A foreigner's journey

Chapter 589 Torrent

When the Black Rhino returned to the Yoda Empire, there was an uproar in the entire King's Hall teaching circle.

Did the [Messenger of God] recorded in the Book of Revelation really come to the world?

Even within the Pope of the King's Chamber, there are two completely different attitudes towards the Book of Revelation. Some people believe that this is the Bible given by God, a scripture that guides mankind to the golden age. But there are also some people who question that this "Book of Revelation" was written by no one. It is full of weird stories and weird prophecies that are apostate. Even if one or two things are wrong, it still cannot change this. Facts about this cult.

Within the Yoda Empire, the latter kind of people dominate.

So at first, both Captain Dali's colleagues and the senior leaders of the Yoda Empire scoffed at the news. Some even thought it was just a lie told by Captain Dali to cover up the loss of most of his men and the Scorpion Fox.

Poseidon? Ship of light? Children will laugh when they hear it!

Until Captain Dali took out a huge spiked tentacle with a strange appearance and presented it to the emperor. The terrifying appearance, like a product of the abyss of hell, made the onlookers shudder.

Later, the giant sea slug whose appearance was solidified by the mermaids' magic was also carried into the palace hall, causing another wave of exclamations.

Such evidence cannot be faked, so the emperor pardoned Dali and other Black Rhino sailors for their sins, and the legend that the Black Rhino witnessed the duel between "God" and "Demon" on an unknown island in the ocean has also spread throughout the King's Hall. Teaching circle domestically.

The senior officials of the King's Hall immediately summoned Captain Dali and the surviving sailors of the Black Rhino. For some unknown reason, the usually cold and harsh Tribunal and Miracle Determination Bureau had a very gentle attitude towards Dali and others. After questioning for two days and two nights, Dali and others were secretly sent back to the Yoda Empire. On the same day that Dali and others were sent back, the Holy See dispatched Senior Inquisitor Mozgus. This ruthless inquisitor who was feared by the world personally led the Knights of the Holy Iron Chain to escort five warships sent by the Yoda Empire. Head down towards the sea area described by Dali and others.

Sixteen days later, the team found the unnamed island.

Even in the cold winter, Poseidon's huge corpse has already been almost eaten by the surrounding fish. The forest-white skeleton covered with sharp teeth is as huge as a mountain, half of it is immersed in the sea water, and the other half is transformed by the entire island. The sky rock arm was raised into the air, forming a breathtaking scene.

Everyone on the boat looked up at the scene that could never be shaped by manpower or nature, and remained silent for a long time.

Two months later, the King's Office officially announced to all religious countries within the influence of the Holy See that "The Book of Revelation" was respected as a code by the church, and the "Messenger of God" recorded in it had arrived in the world.

Half a month later, in the early spring of the second year after Heather came to the world of Sword Wind Legend, the Emperor of the Kusha Empire, the 'Terror Emperor', who was considered a heretic by the King's Hall, suddenly launched an attack on the Principality of Valadoria, the religious circle country of the King's Hall. . In just three days, the Principality of Valadoria, a powerful country that had been at war with the Kusha kingdoms for decades, was completely occupied, and all members of the royal family were hanged outside the main entrance of the palace.

There was an uproar within the French King's Hall. Before the kings could discuss a countermeasure, the Kusha Empire used the occupied territory as a springboard to launch successive attacks on the surrounding French King's Hall countries one month after capturing the Principality of Valadoria.

Two hundred thousand cavalry defeated the Principality of Morgar and the Kingdom of Rasha, both powerful countries, one after another. No army could stop them.

At this time, the King's Hall was horrified to discover that the strength of the Kusha Empire was beyond the reach of any country in the religious circle. The Terror Emperor has been fighting in the eastern part of the continent for many years and has already gathered various small countries and tribes under the Kusha Empire. Now the Kusha Empire has become an unshakable behemoth.

