A foreigner's journey

Chapter 428 Riding God

Bahamut, who fought fiercely with the Thunder Wolf Dragon in the Golden Butterfly Playground, was only the basic form of their faction.

Bahamut's next level is [Bahamut Kai], a world-destroying red dragon that symbolizes destruction. Its ultimate move [Billions of Melting Flames] is several times stronger than Bahamut's basic form.

But [Bahamut Kai] is not the end of the Dragon God’s evolution.

According to legend, among the distant stars, there is a silver dragon that can physically travel through the vast universe. It has six dragon wings and is covered with silver armor. Those relatively weak planets cannot even withstand its full blow.

Its name is [Bahamut Zero], the first and final dragon god, an invincible summoned beast that spans the galaxy.

At this moment, Bahamut Zero was flapping its six giant silver wings, overlooking everyone from a high position.

The steady stream of invisible pressure seemed to have materialized. Jesse, whose physique was just that of an ordinary person, was immediately put into the body of Mecha-god Alexander, otherwise he might have been directly destroyed by this invisible pressure.

The ghost god Zurwan let out a roar, and then bowed slightly to the dragon god in the sky. This meant that the ghost god Zulwan had recognized the dominance of Bahamut Zero in this summoned beast battle. The thunder god Ram and the earth god Titan were even more unbearable and directly expressed their surrender.

Shiva, who had a broken arm, and Ifrit, who was seriously injured, retreated to Alexander the Machine, not to mention the Water God and Cloud God who were confronting each other in the distance. At this time, Alexander the Machine was standing on the edge of the large underground cavity like a solid mountain. At the top, the cannon muzzles all over his body are full of energy and can be fired at any time. From a distance, thousands of cross lights are flashing on the surface of the machine god's body.

However, the enemy's pressure is unprecedentedly powerful. There is the strongest Dragon God sitting in the sky, and the Cloud God is watching with eagerness; on the ground, the ghost god Zurwan is leading the battle, followed by the God of Thunder and the God of Earth, and six Sephiroth's remembrance body is gradually approaching with long knives.

For Tifa and the others, this is a dead end.

In the distance, Sephiroth and the God of War Odin blocked Heather's path one after another, not giving him any chance to help his companions.

"If you don't take action yourself, just a few of them will not be able to stop Bahamut Zero. Even if you summon the thunder wolf that can rival ordinary Bahamut, it will not change the outcome in any way."

Sephiroth raised the long knife in his hand:

"For you, your companions are irreplaceable and important... How about you let me enjoy the joy of taking them away?"

To Sephiroth's surprise, he did not see Heather showing any anxiety or distress.

Heather's ferocious dragon-like face showed a mocking look: "I have to say, your large array is indeed quite bluffing. Since you have sent out your ace, then I have to ask for our general. …”

Sephiroth frowned when he heard this, and rushed forward with the blade pointed directly at Heather's throat. The fighting god Odin in the rear also wielded the iron-cutting sword and struck at the back of Heather. Although they didn't know whether Heather really had a trump card or was playing tricks, they didn't intend to give Heather any chance at all.

Just when the blades in tandem were about to hit Heather, a fierce red light swept away in all directions, even breaking up Sephiroth and Odin.

[Mythical Weapons Catalog] Start! Log in to [Beast] - [Riding God·Knights of the Round Table]!

Heather's body shape has returned to that of a normal human being. The huge summoning array rapidly expanded around him, and quickly formed a total of twelve summoning arrays of different sizes.

Immediately afterwards, one figure after another appeared from the summoning array.

Gahoris holding a long-handled axe, Lancelot carrying a two-handed giant sword, Gawain with a well-proportioned figure and a cross sword at his waist, Galahad holding a sword in one hand and a shield in the other... twelve figures. Various brave knights wearing heavy armor stepped out of the summoning array one after another, each of them far more powerful than the ghost god Zurwan.

There is no doubt that they are all legendary summoned beasts!

Finally, an unusually huge golden summoning array appeared next to Heather. King Arthur, who was sitting on the throne with one hand on his chin and a golden sword on the lonely Iron Throne, supported his arm with the other hand. The huge and majestic two-handed sword was looking at Sephiroth with a scrutinizing gaze.

For the first time, Sephiroth's face looked so ugly. What kind of summoned beast was this? Why had he never seen their existence in the depths of the planet river!

Especially the swordsman sitting on the throne, the strong threat exuding from him even made Sephiroth think he saw another Heather.

"Your Majesty, Sephiroth is my prey."

The black mace in Heather's hand disappeared and was replaced by a two-meter-long golden magatama sword [Ferocious Sword·Huayu], with a translucent flying membrane feather robe floating behind her:

"Please take action and kill the dragon god who is said to be the strongest in the sky."

King Arthur withdrew his gaze from Sephiroth and slowly stood up from the throne holding the holy sword. His deep voice echoed in the large underground cave:

"My lords, follow me to kill the planet's great enemy!"

"According to the order!"

The twelve Knights of the Round Table shouted at the same time and locked onto their opponents almost instantly.

Tifa and the others, who were originally in danger, immediately lost their pressure and began to cooperate with the Knights of the Round Table to launch a counterattack against Sephiroth's remembrance body and powerful summoned beasts.

King Arthur held the holy sword and walked step by step towards the direction where the Dragon God was flying. The wide red cloak behind him was dancing in the wind. The Dragon God in the sky seemed to feel a strong threat and roared downwards in demonstration.

No longer paying attention to the battlefield in the distance, Heather held the golden magatama sword and pointed at Sephiroth in the distance, her indifferent golden pupils exuding gleaming light:

"Have you played all your cards, Sephiroth? Come on, it's time to send you on your way."

Seeing that the good situation was overturned by a mere summoning stone, Sephiroth suddenly flapped his wings and flew into the sky, then looked down at Heather, and smiled angrily:

"Do you think a summoning stone can change the overall situation? No matter how strong they are, they can't stop the meteorite from falling. There is only one fate for you, and that is to die with this planet!"

"It's so ugly... Put aside the meteorite for now, I just want to hack you to death, that's all."

Heather also flew off the ground and floated into the sky:

"Before, you relied on your ability to fly and fought hard, right? This time everyone can fly, too sword versus too sword, I will let you die without complaint."

The God of War Odin was no longer qualified to intervene in this battle at this time. He galloped towards the distance on his horse, trying to stop the offensive of the Knights of the Round Table.

Only Heather and Sephiroth were left here, flying in the sky and engaging in the final battle under the gaze of the planet's weapons behind the spar wall.

The winner will control the fate of this planet.

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