A foreigner's journey

Chapter 491 The road ahead

Won? Was this guy driven crazy by himself?

The green-scaled dragon transformed by Heather was only confused for a moment. He would not be shaken by his opponent's words. When the flame heat in his mouth reached its peak, a huge pillar of fire cut through the night sky and completely engulfed the werewolf.

The werewolf's fur was immediately burned until it became curly and black, and then the flesh, flesh and bones inside were exposed. The flames burned and incinerated the werewolf. Soon, the werewolf was burned into charcoal, and then completely collapsed by the powerful impact of the hot breath. Shattered into fly ash and dissolved in the endless stream of fire.

Phew... is it over?

Under the huge whirlpool of black clouds, the green-scaled dragon slowly coiled around its hundreds-meter-long dragon body. Blood was still spurting out from its right shoulder. The dragon's mouth was slightly opened and closed by the high temperature and white smoke, and it was breathing heavily.

After experiencing such a long and high-intensity battle, Heather's mental energy, domineering energy, physical strength and even concepts were close to being exhausted. He had never felt so tired.

After removing the conceptual blessing, Heather transformed from the green-scaled dragon form back into human form. The huge wound torn from the shoulder shone with golden light, which was the healing power of [Light Egg]. When he transformed into the dragon form, he seemed to have dispelled the bacterial toxins injected by the teeth of the 'big bad wolf' from his body, and his healing ability began to work again.

The wound was squirming and itching was unbearable, something that had never happened before during previous treatments.

Then, Heather saw the face of the little prince. More than a dozen tentacles were twisted into a spiral shape, and the convergence point at the top was the young prince's blond face.

The other end of the tentacle arm is connected to the wound on his shoulder.

Heather's scalp went numb for a moment, and without thinking, she put her five fingers together into a knife and slashed the little prince's face into two pieces.

At the moment of the attack, Heather felt excruciating pain. As the little prince's face squirmed and rejoined, Heather's body also consumed a lot of energy.

Is it ‘linked’ to my life? Is this also a prop effect from some kind of fairy tale? what exactly is it!

At this time, Heather's physical strength and energy were about to be exhausted. She had a splitting headache and was still thinking about the possibility of breaking the situation.

At this time, the little prince spoke, and his voice was no longer a childish voice, but gradually became similar to Heather: "Don't struggle Heather, I admit that you are very strong, so strong that you can almost defeat me. But, you You shouldn’t touch that magic lamp.”

"Magic lamp..."

Heather seemed to have thousands of sharp needles poking hard in her mind: "Have you already made a wish with the magic lamp?"

When did you make the wish... no, I should say, what was the wish?

Needless to say, it must be because the light egg came into contact with the magic lamp. Even through indirect transmission, Heather was still unknowingly injected with an excessive dose of [pollution]. And this effect is exactly the ‘law of cause and effect’ ability that the little prince gained after making a wish with the magic lamp——

[Magic Lamp, I want to make a wish - if anyone other than me comes into contact with the body of the magic lamp in any way, I will give them the same pollution as me! 】

"It was the magic lamp that polluted me...and the pollution is related to you!" Heather analyzed the real situation in an instant.

"very smart."

The little prince seemed to want to smile, but he only pulled the flesh on his face to reveal a strange expression:

"Originally, I was in charge of the concept of [childlike], everything was so beautiful and pure. My friends and I traveled through countless worlds, just to find that [rose]. But, greed destroyed me , and also destroyed my companions.”

The tentacles were squirming, and two small 'branches' stretched out below the little prince's face, like hands.

The little prince looked at Heather with his eyes. What reflected in his pupils was not Heather's shadow, but the vast dark nebula: "You see, greed will also destroy you. Even if you have one of the most advanced concepts, you will still Become nourishment to me and to it.”

Knowing that the little prince's talkativeness was just stalling for time, Heather still endured the severe pain in her head and asked: "This magic lamp is by no means a product of normal formation. You...hiss...are you somewhere?" With the help of this powerful force, the twisted form was 'linked' to the magic lamp, right?"

"Hehehe... Heather, Heather, your intelligence surprises me. Most outsiders only like to use brute force and concepts to dominate the world, and they don't realize that 'wisdom' is also a very important part."

The little prince's expression at this time was obviously much more vivid than before:

"Yes, I got help from 'His'. The magic lamp as a 'life tool' is too powerful. I couldn't conquer it, and instead fell into a situation of near death. It was 'He' who saved me and combined the magic lamp with my The fates were twisted together, and the price was that the magic lamp lost most of its power as a 'life tool', and I also fell into almost irreversible pollution. But it was all worth it. The great 'He' told me that as long as I can find A universal wish-making machine similar to a magic lamp can replenish the 'life tool', and then we can make wishes and cleanse away the pollution we have been contaminated with."

