A foreigner's journey

Chapter 590 The master he is loyal to

The former royal city of Valladoria was magnificently built, and the Lemian royal family had been passed down for hundreds of years. The war with the Kusha kingdoms on the other side of the mountains to the east had never stopped.

Although the country's area is not as large as that of the Kingdom of Mitlan or the Yoda Empire, the Principality of Valadoria is a recognized military power in the French King's Council.

At this moment, the gorgeous royal city was shrouded in ominous mist.

There were dead heads everywhere. The heads of the citizens of the Principality of Valladria were cut off and placed as decorations on the walls of the royal city. The heads of the sculptures were all removed and replaced with dead heads.

On the one hand, Kusha wanted to use [fear] to rule the occupied areas as quickly as possible, and on the other hand, it was Emperor Kusha's 'bad taste'.

In the royal hall lit with incense and torches, the original thrones and decorations of the Lemian royal family were violently swept away, replaced by various huge sculptures of pagan gods. These strange sculptures flashed in the light of the fire. His face looked increasingly evil.

In the center of the royal hall, there were hundreds of skulls piled underneath a ten-armed Rakshasa god sculpture sitting cross-legged. A burly figure sat in the middle of the legs of the Rakshasa god sculpture.

This is a middle-aged Kusha man about two meters tall. He is wearing an extremely luxurious Kusha king's robe and has a golden dagger symbolizing royal power on his waist. He had a special black Turban on his head that only the emperor could wear. His face was full of flamboyant black beard, and his small eyes shone with cold indifference. He just stepped on the skull of the Valadoria royal family and looked down at the Bakiraka prince kneeling below.

He was the emperor who unified the Kusha kingdoms and was known as the ‘Emperor of Fear’, Emperor Kalisika.

It is also the mission target of the B-level mission [Thunder Clouds Dissipate].

In fact, only those with the strength of the 'Terror Emperor' can be called the real B-level mission target. The A-level mission [Natural Enemy of Gods] is more like a friendly gift from the organizer. After all, it is not difficult to kill Poseidon with Heather's strength.

"Have I overestimated the power of the Bakiraka clan?"

The Terror Emperor's voice was hoarse and low, full of evil energy.

Schlatt, the prince of the Bakiraka clan who was kneeling below, said in a deep voice: "With all due respect, as the scouts of the army, the Bakiraka clan has done its best."

"Oh, you know what I'm talking about."

The Terror Emperor narrowed his eyes slightly:

"Although I have expectations for your family's persistence in risking everything in order to regain power, I did not take you in just for the job of a mere 'scout'. I want to find the woman who is called the 'Messenger of God'! Why? , even with the power of the Bakiraka clan, can’t we find her traces?”

Schlatt half-knelt in the middle of the royal hall and said: "That woman has never been traced since she performed miracles in the open sea. But what is certain is that since she claims to be a pagan 'god', she is naturally hiding in the Dharma King's house. Among the kingdoms of the Tongjiao Circle. As long as the Kuxia cavalry defeats all the kingdoms in the Tongjiao Circle of the King of France, that woman will be in your Majesty’s pocket sooner or later.”

"...Don't forget what this invasion is for, Schlatt."

The Terror Emperor's thick beard moved slightly:

"Back off."

"Yes." Schlatt lowered his head, then turned and left.

Walking on the spiral steps, Schlatt put his mask back on, his mind sinking slightly.

In the past two years, he has followed Qishi's instructions and led the Bakiraka clan to pretend to defect to the Kusha Empire, and immediately passed the news to the Kusha country after the "miracle" appeared.

As expected, the great priest of the Kusha Empire claimed to have received an 'oracle' and must capture alive the black-haired woman who claimed to be the 'Messenger of God'.

For this reason, the Kusha Empire's army suddenly launched an attack on the Principality of Valadoria without warning, and used the Principality of Valadoria as a springboard to continuously expand and invade the surrounding countries in the French King's Hall.

Every time a city is invaded, the troops of the Kusha Empire will immediately capture the people and select young women with the two factors of "black hair" and "beauty", and then uniformly transport the captured women who meet the conditions to terrorists. In the emperor's summer palace.

The war had been going on for two years, and the Dread Emperor's patience was beginning to wear thin. He even began to consider whether to mobilize the domestic army of the Kusha Empire under Schlatt's suggestion, and simply wipe out all the countries led by the French King's Hall, ending this increasingly annoying 'cat and mouse' game. game.

Schlatt only pretended to surrender to the Terror Emperor, but he was still loyal to Qi Qi in his heart. He didn't understand the significance of Qishi asking him to do this, but he would do it as his master told him.

Your Highness, the Terror Emperor's army is so powerful that no country can withstand it. You must not be caught!

As he walked, Schlatt felt that the fog around him was getting heavier, making this royal city seem full of evil spirit.

Previously, a warrior from the Bakiraka tribe reported to him that the city was covered in mist and that there were strange things wandering in it. It was definitely not a creation that could be formed by nature.

Schlatt was a little unconvinced at first. How weird can it be? But thinking of Heather's magical spell, he felt a little shaken in his heart.

Maybe there really is witchcraft?

Suddenly, he felt that the fog was getting lighter, and it seemed that a strong wind was blowing.


Schlatt felt someone calling him, and that voice... was the true master to whom he was loyal!

[Follow the path where the mist dissipates and come to me]

As you command, Master. Schlatt cheered up and ran quickly in search of alleys where the fog had been blown away by the wind. His movements were so stealthy and swift that the soldiers guarding the city could not see him at all.

Not long after, he came to a remote alley that was not shrouded in fog at all.

It is obviously a narrow and dark alley, but it looks luxurious and extraordinary because of the beautiful figure at the end of the alley.

"Your Highness!" Schlatt had already repeatedly checked to see if anyone was paying attention or following him when he came. At this time, he couldn't restrain his excitement and walked forward quickly. He stopped a few meters away from Rong Qishi and knelt down on one knee. He lowered his head to show his respect.

"Schlatt, thank you for your hard work." Yan Qishi still had long black hair reaching his waist. He turned to look at Schlatt gracefully and said in a cold tone: "Isn't it aggrieved to be in the enemy camp and pretend to surrender to Emperor Calisika?"

"Not at all! Being able to serve His Highness is the greatest honor of our Bakiraka clan!" Schlatt spoke quickly and fiercely, and then couldn't help but raise his head and look at Rong Qishi: "Your Highness, please forgive me for speaking frankly. It is not wise for you to come to the Terror Emperor's lair alone. There are no less than 50,000 elite Kusha soldiers guarding this place, and evil things are hidden in the fog. Once the Terror Emperor discovers your traces, it will be difficult to escape. I know there is a way to leave, please let me escort you..."

The words came to an abrupt end because Rong Qishi raised her white little hand to stop Schlatt from speaking.

Then, her words gave Schlater goosebumps all over his body——

"Today will be the first step for the Bakiraka clan to regain power."

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