spinning and falling into the abyss below.

When it was about to fall above the underground cavity, the figure suddenly stopped and spread out. Six dragon wings shimmering with silver metal stretched out, and the strong humanoid body was also completely composed of unknown silver metal. The golden horns on the top of the head expanded and floated backward like tentacles, with twinkling eyes. Bright green light.

Just its [existence] itself has already made everyone present and the summoned beasts feel a great threat and oppression.

Finally, the strongest Dragon God, [Bahamut Type Zero] appears!

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