As time went by, the little prince's upper body gradually took shape. He looked at Heather with a ferocious face and said word by word:

"Originally, you could have become one of us, and I could even introduce you to 'Him'. But your stubbornness led to your demise, and I also lost so many partners who share life and death. You know, I can't wait to take you now." Eat it alive, bite by bite!”

Heather gasped: "...In other words, you and the magic lamp are one? The kind that is tightly twisted together like a Tianjin hemp flower and cannot be separated?"

"Of course you can understand it that way. Having said all that, you have also absorbed 99% of your blood essence, right?"

The little prince no longer looks like an eight-year-old child, but has become as strong and strong as Heather, and his voice is exactly the same as Heather: "Stop struggling...Why are you laughing?"

He frowned and found that Heather had no regrets or fear at all at this time, but a joking smile on his face, as if he was not the one who had the power sucked away.

"Do you know? I only met an old silver coin similar to yours in the last world. Do you think I will continue to look at the clip and step on it after I suffered a loss?"

Heather suddenly stretched out her left hand and strangled the little prince's neck tightly, the sarcastic smile on her face no longer concealed:

"Sorry, dear Hugo. The winner this time... is me."

At the edge of the remote wilderness, Roxana's small body stood on a high rock wall, raised her little hand engraved with red lines, and shouted with all her strength:

"With three! Command Seals! Order——Ryder! Victory!!"

Heather's already depleted body instantly surged with violent power.

At this moment, the Thunder Wolf Dragon, which had defeated all its opponents, carried its seriously injured body full of wounds to the large hole dug deep into the spiritual veins, and transformed into the form of Golden Thunder Lord with the sudden violent thought energy. , blasting his strongest blow toward the [Great Holy Grail] that was about to take shape in the deepest part of the cave——

【Thunder Gossip】!

At the same time, the four light eggs that had been dyed with twisted flesh and blood but could still see some radiant symbols suddenly shined brightly, expelling all the flesh and blood attached to them and lying on the surface of the magic lamp, shining fiercely. ——

[Forced downgrade]!

Heather, whose muscles were bulging all over, strangled the little prince's neck to prevent him from moving. His eyes shining with red light looked at the little prince's eyes, and blazing laser beams shot out from his eyes, straight. It hit the little prince's eyes——

【Heat sight】!

The Great Holy Grail was completely shattered in the intense golden lightning! It disintegrated into countless magic particles and spread outwards. The entire underground spiritual veins of Melisis City were disturbed by this unprecedented terrifying magic burst, triggering further chain explosions!

The filth and blood on the surface of the magic lamp are twisted, as if the evil spirit of the magic lamp is making its final struggle and roar. However, in its incomplete state, it was not held by the owner. Facing the light egg's unreasonable [forced downgrade], it was stagnant for a moment, and then cracks appeared in the lamp body and began to collapse.

At this moment, the little prince lost both the Great Holy Grail's demon supply and the life link of Aladdin's magic lamp. The little prince who lost everything to rely on is now at his weakest, and what he will face is Heather Qing. [Heat Sight] formed by putting all our strength together!

The blazing light immediately burned out the little prince's eyes, the eye sockets were burned through, and the skull was exposed! After only holding on for less than a second, the heat vision blasted through the back of the little prince's skull, shooting his head all the way through.

The tentacles slipped from the wound on Heather's right shoulder like a lifeless snake body. The little prince's waist was still twisted together with the tentacles, and there was almost no intact area above the neck where Heather was strangled, including the mouth and nose. Only the charred bones and a little bit of charred black flesh stuck together were left, and the eye sockets of the eyes above the nose were completely charred, and the dark clouds in the night sky could even be seen through the big hole in the back of the head.

Even so, he still retains a little bit of the fire of life, like a candle in the wind that may be extinguished at any time.


The charred half of the skull opened and closed its jaw: "I... lost..."

Heather was well prepared when she sent out the Light Egg and the Thunder Wolf Dragon. What he wanted was the time when the little prince lost his body and possessed him, so that he could cut off the little prince's magic supply and life at the same time without fail. supply, cutting off its ability to infinitely resurrect.

This time, Heather could feel that the foreigner's fire in the other party's body had only a little spark left, and this time it was really going to end.

Heather did not let go of her hand holding the little prince's neck, but was ready to give him another hot glare at any time: "Do you have any last words?"

"Heh... Yanbu... from the bottom of my heart..."

The edge of the black skull began to turn into fly ash. There was no hatred for Heather or fear of death in the little prince's voice, only the relief and a little sadness after relief:

"I let you down...Mr. Spiral..."

