A foreigner's journey

Chapter 520 Drawing Lots

When Heather sat on the altar, the raging howling wind was like a static pattern on the canvas, frozen and motionless.

Everyone was kneeling on the ground. It wasn't that they didn't dare to raise their heads, but that they couldn't.

A strong sense of invisible oppression tightly clings to their heads, and those with weak constitutions may even feel like they will faint and collapse at any time. Is this [God's pressure]?

Jiu'er knelt on the ground again, sweating profusely, and a turmoil arose in his heart——

[Sekiro] Heather is actually the incarnation of Susanoo walking on earth! ?

Wait, then everything makes sense. It was as if he was born out of nowhere three years ago. No one could find out his origin and hometown, and no one could make him use his full strength. He did not ask for money, desire, or fame and fortune. He seemed to be isolated from the world and only worked for the pleasure of his heart. war.

The most important thing, [One Arm]!

I had actually thought about asking Susano-o to command a sword for me before? The fact that the other party did not impose divine punishment on the spot was already showing great kindness to him.

General Jiaming's luxurious clothes were soaked with sweat. He managed to stabilize his mind, knelt on the ground and said with a trembling voice: "God Qi, the stage is ready, the actors are in place, just waiting for your order, [ The Swordsmanship Showdown in front of God can be held at any time!"

Heather, who was sitting lazily with her chin in one hand, half-squinted her eyes:

"Haha... the shogunate, the ruler of contemporary Japan, I have traveled all over the country in the past three years, and you have not given me a very good impression, have you?"

The sound was not loud, but it was like thunder exploding in the sky, shaking everyone present physically and mentally.

General Jiaming immediately became silent. For a moment, he didn't know whether to defend himself first or to disassociate himself and put all the blame on local officials.

Unexpectedly, Heather changed her tone and burst into laughter: "But what do the sorrows and joys of this world have to do with me? I'm here to watch the performance today. Come on, show me the bravery of all the sword holders!"

"Yes, thank you for your generosity."

Heaving a sigh of relief, General Jiaming ignored the sweat dripping down his head, raised his head and said with a smile: "Before the [Swordsmanship Showdown before God] begins, drawing lots is an indispensable part. Dear God, do you think...?"

Heather raised her chin in boredom, and the Tsuruga camouflage underneath immediately said: "The drawing of lots will be left to your shogunate. I believe you will uphold the principles of fairness and justice before God."

"That's nature, that's nature."

General Jia Ming lowered his head repeatedly, then waved his hand to the guard next to him and hit the fan: "Start drawing lots!"

Each knife holder needs to draw a number from the lottery box that represents his or her ranking, and arrange them in the order of 1 vs. 2, 3 vs. 4, 5 vs. 6. If the [Poison Knife] and [Cheng] who are not present are drawn, Knife] is the opponent and automatically advances to the next round.

Just when the sword-wielders started to draw lots, Udaemon Zaemon suddenly raised his head and looked at the crowd of people watching in the distance, and said in a deep voice: "[Phoenix], how dare you show off your ridiculous ninjutsu in front of a god? "

Jiu'er, who was accompanying Qihua, was shocked, [Phoenix]? The leader of the Shinwa Ninja Army, the man called [Phoenix of God]?

There was a burst of laughter from the crowd, and then a figure jumped out and arrived in front of the throne in a few leaps. Before Tsuruga could draw his sword and kill the man, the man knelt on the ground piously and kept kneeling:

"The villain is the [Phoenix] of the True Court Ninja Army. This time he comes with the [Poison Knife]. I hope that God will give this villain a chance to compete."


Heather drawled in a lazy tone, opened her half-closed eyes slightly, and looked at the man kneeling submissively under the throne.

This is a strange man in "fancy clothes". He wears a beak-shaped helmet, has red tattoos on his closed eyes, wears a fiery red feather cloak, and has bird-claw-like clothing and gloves and claws on his right arm. , his left arm resembled the furry paw of a sea otter, and a strange long knife that could be seen exuding poisonous mist and miasma was quietly placed beside him.

The leader of the [True Ninja Army], nicknamed [Phoenix of God].

"I have also heard your name when I traveled through mountains and rivers. Hum... [Phoenix of Gods]? A very interesting nickname."

Heather held her chin and tilted her head slightly, her tone even lazier.

Before Phoenix could open his mouth to defend himself, Heather suddenly straightened up and said in a sly tone: "That's okay. I'll forgive you for being late. I'll treat you as if you don't accept the title of [God] voluntarily. If you want a chance, I'll give it to you." , let’s draw lots.”

Phoenix didn't say anything more. He just knocked his forehead hard on the ground and made a muffled sound. Then he kept kneeling and rubbed backwards for more than ten meters before getting up with his body bent. His face was already covered with sweat.

Only at a close distance can you feel the majesty of [God]. It's ridiculous that I actually used the ostentatious title of [Phoenix of God] before... Maybe in the eyes of God, I am just a ridiculous clown, right?

At this point, [Chengdao] still did not appear until the end of the draw, and it was judged as a 'failure' and General Jiaming personally drew the lots on his behalf.

The results of the draw are as follows -

[Wang Dao] Qikou is ashamed, No. 1.

[Chengdao] No one can choose, number two.

[Thin Sword] Qiang Baibing, No. 3.

[Zhan Dao] The ghost's residence is not in Qi, and the number is four.

[Thief's Sword] The school warehouse will be numbered five.

[Evil Sword] Qishi, Lu number.

[Thousand Knife] Tsuruga camouflage, number seven.

[Micro Knife] Man in cloak, number eight.

[Fire Sword] Left and Right Tianemon Zaemon, No. 9.

[Poison Knife] True Court Phoenix, Number 1.

[Jue Dao] Qi Qihua, number 111.

[Double Swords] Frozen air and cracked ice, No. 112.

Numbers 1 to 6 are divided into Group A, and numbers 2 to 12 are divided into Group B. Among them, the winner of the duel between No. 5 and No. 6 and No. 11 and No. 12 will receive a bye and automatically advance to the next round.

At the same time, since [Chengdao] did not appear, it was considered a forfeit, and Qikou was ashamed to automatically advance to the next round.

In the actual first duel, the two sides were [Bo Dao] Qiang Baibing and [Zhan Dao] Guisu Buqi.

Just when the shogunate staff had prepared the martial arts arena and Qiang Baibing and Guisu Buqi were about to take the stage, they suddenly saw Heather sitting upright from her seat, with a faint smile on her face.

His gaze crossed the arena and landed on the face of a black miko. The pretty girl looked pale and was obviously frightened.

Tsuruga camouflage just scanned the camouflage slightly and he immediately understood what was going on. This black miko had only been to Santu Shrine for a short time, and the trauma in her heart had not been completely healed. And the culprit who wantonly abused and abandoned her, at this time He was sitting in the auditorium reserved for nobles and senior officials of the shogunate. Just now, the high-ranking official secretly peeked at these extremely beautiful black witches with greedy eyes. As a result, he happened to look into the eyes of this black witch and discovered each other's existence.

Raising her hand to stop Tsuruga's camouflage plea, Heather slowly stood up, the vortex of dark clouds above her head spinning more rapidly. His voice sounded like thunder, echoing between the sky and the mountains——

"My black miko, what is going on? Why are you so panicked?"

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