A middle school cartoonist

Chapter 391 Speculation

Only some people really know about Makoto Takahashi's plan for "CLANNAD" [Readers burst into tears and go on a rampage]! At least until the discontinuation announcement is published in the monthly magazine, readers will not know! What's more, in order to ensure that the plan can maximize readers' pleasure, Makoto Takahashi specifically negotiated with the editor-in-chief of the monthly magazine and proposed that the "Declaration of discontinuation" should be published in the issue of the comic "CLANNAD" that discontinued... Therefore, readers who bought this monthly magazine "Jumk" did not know that the next episode of "CLANNAD" would be published in three months!

Although when Makoto Takahashi first proposed this proposal, he encountered fierce opposition from the editor...

"You can issue an announcement to remind readers that the serialization will resume in three months, and it will only be temporarily interrupted for three chapters... At least I think this approach has fully considered humanitarianism and can be regarded as the conscience of the industry. What a great example!”

"Actually, at the beginning, I once thought that when the plot of a certain comic reaches a critical moment, a sudden and unexpected twist will appear, such as killing the protagonist, or directly cheating the comic..."

"However, considering that doing so is likely to damage the editor's side and have a huge impact on future pleasure, in order to avoid killing the goose that lays the eggs, I made such a decision..."

Although Takahashi Makoto's remarks sounded like a joke, the editor-in-chief knew that since the cartoonist in a white coat in front of him said this, he must have planned to do this before... This is not so much It was Makoto Takahashi who was joking, or worse, a certain middle-class cartoonist was trying to threaten himself in this way!

So in the end... Makoto Takahashi succeeded in convincing the editor-in-chief!

Looking at the monthly magazine "Jumk" placed on the table, Chen Ben, a certain four-eyed fox who originally planned to close his eyes and take a rest, frowned and hesitated for a moment before choosing to give up his lunch break...

Although he is a high-level member of the Dahe Club, this does not mean that Chen Ben, a four-eyed fox, will be aloof and far away from reality! Rather, it is quite the opposite. In fact, Chen Ben, who has now become a senior executive of the established animation company Dahesha, in addition to completing the decision-making work he should complete every day, also deliberately takes a certain amount of time to read various comics and magazines. Whether it is today's mainstream weekly magazine "Shounen Jumk" or some offbeat weekly publications...

Originally, monthly publications like "Jumk" were not in Chen Ben's hunting scope!

It's not that Chen Ben has any prejudice against the works serialized in the monthly magazine, nor is it Chen Ben's personal preference. It's just because everyone's energy is limited, and no one can cover everything, even if it's as good as "You can't do it without glasses" Chen Ben, who embodies his own sinister aura, cannot escape this category! Therefore, Chen Ben, who spent most of his time on serializing comics in weekly magazines, did not pay too much attention to monthly issues...

And as a representative of the comic side of Makoto Takahashi's "Future Showdown Plan", the influence of the comic "CLANNAD", at the beginning, compared with the games and animations that appeared in the same period, the gap was still very obvious! However, as the comics serialization time gradually lengthened, "CLANNAD" received increasing attention...

Although neither a certain four-eyed fox nor a certain minotaur Jisang paid much attention to "CLANNAD" represented by the comics before, since this work is an important part of Takahashi Makoto's plan, the two uncle-level existences , naturally not so naive as to ignore or pay no attention to...

However, perhaps because of the idea of ​​"wanting to know more about Makoto Takahashi so that he can more easily take the lead in future negotiations", or because of the idea of ​​"understanding the thoughts of a certain cartoonist through comics", since participating in Gao Qiao In Qiao Cheng's so-called "Future Showdown Plan", since "CLANNAD" began to be serialized in the monthly magazine, Chen Ben specifically told his secretary to increase the purchase of the monthly magazine "Must Win Jumk". Among the comic magazines I read, the name of the comic "CLANNAD" was also added...

As someone from an animation company, when observing comics, we often have to consider the possibility of cartoon animation and the market that animation will bring! Although the animation plots and game plots provided by Makoto Takahashi are of good quality, the reason why Chen Ben agreed to Makoto Takahashi's "Future Showdown Plan" was largely because he watched the three fields of comics, animation and games collide. The gimmick of competition!

However, judging from the comics serialized in the monthly magazine, Chen Ben feels that the quality of the comics is slightly insufficient!

"Compared to the other two works, the "CLANNAD" currently serialized in the monthly magazine, although some of the previous plots do have merits, but it seems...can't be regarded as a work of the same level, right?"

What is the core of the comic "CLANNAD"?

