A foreigner's journey

Chapter 521: Being able to do what mortals cannot is for [God]

The black miko, who was watched by everyone, couldn't help but kneel to the ground and lowered her head to the god she loved so much.

With trembling hands, he held the Qian Dao Ban and wiped it on his neck, intending to kill himself on the spot.

Willing or not, she has become a dark sinner who ruined the god's interest. She has no other choice but to die to apologize.

But when the blade was about to touch the skin of her neck, it suddenly disappeared and appeared in Heather's hand the next moment.

"When I ask you questions, answer them well and don't kill yourself easily. My black miko doesn't like this."

Heather played with the Thousand Blades in her hand, and her tone was not as lazy and joking as it was at the beginning, but was low and powerful, like rolling thunder exploding on the ground:

"Forget it, you don't need to ask to understand that you met the evil person who tortured you, so you were temporarily confused, right?"

Seeing that Heather's mood did not change due to the interruption of the game, Tsuruga Camouflage immediately boldly knelt down on the ground and said: "Please God, your black miko Tsuruga Camouflage has something to ask of you!"


"If Camouflage is lucky enough to win the competition, Camouflage hopes to get permission to hunt down those evildoers who have harmed the Black Witches."

Tsuruga's camouflage forehead was pressed tightly to the ground and he said in a trembling voice:

"As a price, Camouflage will immediately commit suicide when the thing is done, and use this body to repay the great kindness of the god."

General Jiaming and the VIP stands behind him couldn't sit still when they heard this. What does this woman mean? ? Are you actually planning to use force and God-given weapons to kill the noble shogunate officials and nobles? Be bold! Really bold!

"I won't allow your wish."

Heather's words made Tsuruga Camouflage's face turn pale. And the nobles of the shogunate also became happy. Yes, you, a little shrine maiden, are simply a tool for the gods to vent and play with in fairy tales. How dare you dare to ask the gods to agree to your unreasonable request so brazenly? It's indescribable. Today we can see the precious scene of God punishing a disobedient shrine maiden.

Clang! The Thousand Swordsman was casually thrown in front of Tsuruga Camouflage, and the blade was deeply inserted into the hard precious stone floor.

Tsuruga Camouflage's whole body trembled slightly. Did this mean he was going to commit suicide? How stupid Tsuruga Camouflage is to make such an unworthy request at the grand event expected by the gods. It is the greatest mercy for the gods to allow themselves to commit suicide...

At this time, Heather's voice seemed to ring in her ears——

"Change your wish. I don't want my black miko to get her cute little hands dirty because of this kind of garbage."

well? Tsuruga Camouflage raised his head and saw the god that he and all the black mikos deeply admired and loved, smiling warmly at him.

"My black witches have been wronged, and as the god they love, I must respond!"

Standing on the high platform, Heather laughed and stretched out her left arm toward the rapidly rotating vortex of dark clouds at the top of the sky:

"My black miko, shout out the name of the enemy you hate in your heart! I, Susano'o, one of the three glorious gods, allow you to love me and allow you to plead with me! I will You take revenge!”

Following Heather's words, the dark clouds in the sky became as thick and oppressive as lead, the wind roared, and heavy rain came! Whenever Heather's voice sounds, thunder and lightning will fall from the sky, responding to the call of the Storm God!

The black witches no longer had their cold faces, and they knelt down on the ground and sobbed while holding a thousand swords in their hands. They couldn't believe that the Lord God, who was so noble and capable of controlling the world, was actually willing to carry out revenge for such a filthy and lowly self. However, they still subconsciously followed Heather's orders and tried their best to shout out the name that lingered in the nightmare for a long time.

"Very good! Very good! I already know! I have heard! Hahahahaha!! All the brave heroes in the world have gathered here in response to my call. Then I will use this storm and thunder to play the opening movement!"

Under everyone's shocked and horrified gazes, Heather suddenly jumped up into the sky, her speed getting faster and faster until it turned into an illusory thunder light that could not be seen clearly by the naked eye, and struck straight into the center of the whirlpool of dark clouds at the top of Sheath Mountain.

The moment he entered the vortex, the rapidly rotating dark cloud vortex suddenly stagnated, and then like ink dripping into clear water, it rapidly expanded toward the surrounding airspace at a thousand times speed.

Sheozakiyama, Tosa, Tosa Coast, Izumo, Mutsu... Unknown to everyone present, Heather directly used concepts to stir up the wind and water of the entire planet, creating a super giant typhoon that swept across the entire Japanese mainland and sea areas. Already taking shape.

The waves on the sea surface were surging, and everyone on the mainland and on the island looked up to the sky. The originally clear sky was now obscured by endless rolling black clouds. The violent rainstorm came with the strong wind, and the tree branches were blown by the wind. It was deformed and twisted by the wind, and the extremely suppressed thunder rolled faintly deep in the clouds.

On the field, the thin, silver-haired young man clapped his hands and laughed happily, regardless of the rain getting wet all over his body: "It's so awesome! Lord God, it's so awesome!"