Spiral public? Heather frowned and was still waiting to ask, but she felt the hand holding the little prince's neck suddenly loosen, and the little prince's whole body completely turned into countless flying ash, and then disappeared between heaven and earth.

it is finally over……

Heather exhaled a long breath, her body fluttered and flew towards the distance.

In the wilderness, only a few traces of red lines remained on the back of Roxana's hand, which was proof that she had participated in the Holy Grail War as a 'Master'.

Reiner stood beside her, waiting anxiously. Who won? If Heather wins, then of course there is no need to say anything. If that weird little prince wins... Reiner couldn't help but shudder at the thought of this.

At this time, a figure flew towards them with the sound of howling wind.

Seeing the topless Heather slowly falling from the sky with her right arm missing, Roxana let out a scream of surprise and ran desperately towards her favorite RIDER.

Heather bent down and caught Roxana who was bumping into her. Looking at the tearful little face in her arms, Heather touched her head with her remaining left hand and said softly:

"Well done, as expected of my Roxana."

Roxana cried and laughed, and finally let go of her tense mind, threw herself into Heather's arms and cried loudly.

Reiner couldn't help crying. It was so difficult. He actually lived to the end of the Holy Grail War! This grand Holy Grail War, like a battle between gods and demons, will be the most cherishable memory in his life.

No... Thinking of the psychological shadow that the three fairy godmothers had brought to him, Reiner suddenly felt that it would be good to slightly modify and delete the memory of the Holy Grail War.

Heather touched Roxana's little head in her arms and looked behind Reiner: "So, what about you?"

The ARCHER Master, Ubita, who had a lot of injuries on his body, was standing behind Reiner, looking at Heather with a slightly complicated expression. He was silent for a while and did not ask for mercy. He just asked:

"ARCHER... did he die with honor?"

Heather nodded: "He died under the powerful blow of the Son of the Sun God. It was the God-killing Thunder Spear that even the King of Gods could not control. ARCHER deserved his death."


Ubita let out a long sigh and touched the remaining red lines on her chest: "In the end, not even a single command spell was used, and I am not as good as this little girl. I have no doubts anymore. It's up to you whether you live or die."

Heather waved her hand: "You protected Roxana and Reiner in the previous battle, right? I've always had a clear record of grudges, so you can leave."


Ubita took a deep look at Heather, turned around and walked away without hesitation. Not far away, he stopped again and turned to look at Reiner, taking off the two wristbands on both arms. They were the Meastia faction's most precious magic attire [Celestial Coffin Zero Outfit].


Throwing the wristbands to Reiner, the latter raised his head in surprise, and then hurriedly caught the two wristbands: "Huh? Huh? This, this is not the teacher's..."

"...I don't deny it. You are Meastia's apprentice, right? Take these bracers back and say that you killed me and took back the bracers. Meastia will definitely not punish you anymore, but will greatly praise you."

Ubita finally moved her neck without any worries this time, and bowed slightly towards the three of them:

"So, farewell, Clock Tower Apprentice, brave little girl, and you, the great Prince of the Star Sea."

After that, he turned and left, and his figure quickly disappeared into the mist of the night.

Reiner clenched the wristband in his hand. His future was originally bleak, but he couldn't help but ignite a small hope. He turned to look at Heather, only to find that dots of golden light appeared on the prince of the sea of ​​​​stars, which was a sign that the heroic spirit was about to leave this world.

He stammered and asked: "RIDER, didn't you, didn't you win? Why..."

"Because I didn't use the Great Holy Grail to make a wish, but directly destroyed it. From now on, there will be no more Holy Grail War."

Hearing Heather's words, Reiner was shocked at first, and then his eyes turned red. At this moment, he no longer had any doubts about Heather's heroic identity. Instead of pursuing his own wishes, he chose to end the source of all sin and death. What a great ambition!

The little bits of light on Heather's body became brighter and brighter. He touched Roxana's little head in his arms and looked at Reiner. His eyes finally no longer looked down upon or teased, but looked directly at him seriously:

"Reiner, I leave Roxana to you."

Reiner, whose eyes were red, did not hesitate and nodded solemnly: "She is my sister, and I will not let her suffer any further injustice."

"Ah... Farewell, brave mortals..."

Heather raised her head and looked at the sky. The night sky was no longer obscured by black clouds, revealing the vast sea of ​​stars.

In the end, Heather turned into an infinite point of light and disappeared under the night sky.

The prince of the sea of ​​​​stars has returned to the sea of ​​​​stars.

Roxana raised her little head, watching the golden light spots finally dissipate, and wiped the tears from her face vigorously.

A big hand stretched out in front of her. She hesitated and reached out to hold it.

Reiner and Roxana, two figures, one large and one small, holding hands, walked slowly towards the dark wilderness in the distance.

The road ahead is still dark and unknown, but they,

No longer alone.

PS: This volume is over, and - Happy New Year!

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