Judging from the plot of the previous serialization, the theme of this comic serialized in a monthly magazine should be family, friendship and love, the ethereal emotions that human beings rely on! However, judging from the content of the current serialization, although there is a lot of friendship and family love, but in terms of love... Chen Ben feels that the comic "CLANNAD" can only create and portray this aspect at best. It's just average, nothing amazing!

"Although Makoto Takahashi said before that this "CLANNAD" can compete with the other two works... However, judging from the current serialized content, the effect of "CLANNAD" animation may not be very good!" Chen Ben speculated that the manga "CLANNAD" is not suitable for animation based on the current serialized content. A trace of hesitation flashed in his eyes behind his glasses. "If Makoto Takahashi proposed to animate this manga in the future, should I consider the consequences of the animation flop and politely refuse? Or should I consider the past cooperation and reluctantly agree? Tsk, this question is really... a little headache!"

Speaking of the four-eyed fox Chen Ben, now the manga "CLANNAD" has not been serialized yet, have you started to consider the animation of the manga and the market reaction after the animation? Although it is a good habit to plan and strategize, every matter has to be so laborious to think about various possibilities... I wonder if my strength will become as strong as Saitama teacher after I become bald in the future?

"But it's a little early to draw a conclusion now, after all, the comics haven't been serialized yet..." Chen Ben thought for a moment, shook his head with a wry smile, picked up a new "Bi Sheng Jumk" monthly magazine on the table, and began to read "CLANNAD" which he had not finished reading before because of his busy schedule! "But then again, the comic "CLANNAD" has been serialized to this day, and there shouldn't be much plot to dig out..."

From the plot of the comic "CLANNAD", whether it was from the beginning that Okazaki Tomoya planned to help Furukawa Nagisa rebuild the drama club, or the subsequent plot of Fuko, or even the story of Yukina some time ago, the main plot of the entire comic actually revolves around Okazaki Tomoya's campus life! And looking at the content of "CLANNAD" serialization so far, although Okazaki Tomoya has been working hard to appear in the story of each character, it has indeed raised the part of "friendship" in the comics to a very high level...but such a story mode cannot last too long!

Although readers can understand the character and values ​​of the protagonist through each story; although they are constantly growing by observing what Tomoya Okazaki has gone through; although these stories may be touching, sad or joyful... but what happened to friends is not Tomoya Okazaki's own experience after all. If the plot of the comic "CLANNAD" continues to develop at this pace, then let alone Takahashi Makoto's so-called "Future Showdown Plan", this comic cannot be compared with the other two comics at the same level!

So the next plot development of the comic "CLANNAD" will either continue like this, by telling the stories of Tomoya Okazaki's friends, setting "friendship" as the core theme of the comic, and keep it until the end; or change this model and find a new direction... There is absolutely no third way to choose!

If there really is a third way... then it can only be said that Makoto Takahashi, as a cartoonist, has too high expectations and evaluations for this comic called "CLANNAD"! Although Chen Ben is not a cartoonist, and although Chen Ben can only be regarded as a comics enthusiast at most, Chen Ben is still very confident in his vision!

This episode of "CLANNAD" tells the story of Tomoya Okazaki's pre-marriage life, and when talking about this, the story of Naoyuki Okazaki's father is naturally indispensable!

Okazaki Tomoya, who has just made some progress in his career, is about to be promoted, but he suddenly learned that his father was arrested for selling contraband! Not only did his hope of promotion fall apart in an instant, but for Tomoya Okazaki, who has just entered society, this is a catastrophic blow...

Although this plot seems a bit depressing, the next plot is Tomoya Okazaki's happy time! Tomoya Okazaki, who went to the detention center with Nagisa Furukawa to visit his father, also brought his father the news that he was about to marry Nagisa Furukawa! Although it has been revealed in the comics that Okazaki Tomoya will face Akio's test, from the previous plot, since meeting Furukawa Nagisa in high school, Okazaki Tomoya has been working hard to improve the favorability of the Furukawa family, so there is no need to spoil the test of Uncle Akio. As a reader, Chen Ben also knows that Okazaki Tomoya will definitely pass it!

By the way, Takahashi Makoto once mentioned to Yoshida that if Okazaki Tomoya did not pass the test of Uncle Akio here, perhaps this comic... in a sense, it would be super amazing!

"Is the next route the love route? Humph! Just as I thought, it seems that Takahashi Makoto chose the second way..." Only watching the first half of this episode, but it is enough for Chen Ben to make a judgment! "Then the next plot, maybe... no, it will definitely become very interesting, right? After all, this is Takahashi Makoto's work..."

The four-eyed fox Chen Ben, who was caught in self-praise, did not notice that the content of "CLANNAD" serialized in this monthly magazine seemed to be more than any other issue...

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