Negative Ji looked up at the dark clouds above her head, and was secretly frightened - mobilizing the celestial phenomena was not a level that mortals could achieve. Although he is a descendant of Shikisaki Kiki, the Shikisaki lineage is born with the power of prophecy, but none of the prophecies involve the existence of gods. Sure enough, mortals cannot predict God.

The potbellied old nobles sitting in the VIP seats stared up at the huge whirlpool of dark clouds above them that could swallow up the mountains. They were speechless for a long time. Suddenly, the shogunate noble who had looked at the black miko and caused a series of changes woke up from a dream. He screamed and pulled the other distinguished guests away, and rushed towards the mountain road with his hands and feet, rolling and crawling.

Not only him, but also several nobles or high-ranking officials of the shogunate also imitated him and fled away. They were probably the same abominable people who had harmed the black miko.

A few people were sweating profusely and trembling, huddled in the crowd, hoping that the gods' gaze would be attracted by those who escaped, thus ignoring their own existence.

No one noticed that Rong Qishi was standing in the corner under the awning, his eyes slightly closed as if he was concentrating.

In fact, she is cooperating with Heather to perform an unprecedented [miracle].

Heather's revenge for the Black Witch was not a temporary move. One of the features of the [Thousand-Knife Blade] after its recast is that it can read the thoughts of those who hold this sword and are not hostile to Heather to a limited extent. He can naturally detect the Thousand-Knife Blade. The black witch suffered terrible and irreparable pain, and she also knew the names and locations of these murderers. After subduing Qin Qishi, the two of them used the flying ability of the fierce sword to travel all over Japan in a short time. Qin Qishi's peak control of [Skills] coupled with Heather's almost endless thoughts and domineering energy, actually recorded The breath of a thousand [murderers] located all over Japan.

At this moment, with the cooperation of Nanami, Heather was fully fired up, blending the Haki and [Entrance] together to upgrade to a more powerful surveillance capability, and expanded the scope to all of Japan.

[One thousand targets, all locked. 】Ruan Qizhi said coldly in his heart.

After receiving Rong Qishi's response, Heather's laughter that shook the sky like wild thunder came from the deepest part of the dark clouds.

In an instant, the wind and rain stopped.

Immediately afterwards, in front of the eyes of the world, countless blue-white rays of light extended downward from the dark clouds, and the branches of thunder and lightning formed a wildly growing inverted jungle. After a few seconds, there was an endless thunder sound that was enough to cover up all the sounds in the world.

Thunder light illuminates the whole world!

Among them, several thunder and lightning as thick as tree trunks fell from the clouds, accurately bombarding the fleeing shogunate officials and nobles, and did not miss the guys who were shaking like quails in the crowd.

At the same time, countless thunderbolts were dropped all over Japan, and the Owari area where the shogunate was located was a key greeting area.

Later, people said that this was the thunder of judgment used by the gods to punish the evildoers, and it was the dissatisfaction and punishment of the great god Susanoo against the ruling class at that time [the shogunate]! Later generations even made the third Sunday of Minazuki every year a legal holiday [God's Judgment Day], and even witnesses had to swear an oath to Susano'o when they came to court.

Amidst the tragic lightning strikes and loud noises, General Jiaming held his head and kept screaming like a slaughtering pig, as if he was the one who was hit, and the so-called "general majesty" was completely wiped out. The spectators in the VIP seats all showed ugly faces, crying and begging God for forgiveness.

Some people fear it, and some people worship it. Qihua looked up at the sky with gleaming eyes, never having imagined that there would be such a powerful existence. Most of the people holding knives also showed admiration and admiration.

The lightning comes and goes as quickly as it comes. After ten seconds passed, the thunder gradually stopped and the storm gradually subsided.

The corpses struck by the lightning still twitched slightly from time to time, but that was just the instinctive reaction of the corpses. These abominable people died as early as the first time the lightning struck.

Those who hid in the crowd and tried to escape were burned into charred corpses curled up in a ball. Even the unlucky ones around were affected by the lightning, and several people were severely burned.

The black witches knelt on the ground with blank expressions, watching helplessly as the nightmares that kept appearing in their past dreams and could never be eradicated were so easily shattered by the thunder of the god. The shadows and scars in his heart seemed to be completely washed away by this majestic thunder, as if he had been given a new life.

Suddenly, a huge beam of lightning struck heavily on the throne, so dazzling that it was impossible to look directly at it. When the lightning dissipated, only the one-armed Heather was seen sitting lazily on the throne, with a calm attitude as if he was not the one who caused the huge storm covering all of Japan.

As he raised his left hand and shook it slightly twice, the super giant storm covering the sky disappeared in an instant, leaving no trace.

The bright sunshine once again shines on the Qingliangyuan Sword Temple.

Heather sat on the throne with her chin in one hand and grinned——

"Using thunder and heavy rain to cleanse the world's filth a little, I hope you are not bored. All you sword wielders, please give me the most exciting sword duel."

"Follow God's will!"

Everyone present knelt down on the rain-soaked ground, their voices filled with surrender and fear.

Being able to do what mortals cannot is a [god].

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