Under forced circumstances, the two great powers, the Kingdom of Mitland and the Yoda Empire, which had been fighting for hundreds of years, each sent a grand army to escort the two kings to the Holy City of Diremore. Under the witness of the Pope of the King's Hall, Mi King Teran and Emperor Yoda shook hands and made peace in the White Tower Hall, agreeing to join hands to fight against the invasion of the pagan army.

At the same time, various mercenary groups within the teaching circle of the King's Hall began to frequently accept entrusted tasks. Frequent wars in various places have allowed mercenaries to make a lot of money, and during this period, some exceptionally outstanding mercenary groups have emerged.

[Eagle Group], it is not an exaggeration to say that it is the best among all the rising mercenary groups.

The names of the regiment leader "White Eagle" Griffith and the commando captain Gus gradually spread throughout the mercenary world, and even the kings and nobles had heard of them.

As long as you hire the [Eagle Group], you can win. After instilling such an impression into people, the Eagle Group gradually came to the forefront and was valued by various countries, especially the Kingdom of Mitland. Because the Eagle Group always gives priority to accepting employment from the Kingdom of Mitland, many people secretly call the Eagle Group the 'wings' of Mitland.

Correspondingly, it is the [Fire Sword] mercenary group.

This mercenary group consisting of only twelve knights has become a legend in the mercenary world. Invincible in every battle and invincible in every attack, any mission the Fire Sword takes on will be easily completed in the shortest possible time, even if the mission requires them to attack a heavily guarded castle. There's just one thing. The Sword of Fire will only take on tasks that it likes, and its whereabouts are mysterious and difficult to contact.

Many good people are looking forward to when the Eagle Group and the Fire Sword will face off. However, the Eagle Regiment will never accept the task of standing on the opposite side of the Fire Sword. Some people speculate that it is because the Eagle Regiment and the Fire Sword Regiment have good relations.

In fact, Griffith, the leader of the Eagle Regiment, has never diminished his resentment towards the Sword of Fire. He is just sizing up the situation to prevent the Eagle Regiment, which is rising at a rapid speed, from encountering the Sword of Fire again prematurely.

There will always be a chance, when the Eagle Group truly matures, when I truly achieve my ambition... Fire Sword, by then I will definitely take back the treasure called [Dignity] that belongs to me from you!

In just one year, the Kusha Empire used the old Principality of Valadolia and the old Principality of Morghar, which were adjacent to the Kusha territory in the easternmost part of the King's Hall Church, as a springboard to invade and occupy as many as nine King's Hall Church circles. country.

Even a military power like the Kingdom of Mitlan could only barely protect its capital when faced with the cavalry of the Kusha Empire.

In the autumn of the second year, the Holy Capital of the King's Hall and the various religious circles received large amounts of financial assistance from Baridanis. As the actual controller of the Principality of Baridanis, the economic center of the mainland, Archduke Vatimio, known as the 'Lord of the Scales', generously donated money to assist various countries. He gained a high reputation on the surface, but secretly had the tacit approval of the King's Hall. He annexed the power and resources of many destroyed royal families in the religious circles and made a lot of money.

The other kingdoms of the King's Church that had not yet been successfully invaded by Kusha received financial assistance from Archduke Vatimio, and were finally able to free up resources to hire a large number of mercenaries to expand their armies.

In the early spring of the third year after Heather came to the legendary world of Sword Wind, the various countries in the King's Hall's teaching circle, with the help of a large number of mercenaries, finally managed to stabilize the situation, and Kusha, who had eroded nearly one-third of the King's Hall's teaching territory, The empire faced off from a distance.

Now, the summer palace of the Kusha Empire, located at the site of the old King's Palace of Valladria, welcomed a strange 'guest'.

Thanks to AdamElricO_o for the 1500 starting coins

Thanks to the Great Saint Donkey Demon King for the reward of 800 starting coins

PS: Why are you afraid? The leader held a meeting for us until 6pm today and asked everyone in the unit to work continuously for the next month and work all weekends until the Dragon Boat Festival...Despair! Not being able to sleep in for a month in a row is killing me!

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